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Everything posted by Morch

  1. That sounds very threatening. Until one recalls that his 2008 election campaign slogan was about dismantling the Hamas. Or more recently, the PM who facilitated Qatari money transfers and payment to the Hamas.
  2. Leaders are rarely 'young men'.
  3. Biden says he’s seen ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ in Israel https://nypost.com/2023/10/11/biden-ive-seen-pictures-of-terrorists-beheading-children-in-israel/
  4. Surely how? Do you think that in this minute Israel knows exactly who murdered which child? Plus his exact whereabouts? No, you don't. Was there anything said about Israeli bombing specifically targeting specific Hamas people directly involved with killing children and babies? No, there wasn't.
  5. (a) supporting evidence for classing Hamas as a terrorist organization, grounds for future sanctions and so on. (b) data on identifiable murderers and participants, in case they surface up at a later time. Guess you'd rather go for the nothing-to-see-here-move-along? Or are you still in damage-control mode? Denying this happened?
  6. No, that happened. Propaganda, on the other hand, is what you post.
  7. More deflections. Let's try again: Do you think that the Hamas anticipated the harsh Israeli response - with the expected destruction and death? The Gazan civilian casualties?
  8. It's of consequence in two scenarios: (a) years later one of the murderers surfaces and tries to get a UK or EU visa etc. (b) supporting evidence when classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization, or wishing to apply sanctions.
  9. There's a Palestinian polling research center. Been on for years. Referenced quite often on most media channels and outlets when related issues come up. I'm not sure about currently, didn't check, but on previous fighting rounds they managed to get results rather quickly. Deflect away.
  10. Said the poster constantly 'broadcasting' Aljazeera as gospel.
  11. Over 20 US citizens were killed, last I checked. Enough grounds to 'stick their noses'.
  12. Yeah, because right now Thai people would be real pissed at the for what they did to them poor Thai workers....oh, wait.
  13. So far the casualty toll is about the same on both sides. Israel took 5 days to reach the Hamas's one day record, though.
  14. Demonstrates how easily things can escalate due to mistakes.
  15. So? Can harass him anyway, if it's such a winning diplomatic strategy as you 'knowingly' suggest. The fact is neither Ambassador can do squat about things, nor do they have much political clout at their respective countries. It's not even entirely up to their respective governments.
  16. There is no 'us'. You speak for no one. If you're such a badass, go and join the troops. Again, not even the extreme elements in Netanyahu's government spew this kind of talk.
  17. Hamas casualty figures are routinely inflated.
  18. Well, it was also the end of (Jewish) holiday season in Israel (at least partly accounting for the date of the attack). In my experience, quite common for diplomatic staff anywhere to have 'double vacations' - as in both the host country dates, as well as their home country's holidays. Weekends and such would have a skeleton crew at best, regardless.
  19. Various reports assess the attack was planned long ago - months, a year, maybe longer. Same goes for training. The funds you're on about would have been irrelevant. Either way, it would not have cost anywhere near that sum. If to be extravagant $20-25 million, probably much less. Peanuts for Iran on a slow day, manageable for Hamas without foreign aid, even.
  20. Nonsense. No one of consequence in Israel, not even the far right members of the already right wing government offers that.
  21. Families will get a large (by Thai standards for sure) compensation pack from Israel. At least that's how it went in past instances. Not that it will bring their loved ones back.
  22. Egypt made it clear it has no interest or intention to do that. And as with any outside control, it would be resented by the Palestinians.
  23. The PA is seen as corrupt and ineffective. Abbas older than Biden.
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