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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Can it not be because the person doing this is daft? Or a zealot? Or hyper invested in some ideology? Or is plain mental?
  2. There are several possible routes. El Al (the Israeli carrier) flies to Thailand regularly - and they do not enter any of these countries' air space. Flight is longer, though. Maybe an issue if they insist on c-130?
  3. All this talk about how many babies were killed, and how. Was it exactly 40? Where all of their heads chopped off? Maybe just some? Could it not have been other body parts? Sickening. Does it effing matter that much? Reminded of something out of a Stephen King novel (maybe The Talisman or Black House, maybe one of the Dark Tower ones), sort of goes like this: 'What's worse than ten children hanging from a tree? One child hanging on ten trees". I've been on this forum for many years. Participated in numerous topics, discussions, debates. This is definitely one of the lowest points I can recall.
  4. Israel does not 'encroach' on any Hamas controlled territory (ie the Gaza Strip). The Gaza Strip was not always under blockade - this gradually became a thing due to Hamas actions and agenda. Each time the blockade is eased, or even with each reconstruction period post-fighting, Hamas finds ways to restock it's rocket storage, dig more tunnels (but not bomb shelters for the general populace). They had a chance for a fresh start when Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip. They squandered it.
  5. What did Hamas react to, this time? The attack was planned well beforehand - months or even years in the making.
  6. Journalist Who First Reported Israeli Child Beheadings Says She Saw Atrocities ‘With My Own Eyes’ (Video) https://www.thewrap.com/journalist-reporter-israeli-child-beheadings-decapitated-babies-witness-video/ Babies and toddlers were found with “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Netanyahu spokesperson says https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-10-11-23/h_a63b0fd57f2df717147ea8e26a2f758c
  7. They get paid about 50k a month, a ticket is at least 30k, and probably more now with demand rising. The Thai Government could easily subsidize it, grant it, or whatever. Shouldn't be a huge issue diverting a couple of Thai airways planes for a few back and forth runs.
  8. You, perhaps. In Israel and elsewhere abroad his credibility is rather low. What he's good at, like Trump, is talking to his base, lying on the spot, and backtracking without batting an eyelid. Dig deeper into comments about his time in the military and you'll find he probably only got to that unit on account of his brother. While there he was not quite one of the brightest stars, either. If military experience is the criteria, the current opposition got much better on offer. Many on Netanyahu's current coalition did not even serve in the IDF, or did so in meaningless posts.
  9. I think throwing the toys out of the pram comes a bit later. Wait for it.
  10. Thanks, you put it better than I did. That's what I meant.
  11. Not a deflection. It's a comparison of impact. Relative to population size, the Hamas attack was far more devastating as far as death toll goes. Serves to understand the level and intensity of the retaliation, and comments made.
  12. Seriously? Netanyahu was labeled as a 'liar and son of liar' by his main coalition partner. World leaders shared this opinion as well. Just to put things in context, his 2008 elections slogan promise was to dismantle Hamas rule in Gaza. What he later did was facilitate transfer of Qatari funds to Hamas in order to keep it pacified.
  13. 9/11 - 3000 casualties, total population 285 million. Hamas attack - 1300 casualties, total population 9.7 million.
  14. Sure. But you'll have to concede that taking '60 years' to carry out a genocide is not very effective. Especially considering how Palestinian population figures keep rising. Same goes for the territory - a bit of snail pace if your opinion if to be taken seriously. Had Israel truly wished it, it could have carpet bombed the Palestinians to oblivion years ago. Didn't happen. Not going to happen now.
  15. Palestinians were killing Israelis long before Hamas ever existed too. In fact, they killed Jews (before Israel's founding) a long time before that, even.
  16. Whereas the wise leaders of the Palestinians.....oh, wait.
  17. Not to break your turn-the-other-cheek bubble or anything, but I recall maybe a few cases of Christians mass killing other Christians? Wars being waged between opposing Christian believers? 'Heretics' burned at the stake etc.? The crusades? Conspicuously missing from your list is one other, large monotheistic religion....
  18. Nah, that's not what the topic is about, more like you trying to hijack it.
  19. The tunnels go all the way to Iran?
  20. Egypt got a long standing peace agreement with Israel. So it that neighbor your forgot, Jordan. Lebanon could destroy anything much, Hezbollah is not all of Lebanon anyway.
  21. Is the 'mow the lawn' phrase commonly used in Israeli policy? Or is a phrase taken from the linked Op-ED appearing on the article you referenced?
  22. He's not quite done yet.... Trump: Hezbollah ‘very smart,’ Defense Minister Gallant is a ‘jerk’ https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/trump-hezbollah-very-smart-defense-minister-gallant-is-a-jerk/
  23. Thank you. That the whole thing is unorganized, not well thought out and badly communicated is no guarantee they won't go forward with it. A few months of chaos, then some back-tracking, face-saving 'solution' stuck half way - with the whole thing not scrapped, but not applied/enforced. Some of the visa related changes worked out like that.
  24. Generally, yes. However, this guy is Israeli, and say what you will of them - their Embassies often go the extra mile (and then some) helping out with many such issues. If he doesn't have the funds, they'll almost certainly sort him somehow, either directly or connect him with others who would. If he was just vandalizing I'd say throw him in a cell, but if mental issues involved easier all around to send him home and let his country deal with it.
  25. Not the same as your hyperbole ISIS claim.
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