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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I still wait for you to actually read comments instead of making up stuff. Also, as far as my memory goes, alleging posters are paid to post is not an accepted thing on this forum. Of course, things might have changed, or some posters may be exempt from censure for making such allegations.
  2. It's not about 'going on'. It's about quantity and quality. Your sort do the one-liner Hamas Bad thing to get it out of the way, then a whole post about how Israel is the worst thing ever, or 'the same' (but pouring more words into it). Similarly, the rhetoric used is often different. More heated when it comes to criticism of Israel, more subdued when it relates to Hamas. So no, not buying into it much. Most do not argue that the death toll isn't high. Or that a whole lot of the casualties are innocents. But then again - what do you think Israel should have done differently? How was Israel to address things after the 7/10 attack? And also, where is Hamas's responsibility in this? These people are their people, under their rule - not accountability demanded? Creating another Hamas? Like the original Hamas was about to disappear or something? This isn't about winning hearts and minds.
  3. Nah, you're pretty much anti-USA, or even anti-West across the board. Wouldn't know where 'Murica' is. It did happen before Trump, he took it to a new level, normalized it.
  4. You're anti-USA. You're pro-Putin. If you need to ask who Putin bullied then you're either not paying attention or beyond redemption - a full range of choice between domestic targets and neighboring ones. Never mind dissidents abroad. I'm not the one ignoring Russia's previous life as the USSR, you are. Using demeaning names does not hurt my feelings, it lowers the quality of discussion (which ain't much to speak of as it is). And the name calling thing, which indeed spread to the ranks of the other side as well, is a product of Trump making it commonplace. Some are into it, some aren't. I'm not. Up to you. Forum rules about that are what they are, regardless if enforced or not.
  5. @Brickleberry Some maps do, some maps don't. What an odd statement. The ones you posted are obviously misleading, as addressed above. It doesn't matter what it was called, it wasn't 'Palestine' in the sense of a Palestinian State. An 'honest' map would have made that clear by using a different color scheme. The Arabs (not Palestinians yet, back then) rejected the UN resolution. You want to argue against the UN resolution? Go ahead, it would also imply no basis for a Palestinian State, though. Can't have it both ways. I am not 'misrepresenting' anything. The map keeps using the same color for 'Palestine' in order to create the impression that there was such a state, or an area controlled by Palestinians. This was not so. No, Palestinians do not have complete control over their lands. But what control they have now is the most they ever had. That's a fact. You have nothing to say on topic. You just offer one-sided anti-Israeli rants and Palestinian propaganda talking points. Useless.
  6. @Brickleberry A long time ago, in a country far far away, the city started extension works on the metro with some of that directly under the building where I was renting (and surrounding buildings). Fifth floor, on a rocky hill foundation, and tunneling going way deeper than 18 meters. Buildings would sometimes shake, cracks, power cuts and what have you. Try harder.
  7. @Brickleberry You talk about 'logic'? Tunnels measuring kilometers in length does not imply that they occupy the same area as kilometers squared. Go back to school. And no, nothing would 'win you over'. I seriously doubt you won't come up with some other daft excuse for Hamas. It's not 'just a tunnel', it's a major center. A whole lot of electricity needed, too. Talk about 'controlling the narrative' from someone who constantly tries to hijack topics is a laugh.
  8. @Brickleberry That's a Palestinian propaganda meme. It misrepresents facts. There was no Palestine in 1946. Not as a Palestinian State. And not all of the land painted green was owned by 'Palestinians'. The 1947 Partition Plan map glosses over the fact that the 'Palestinians' rejected it. Same goes for the 1967 map - The 'Palestinian' land depicted was actually controlled by Egypt and Jordan (the latter annexing the West Bank, even). Palestinians were not into talking peace or a two-state solution back then. There was no 'Palestine' then either. The 'Now' map actually shows the opposite of what's intended. It's the first instance in which Palestinian have a measure of control over their lands. This bogus meme was posted, discussed and taken down numerous times over my years on this forum. You either have no idea what you're talking about, or you do - and push lies anyway.
  9. I don't really care when you became a Putin fan, Putin fan. You like dictators, or wannabe ones. You're alright with Putin bullying countries, starting wars and killings. And you're anti-USA. Most of that implied in my original post to you. And yes, calling people by stupid names is childish, and against forum rules. It's more of a Trump thing.
