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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Trump didn't do a thing when American bases were attacked and soldiers hurt. Trump didn't do a thing when the Iranians shot down that fancy, state of the art, expensive mega-drone. Trump talks a lot, and presents a tough image - but at the end of the day, Iran is closer to a nuclear weapon, and it's proxy strategy is working well.
  2. @ozimoron No, the intention was not to 'destabilize' the region, that's just you saying things. It had little to do with some 'regional' level plans, at least on Israel's part. Qatar is a different story - but again, nothing to do with 'destabilizing'.
  3. Earlier you said it did happen. In the above post it's 'were it to happen'. Plenty of places, and yet you keep coming back here. Hmmm.
  4. I don't think such a list exists. Maybe one of 'unapproved' ones, though. With regard to AJ, there was an in-topic comment by Admin/Moderator.
  5. @billd766 Well, you're into a bit of sanctimonious preaching on certain topics yourself....
  6. Never actually saw many doing this. Asking/begging from other foreigners (mostly other backpackers) yes. As for the woman in the OP - I doubt she doesn't have money for a meal, but could have had her money stolen, her credit card lost or whatever. No need to assume the worse.
  7. If Hamas was to label them as such, it would be wide open to more legal issues. There are rules about treating prisoners of war..... I agree that their status is not the same as the civilian hostages.
  8. @Danny Australia That's not much on topic - unless you were trying to demonstrate how lies and hate feature in the Palestinian narrative (which you embrace). Linking AJ is another fine example of the same - it's not really a balanced source when referring to these issues. Also, I believe it was 'outlawed' on these discussion a while back. You guys calling stuff 'war crime' doesn't make it so. Your legal 'expertise' is a fantasy. Get over yourselves. As for your bogus example - these were three terrorists. Not civilians. And no civilians were hurt. Terrorist State is just a flame attempt from a Hamas fanboy, again, not a label used by any relevant government. Sure, the killing got nothing to do with the fact that these three were terrorists. According to your logic, peace would prevail had they been left alone and allowed to carry out some attack.
  9. It's interesting to note that the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters on here cannot come to terms with the fact that many governments (probably including their own) consider the evidence presented with regard to UNRWA as reliable, and worrying. Instead of addressing this, they go on about anything but - repeated outdated claims about the Dirty Dozen (apparently many more than), efforts to discredit the evidence (which they have no access to, but relevant governments do), a whole lot of Israel Bad comments (which regardless of being right or wrong are not what this is about), and a truckload of off topic ramblings about anything whatsoever related to the conflict and it's history (deflections the lot of it). I think if they could, they'd put news on 'ignore', and maybe them governments as well. Always easier to deal with things from a cozy echo-chamber.
  10. @ozimoron That's not a 'fact' but an exaggeration. Also, it's an arbitrary time frame.
  11. @Brickleberry The rhetoric you push now is more extreme than what the positions of the PA. The lines discussed are the 1967 lines (that is pre-war). There are no 1948 lines as such - there's the 1947 Partition Plan lines, and the 1949 ceasefire lines (which are pretty much the same as the 1967 lines mentioned above). The main difference as far as the Israeli-Palestinian goes is Jerusalem. And no, there are no actual plans that involve moving Israelis out of their homes (other than in the West Bank), and giving it to Palestinians - regardless of anything. That's not a position held by the PA, for example. If you want to make sure that there will be no agreement, push this some more. Palestinians who became refugees in 1967 are another matter - they are mostly from the West Bank and East Jerusalem, some from the Gaza Strip. Since these areas are not considered part of Israel, but of the future Palestinian State, resettling them there should not be a problem. All of this is basics.
  12. @Brickleberry No, not many of the original owners would be alive. Do the math. Also, not all of them (putting it mildly) are either the legal owners or can prove that they are. More knowledge about Palestinian society back then would make this clearer. Same goes, by the way, for ownership of land - a whole lot of what's claimed to be Palestinian land was not owned by locals, but by foreign (as in Arab) landowners. Israeli citizens got an Israeli citizenship, and a country. Why would they have to go anywhere? That's just attempt at false equivalence, and a lame one, at that. As per your last line, Hamas does not agree with you.
  13. Oh, that's the dog's job. Three years now, and none lingered. She's old, fat and a cutey, but her vicious monster side gets out when she sees one.
  14. They haven't been back, and I haven't even seen them on walks with the dog. Maybe it was a one-off. There's a new invader, though, a white cat (nor Persian, but nice looking). Dog is having a ball chasing it around, good exercise.
  15. @Brickleberry I know your disgusting posts are BS, and that they have been debunked already many times.
