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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @ozimoron Seems like it's not only the 'ignore' thing that wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters got issues with, but reading comprehension as well.
  2. You have faith in Hamas. Hyping the ICJ words is expected, and is aimed at covering up the fact that there was no ceasefire ordered. Israel is free (with some limitations) to go on fighting Hamas. Hamas was asked to release the hostages, which will probably not happen. As for 'pariah' - again your wishful thinking - which countries broke relations with Israel?
  3. What insults? You are trolling, and you're a low life who supports Hamas. These are facts. The ICJ went pretty much as expected, no alarms and no surprises. Read the posts discussing this, notice the absence of much stress or anguish. You're making things up, as usual. As for your Hamas friends, do you suppose they will release all the hostages now?
  4. Anyone who followed the original main topics is aware of your ongoing nonsense with 'ignoring' (or pretending to ignore) posters. Sometimes claiming this, sometimes saying otherwise. In short, nothing you say on the matter is trustworthy or even relevant. The point made was that there's a tendency on the part of wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters to block views that are not to their liking, or that they cannot address/handle. You have not, a single time, demonstrate anything that resembles 'irrational bias' on my part, and of course, I did not support thousands of innocent kids being killed - that's just you doing your usual lying and trolling effort. Posters who post antisemite views will be called out as antismeites. No mystery to it. As for 'anti-Trump supremacist' - I guess it's just one of them nonsense bits that you think mean something or will offend. Try harder, little troll.
  5. @ozimoron Answering a poll does not a militant make. As for the numbers of Hamas militants not decreasing, that you're own opinion - reports cite thousands of them killed. Of course, you may class them as civilians, given you embrace Hamas narrative anyway.
  6. @ozimoron if, indeed, your nonsense was correct - it would actually give Israel freedom to do much more. Maybe you're for that - more opportunities for you to do the fake outrage act, the preachy bits, the fiery condemnations and all the rest. Notice how it's you that announcing all Palestinians are Hamas, then jumping to claim 'wiping out Palestinians'?
  7. @ozimoron I wonder if that would hold for all them Hamas leadership comments, calling for the destruction of Israel etc. Then again, you apparently consider such things either legit or of no interest.
  8. @ozimoron The ICJ does not try and decide about war crimes. That would be the ICC. And noticeably, there was no final verdict yet, no ruling on such.
  9. @ozimoron That's you doing you usual tossing of words about. You do not decide what's 'indiscriminate', or what's a 'war crime'. You imagine you do, but you do not. The court was not really expected to throw the case out. The court did not impose any strong orders about a ceasefire etc. Get real. Also, the court said some things about Hamas - which you insist on ignoring. Tell me again how you're not a Hamas fanboy? Don't recall you having issues with proportionality when discussion were on about hostages released for Palestinian imprisoned in Israel. Seemed like you were quite at home with Israel asked to release more Palestinians than Hamas held Israel hostages.
  10. Everyone's a winner, depending on the spin. That's ok, it was expected to be something like that. The more important thing is what happens next. My guess would be nothing much on the Hamas's side, Israel maybe taking things down a notch. Both sides apparently on the way to another deal (hostages for pause) - so everyone makes for the other side to do something that could be construed as a violation and take it up from there again.
  11. @retarius It's true. You are not on the Palestinians side. Your issues are with Israel and Jews. You're just piggybacking the Palestinian thing. And here you go again with the usual ploy - some half-arsed condemnation, then 'if it's true'. Don't recall you ever doubting something negative said about Israel - nevermind making up stuff of your own. Murder implies intent. I do not think there was anything said, other than by you, about Israel targeting Palestinian babies.
  12. @sirineou This is not a final ruling, and Israel was not found 'guilty'. As to what the implications could be - this was discussed in length on several topics by now. Not so simple as you present.
  13. Devious and nefarious they are....add their crystal balls, and it's almost impossible to defeat them.
  14. @retarius Oh, another wannabe 'pro-palestinian' joins the 'ignore' circus. Too funny. Words like 'decent' or 'revolting' are meaningless when coming from an openly antisemitic poster. Considering the sheer amount of bile you posted regarding Israel and Jews, the ICJ certainly did not 'vindicate' everything you posted. Unless you missed it the ICJ also mentioned Hamas....
  15. @ozimoron That is your opinion. It is wrong. Not what relevant laws say about it. This was referenced numerous times on here.
  16. No, not clever. He seems to believe he's righteous. Like he's on a crusade, or something. "Onward, Moron soldiers...."
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