  10. It's a meme, in the sense that such comments were made numerous times in the past.
  11. What is wrong with you? Unsatisfactory, as in not providing a good enough or full solution to the issue of all them refugees being in what's about to become a battle zone, and how to move them elsewhere, out of harm's way. The options discussed address this only partially. I doubt you did not get that, you're simply badgering now, for no good reason. As for your second comment - the Egyptian forces are on the other side of the border (as in on Egyptian soil). Not really sure how you imagine things to go down, but a 'confrontation' (assuming there would be such) is more likely to happen earlier (if/when Israel tries to move forces to control the route). I don't quite see Israeli troops lined along the borders while hosts of refugees trying to pass through. The issue or resettling Gazans in Sinai is off the table - Egypt firmly objected, so did the USA. Notice there's very little talk about it since. Given how things stand between the Biden administration and the Israeli government, it's a non-starter. It's a good thing that you make nonsense comments which are easy to counter - I did address your words, because that's what we do on these so-called 'discussions', by extension, though my comment applies to critique on offer by countries and governments as well. Not sure what you're on about with your last comment, but then you're all over the place anyway.
  12. @Brickleberry More Israel Bad rants. More bogus one-sided history lessons. More nothing on offer regarding the OP.
  13. @Brickleberry I don't have much expectations from you, by now. Staying on topic doesn't seem to be too hard, though. And, obviously, this is not about the entire conflict, or even solely about Israel. Go on justifying Hamas actions. Then whine when Hamas and the Palestinians get punched in the face. Read the headlines, read the OP. You're not on topic. Not complicated.
  14. Because Egypt 'taking stronger measures' or saying it would is pretty much a meme, in this context.
  15. I think you're intent on seeing things a certain way.
  16. You're entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that you're deflecting. And as said, I think my comment holds regardless. Most of the focus is on Israel's actions, strategy and so on - relatively little said about Hamas' choices and strategy, how they contributed to this situation, or how they effect Israel's options.
  17. Unsatisfactory, as in not providing full or good enough solutions. Not too complicated. Not quite what you presented it as. What you posted got little bearing on my comment - not all statements accurately reflect concrete issues, many are warnings, broadcasts of positions, and so on. Take for example the notion that Israel wishes to control the Philadelphi Corridor as a means to push Gazans into Sinai. Israel would not need to 'control' this in order to make it happen. It's a bogus idea. The issue with that is more about Egyptian sovereignty regarding the border, and the peace agreement details between the countries. The refugee bit is a relatively new addition to this complaint, I think. The issue of settling Palestinians in Sinai has been laid to rest. Won't happen. Even accepting claims regarding Egypt's 'fears' at face value, that's not a thing. You criticize Israeli strategy and actions as if they are taking place in a vacuum, and have nothing to do with Hamas's strategy, choices, and actions. Not a straw man, and no false comments. Try harder. Indeed, I do not see how Israel could deny their return (if such was on the cards, even - so far this is just talk).
  18. @sirineou Unfortunately, some posters are invested in Jews-control-America antisemitic conspiracy theories. Wouldn't occur to you that the ones pushing for this are manufacturers, governors and representatives of states where plants are at? Relevant unions? Nah, let's go for the conspiracy theory.
  19. @Brickleberry By your logic, if the word 'video' is included, one could go on about video software editing as well. Lame deflection. You do not address the OP, but rather offer a standard issue one-sided Israel Bad rant. Same hijacking attempts on pretty much all related topics you're commenting on.
  20. Why is it so difficult for some people to acknowledge that what was said wasn't condoning the actions described in the OP. The point made was about the level of criticism, the amount of, and the one-sided nature of it. Your same same argument is weak, ignores the point made, and even the immediate context.
  21. @Brickleberry Anything on topic? Or just the usual Israel Bad stuff? Noticeably, no expectations of the Palestinians, whatsoever.
  22. @Brickleberry So basically, you're calling for others to return to the topic, then go right ahead and spew off-topic commentary. And justifying Hamas at the same time. Great.
  23. @Brickleberry The poster in question has a history of making openly antisemitic comments. Up and including an assertion that Judaism is a 'murderous religion'.
  24. @Brickleberry More deflections. Watch the evidence. It's not a simple tunnel. It's a major effort. Maybe UNRWA's upper echelons weren't aware, did not know. Lower rungs? You got to be kidding.
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