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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @Brickleberry Other than yourself and Hamas, no one refers to Palestinian held by Israel as hostages. And the last hostage exchange was broken by Hamas (you're welcome to try that false version tried earlier). Apparently, you're at home with the concept of Hamas taking hostages....not surprising, considering the rest of your comments.
  2. @Brickleberry I stated a fact. You keep ignoring it. Are you on medication, perhaps?
  3. @Brickleberry Do you understand that a tunnel could be anything from single person width to a few meters width? Most aren't huge caverns. I don't know what's worse - that you get it and still post what you posted, or that you actually don't.
  4. @Brickleberry I suggest that you read your post again.
  5. @Brickleberry You ignore facts. It is a fact that there were no IDF troops in the Gaza Strip (or bombings) on 6/10. I am part of the problem? Coming from a terrorist sympathizer, rape-denier, that's interesting.
  6. @Brickleberry Your one-sided 'historical' narrative is a joke. As if bad things were done by one side only. As if only one side suffered. All you have on offer are such over the top rants. Them 'Palestinian lands' were effectively occupied (and annexed) by Egypt and Jordan from 1949 to 1967. Not much 'resistance', no 'freedom fighters'. Glossing over that part again. They could have gone for peace at any time before the illegal settlement effort got to where it is today. They did not. Choices. Consequences. Things which you seem to think the Palestinians are exempt from being accountable for. And you're mistaken on another score. The lines talked about are not the Partition Plan lines. They are the 1949 ceasefire lines, otherwise known as the 1967 lines (as per before the 1967 war) - with certain amendments. And, of course, Hamas is not into it, the PA cannot deliver, and somehow think that you should recheck the list of Arab states into it, again.
  7. @Brickleberry There were at least two topics dedicated to such evidence on this sub-forum. There are plenty of testimonies. You are so deep in denial, so deep in defending Hamas you'll say anything. Anything. I knew one of them women. You are scum. A low life.
  8. @Brickleberry There's no obligation to side with any leadership, or side. It's a choice. Not an either/or thing. I have addressed what's wrong with your post. Read it. Or keep deflecting. Another choice.
  9. @Brickleberry It's the same story published among several outlets. There is no actual quote included, no clear reference to what was said.
  10. @Brickleberry You can deflect all you like, but there weren't IDF troops in the Gaza Strip (or bombings) on 6/10.
  11. @Brickleberry Doesn't actually say quite that on the link provided.
  12. @Brickleberry Hamas did not offer peace. Hamas's agenda (as appearing in their Charter) is about a Palestinian State replacing Israel. The Palestinians (assuming you mean the PA) cannot deliver (see the first line) and not all members of the Arab League are on board either (never mind other players like Iran). Mind, both the PA and them Arab countries took decades to come to that positions - something you gloss over again and agian. It is not 'difficult' in your imagination, perhaps- but then you possibly believe the rest of the nonsense in your post as well.
  13. @Brickleberry You tried that one before, and was corrected. Let's do it again. Hamas does not translate into anything, it's a popularized version of an acronym. The official name translation from Arabic would be Islamic Resistance Movement. I get it that you don't want to mention the Islamic part, but that's no reason to make up things. As for them being about 'freedom' - sure, because they demonstrated exactly that through their rule of the Gaza Strip. Or not so much, eh? Was Nelson Mandela into murdering kids and raping women? Spin it how you like, you're siding with the worst regimes on this score. And Hamas, of course.
  14. The topic we're on is: Israeli Soldier Videos from Gaza Raise International Law Concerns. I think it can be discussed without rehashing the entire history of the conflict. Same goes for many of the more specific topics on hand. There are wider topics, where such references are more fitting. Regardless, one of the constant reminders from staff here is to refrain from such history lessons. More often then not, such 'discussions' turn into arguments about details, with posters entrenched in respective narratives. Maybe if this was a different kind of website, there would be more room for that, as it stands....pffft. The 'for the record' is waffle.
  15. @Brickleberry Sure. Because that's how countries react to major terrorist attacks. They stop and embrace the terrorists narrative, appease them, and then commit national suicide. Calling Hamas 'freedom fighters' is a choice. That's usually a label held up by such countries as Russia, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, North Korea etc. Western countries tend designate them as terrorists. You choose to go with the former. Interesting.
  16. Israeli intelligence was caught with pants down on 7/10. Obviously, not as top notch as thought. If Israel had that kind of intelligence, it would have been acted upon. Oh, so you think this is just about the commanders? All the rapists and murderers who participated get a free pass? How about all them mobs of Gazans who joined in later on? And yes, I'm aware that you're a Hamas fanboy, a terrorist supporter. Thanks for making it clear again - just for the next time someone will claim that 'no one...' You made a bogus proposition, you cannot support it.
  17. Admitting? Finally? You should really give it a rest. I never denied such things. The positions you attribute to me are products of your imagination. In the past, Israel was not big on investigating such allegations and cases. That's true. Not that there weren't investigations - but not every time, and not with (generally) concrete results. But two elements change that - one is the advent of social media (allowing 'bad' soldiers to share stuff, and critics to find it), and the current international legal situation (both with regard to the ICJ, and BIden's latest move). So I think there are chances we may see more 'action' or actual consequences. On 7/10 and I started receiving clips from two Gazans I was in touch with (not friends, not colleagues). The stuff on display was way out there relative to anything shown with regard to IDF soldiers acting badly. You can go on and say terrorists vs. army. But still. Some proportions are in order. Take the OP, for example. One of them, by the way, was one of them freelance photographers working for several Western media outlets. He was on the list of those whom such agencies cut ties with right after that. And was bombed to oblivion on the 9th or 10th. May he rot in hell.
  18. A whole lot of them would have joined anyway.
  19. Whereas Hamas's actions (like holding on to the hostages) generate goodwill among Israelis? Also, do you think all Gazans will blindly follow Hamas after that?
  20. No IDF troops in the Gaza Strip on 6/10.
  21. Hamas are 'freedom fighters' now? Earlier you said terrorists.
  22. You opine on Israeli and Palestinian points of view. I kinda doubt you know many. Or spend much time there. The Middle East, even.
  23. Any realistic suggestion on how to bring thousands of terrorists holding hostages and holed up among civilians to justice?
  24. @retarius So...you don't like Israel much?
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