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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Addressed on another topic, and many times on past ones. Short version? Have a look at Google Maps, get the sat pic, zoom in. Plenty of fields, open areas near beaches. Also IDF spokesman broadcasted messages to the population (in Arabic) designating safe zones and routes to them. This was done in previous rounds of fighting as well.
  2. Get under your bridge?
  3. When you say overseas credit card, would that apply to withdrawing from a Thai ATM?
  4. Moving the goal posts? Deflecting? You referenced Sharon 'tactics', I pointed out he pulled out the Gaza Strip.
  5. Omnivore. To paraphrase Schwarzenegger - 'If it moves, I can eat it'.
  6. Are 'hundreds of thousands' being 'wiped' in the Gaza Strip? Is there any official Israeli policy toward that? The current death toll in Gaza is just about on par with the results of the Hamas attack.
  7. I did not lie. You are trolling. Again. That's all you've got.
  8. Did Biden lie? Did you see any actual 'genocide'? (the real stuff, not your hyperbole version)
  9. Called you out on misinformation, deflection and all kind of nonsense numerous times on this topic. You wish to pretend otherwise? Deflect some more?
  10. Keep pretending. Keep ignoring. Or read the topic. Your choice.
  11. Yawn. Called out for hyperbole, goes for a deflection.
  12. Sharon was the Israeli Prime Minister when Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip.
  13. Hamas renounced the Oslo Accords. Many elements of the Israeli current government and coalition would love to dismantle it as well. I wouldn't hold out any hopes for breakthroughs on the peace front following right after this.
  14. Indeed.
  15. Much appreciated.
  16. Not quite. Only one (large) opposition party is in. And while Netanyahu & co. now hymn 'unity', their social media 'poison machine' is in full gear spinning blame away from Netanyahu, and laying it on the opposition, anti-government protestors, the Supreme Court, and even, bizzarly, one news anchor. Coalition members even found the time, during the fighting, to transfer even more funds to religious parties interest, but could not spare it for talks pertaining to the situation at hand. The divide is very much still there. As for them 'all hamas' comments, that's fodder for public consumption. Not doable anyway.
  17. Yawn.
  18. Hamas's classification as a terrorist organization is challenged every now and then. Moreover, different countries require different support for making such classifications. Also, some designate only Hamas military wing as terrorist while giving other Hamas bodies a free pass. Hence collecting such evidence is very relevant for future use. Take for example, extradition requests. Further, introducing new sanctions sometimes requires new support, that too is on the list. Guess UK authorities will sort cooperation issues with Israel without your 'informed', 'professional' input. No one said anything about 'getting in the way' and certainly not 'bumbling' other than yourself. All the rest of your deflections are again the one sided fare, with the imaginary impossible bits tossed inside. Don't recall you going on about 'proportional' with regard to Hamas attacks, or the other stuff you 'require' from Israel. As for denying Hamas atrocities - dig further, by all means. And 'value dehumanising' Palestinians? You're making things up now, or confusing my posts with other posters. No one time on this topic did I "clamor for genocide to be committed". Just your usual desperate lies.
  19. Apart from the misinformation you constantly post, yes.
  20. Sounds like hyperbole.
  21. Was discussed and explained on parallel topics, your choice to ignore information and facts. There are two countries bordering the Gaza Strip, Israel and Egypt. Israel does not control the Egyptian border pass. The Egyptians normally maintain a tight blockade of their own, and limit the passage of Palestinian and goods. Their side of the border was closed shortly after Israeli retaliation began. Take it up with them. They have their own good reasons for doing so. The IDF broadcasted on numerous venues, in Arabic, directions for evacuations and safe zones. That's more than many other armies do under such circumstances. The death toll in the Gaza Strip has just reached the casualty figures from the Hamas attack. That' in five days vs. a single one. If Israel truly wished to 'wipe them all' things would have been very very different.
  22. I understand the dilemma, was referring more as to how far those the US responsibility for citizens go, in case of such warnings. Maybe legally not obliged to do anything, bur morally and from a PR point of view, it's different. On the contrary, because there are not that many foreigners or dual citizenship holders in the Gaza Strip, such information is usually out pretty quick. You can bet that the Hamas facilitates such reports, for the extra cookie points they imply on the PR front.
  23. There was no Palestinian 'country'. Ever. You're conflating, intentionally or otherwise, labels and names referring to an area, or at best a part of an empire. If that's the level of fact you base your arguments upon, probably useless to discuss things in depth. Similarly, there is no USD 24 Billion yearly contribution, as you post. There is an annual USD 3 Billion aid package, which can be used to buy American arms etc from USA firms. As for UN resolutions, some could point out that while Israel's sins might be great indeed, perhaps they do not quite merit the sheer amount of resolution applied - considering all them others wrongs around the planet.
  24. I think that the USA advises it's citizens not to enter the Gaza Strip to begin with. And that it's been a standing warning for years now.
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