  16. @Brickleberry Evidence was produced. Testimonies were heard. And you do not have any issues blaming Israel and Israelis for things regardless of legal proof being available or not.
  17. @Brickleberry No, that would be you misrepresenting things. Even the link you provided indicates this. The catalyst being the Partition Plan, Israeli independence - not necessarily what followed (which sure contributed, but it's not the only or main thing, as you paint). The 1947 Partition Plan was agreed upon. There was a UN vote. It passed. You trying to paint things otherwise, discredit it and so on, just goes to show that your issues are with Israel's existence. Israel is not illegitimate, other than in your propaganda addled mind. Your own government probably disagrees with you. You account of history, biased as it , and again fully adopting the Palestinian narrative is both off topic and incorrect - both on the factual level, and the assumptions you inject into it. And no, there as no consistent attempt at peaceful resistance as far as the Palestinians are concerned. That's a total lie. The March of Return was not peaceful, and it was a recent episode. You have no idea what you're talking about - this was addressed in detail on a previous post. Your vile comments about no evidence regarding rapes during the Hamas attack shows who you are and what you are.
  18. Jordan, despite having a strong Palestinian majority (~70%) is not considered Palestine, or a future Palestinian State. There is no international resolution to that effect, there is no support for such a notion. Palestine, as commonly referenced in diplomatic circles (and elsewhere is the West Bank and the Gaza Strip).
  19. @Brickleberry It was the Palestinians' choice, for decades, to reject independence. You gloss over that on almost all of your posts. Same way you ignore the Hamas agenda, Charter. For you, there's only one relevant side - Israel. As if the Palestinians do not play a role in any of this. Not a factual narrative, nor an honest one. Your ongoing whining completely embracing the Palestinian narrative is ridiculous, all the more so considering previous claims to 'balance'. Evidence regarding incitement etc. was presented more than once in the past, and was accepted as legit by the same donor countries who are now withholding monies from UNRWA. Again, you cannot deal with that, so you make up some nonsense deflection stories about Israel. There is no proof, says you. Reality presents a different story. Same way you claimed that there is no proof regarding allegations vs. UNRWA. You simply don't learn. Or more likely, don't care. Your last bit of nonsense is so out there, I doubt you really had a clear idea in mind regarding what you tried to claim.
  20. @Brickleberry Still beating the Dirty Dozen drum? Get the latest. It's been linked and posted already, figures seem to be much higher, more countries are withholding donations. You can try to minimize things all you like. You can ignore the fact that multiple governments consider the evidence reliable. The NHS is not supported by international donations. Same goes for the police. You can direct you complaints about news coverage on this forum to the powers that be, it got nothing to do with posters. No one prevents you from linking such stories as you wish to discuss, by the way. There is no 'genocide' either than in your one-sided propaganda posts. Israel is not a 'pariah state', other than in your mind. I doubt your own government severed ties, placed sanctions or does anything different with regard to Israel. You making claims about Israel's reliability is a lough, considering the amount of lies, untruths and inaccuracies your posts contain. And, this has nothing to do with what 'we' (you do not speak for any 'we') - it's about multiple government actually seeing the evidence (which you have not) and finding it reliable. You cannot handle this, so you ignore it, waffle and rant instead.
  21. Never mind that the topic got nothing to do with it at all.....It's just a diversion another posted started.
  22. You can play cheerleader for the guy all you like. On topics I'm well versed in, a whole lot of what he writes is either nonsense, conspiracy theory, or stuff he clearly misunderstands/misrepresents. To say that he does not have any agendas would be....interesting, considering he pushes them on every possible opportunity. You could say that you agree with him on these things - that would not be much of a surprise - but that, by itself, doesn't improve the quality of what he's offering. When it comes to issues ME, he's as dodgy as they come. And no, he includes a whole lot of 'facts', as opposed to facts. A whole lot of stuff that relies on biased interpretation, or reliance of 'facts' sourced from less than credible sources. I don't see him as 'courageous' so much as an attention seeker, someone who needs to be 'special'. I do get the appeal, for some.
  23. I really have no interest in what made you become a Hamas fanboy and a terrorist supporter. Your comment, which I replied to was not about Israel, or the Israeli government. It was about Jews. about 'what Jews do'. You're an antisemite terrorist lover. As such, what you have to say means less than a fart in the wind.
  24. I do not need to look at the link. These sort of things were posted here numerous times by posters such as you. Trolls, for the most part. I have not idea what you're on about with your ramblings about Racism, white and so on. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is just some lame deflection that you may think is original, but one which was actually done to death on this forum. There is no 'dual meaning' other than in your nonsense posts and mind.
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