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Everything posted by Morch

  1. More conspiracy theory stuff.
  2. Fool me once, etc.
  3. That's factually incorrect. Not INHO. Reality.
  4. Not aware of RT used as source for stories on here. What you 'consider' is not very interesting. RT IS propaganda. Things don't have to be totally 'false' in order for them to be propaganda, it doesn't work this way. IMO, adding IMHO to a post is not a carte blanche. But do go on about 'ignorant', by all means....
  5. So actually, you're not really all that interested in Azhar Ali, but want to make a general 'point' that's not much to do with his comments? Also, wasn't aware we could open topics again on this sub-forum. Must be a new thing.
  6. @thaibeachlovers So, details and facts are not important if they go against the one-sided propaganda narrative you push. Glad you cleared that up. Wouldn't want anyone suspecting your posts are anything like balanced, well-reasoned, or anything.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Some hostages (not 'prisoners') were treated ok, many weren't. Another Hamas whitewashing effort by one of their supporters on here. Hamas could release the hostages, or not place the civilian population in harm's way, but apparently for you there's only one accountable party (or two, if you include 'the West').
  8. I did not 'ask'. I was referring to remarks appearing at the end of the post I was replying to. Not too complicated, really.
  9. oops....trying to sneak in an RT link. Again.
  10. Maybe the headline ought to be: Hamas commander reportedly moonlights as Al Jazeera journalist claims IDF.
  11. Maybe these governments do not fully share your terrorist appeasement and support stance. And, of course, not all the voters world wide share your warped views either.
  12. @thaibeachlovers What you're 'sure' of, or claim to be, is of little importance or weight. Negative wide brush comments about Israelis, pulled out of your rear end, and at a disconnect with reality. If Israel was out to kill Palestinian civilians there would be far more casualties, no warnings, no time to evacuate on offer. Considering you just hyped how strong the Israeli military was, your current nonsense seems to suggest they are incompetent.... And, of course, lets not forget the care for civilian Israeli lives exhibited by Palestinians on 7/10.
  13. @thaibeachlovers You've tried that 'few thousand lightly armed fighters' minimizing bit in the past. More like tens of thousands - with anti-tank missiles, rockets that reach far within Israel, drones, a nice set of tunnels to hide in, over a hundred hostages, and let's not forget 7/10.... As for your closing remark, thanks for doing the obvious antisemitic act again - people need to be reminded of what you are.
  14. Hamas could release the hostages, and then.....
  15. @Neeranam Other than in your trolling posts, I did not support either. Surprised you didn't toss in 'Islamophobia' to complete the set of bogus allegation you toss about whenever you've nothing to contribute.
  16. What do the Palestinians need to do in order for that to be possible?
  17. Surprised that not everyone is into terrorist appeasement as you are? The anti-Israel protests are actually less than what they were a couple of months plus back. That's normal too - such 'causes' often lose some traction with time, and other issues come up and compete for limited public attention span. I think you're building up too much expectations regarding the Dutch thing, but then again - a win win for you - as you could always whine and 'lament' about things not going you way, regardless.
  18. Seems like you're back to lifting stuff of the net and presenting it as your own original 'contribution'. Someone who's unaware (or pretends to be so) of basic facts could hardly come up with this list, never mind the rather obvious change in posting style. As for item #5....lame minimizing effort. Try harder.
  19. Hamas sure did escalate things on 7/10. I know that there are a lot of very angry Israelis.
  20. Oh, 'most people you know'. Sure. That's one reliable survey right there. Bet if anyone thinks differently you put them on 'ignore' or something. People who are anti-Zionists are almost by definition river-to-the-sea type people.
  21. You and @Neeranam ought to go down there and call these people Jewish Arabs. I'll get the popcorn. For general information, Jewish Israelis who's ancestry is from Arab/Muslim country generally don't like being called Jewish Arabs. Similarly, Arab citizens of Israel don't like being called Israeli Arabs. All sorts of reasons for both. That said, as far as I'm aware what you posted above is correct. the 20% referencing non-Jews.
  22. What you doubt (or rather, pretend to doubt) is immaterial. These are facts. They are no secret. They have been discussed, linked and whatnot enough times on these topics alone. I suspect your asking bogus questions for what you hope is some flame/bate value. As for the 'genocide' - regardless of how you want to spin it, it's not one of them genocides which actually threat the existence of an entire people.
  23. When I read the OP, my expectation was that the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters on here would be all of this like flies on what-did-i-just-step-on. Turns out the OP is almost ignored, and the topic goes every which way but. Interesting. As for Dutch thing - the Dutch government will appeal. And unless very much mistaken, the USA is beholden to supply withheld parts from own stocks under sales agreement (meant to address situations such as this). Regardless, if there are significant delays or the government appeal fails, then Dutch manufacturer(s) and government will find themselves the target of some heavy duty litigation by Israel's government, The USA administration and USA manufacturers. So, overall, I don't think this would have much impact by itself. As to whether it will give other groups in countries who are part of the production/supply chain such ideas, need to wait for the appeal. If it's accepted, it's a good bet that's how similar lawsuits will end.
  24. Hamas does not provide a breakdown of combatants vs. civilians. That's one area of contention. As for the total figures - traditionally, Israel's estimates are somewhat lower, and post-war UN/Aid Agencies figures are in between. Hamas also does not make it clear if it includes those who were killed on 7-8/10 within Israel borders, after and during the attack. Also, the list seems to incorporate casualties caused by Hamas (and other Palestinian terrorist organization within the Gaza Strip) misfired rockets, explosive devices going off etc.
  25. You can repeat your 'no rational person' bit - doesn't address my comment. There are people on this forum supporting Hamas, justifying actions, normalizing the agenda, minimizing or denying what Hamas did or what it's after. Same thing happens out there in the world, on a larger scale - all these people aren't 'rational'? What does that even mean? What does it imply? You can say 'rubbish' as many times as you like as well - but considering the many ignorant comments on here regarding 'war crimes' is testimony enough that public opinion and what 'war crimes' actually are is not the same. Them international laws people go on about? They were written in a way that favors modern, stronger armies. It allows for a whole lot of things, if you look at them details. For example, most of Israel's aerial attacks could probably be legit, when all details are examined. It doesn't necessarily make them moral, right, ok or whatever. It's not the same thing. On the other hand, each and every rocket Hamas launches at Israel, regardless of damage done and casualty caused is a war crime. Them oddities. I'm sure you thought you meant something by your last remarks.
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