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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @ozimoron It is not a 'war crime'. And your comment is disgusting, showing you for the Hamas fanboy you are.
  2. Yeah, so...source please. And your last line is kinda meaningless so long as you post one-sided bits lifted from the net.
  3. That's Mrs. Morch's domain, and I'm not drunk enough to try and wake her up and ask...
  4. I think there's no problem, if the fittings are exactly the same. I'd be weary if there is a marked difference, though. But to make sure, just contact Mitsubishi and ask them. We went with another brand, but I recall their call center/tech service being quite informative. Reason for different models is that different countries use different products/specs/systems.
  5. I read your post. And the previous one where you try to cast doubts on this. Them attempts to whitewash Hamas. Could say a whole lot of things. Could point out to plenty of references (which were already posted numerous times on these topics). But when it comes down to it, what I think when I see your forum handle and garbage comments - 'this guy is a used butt plug'. I think that sums you up pretty well.
  6. So misogyny IS a thing...(reading some of the posts above). Well, now.... Then again, there this Elvis Costello tune:
  7. You seem to care more about the supposed PR angle than about either the hostages or the Gazans.
  8. Maybe it is in other places. It's a big country, many different communities. I'm sure other members may have different experiences, takes.
  9. Nobody claimed Israel is perfect. This has little to do with the topic at hand, though.
  10. Mrs. is a Buddhist, prays (at home) regularly at a shrine in 'her' room. Other than that, very little. No spirit house (too much trouble, and apparently if you don't maintain it, them 'ghosts'/'spirits' can invade). No alms for monks (they don't come that often anyway) because it's way too early, and their handler is annoying. No one in the village ever said anything, criticized etc. It's an 'up to you' thing. Similarly, only go to the village temple for elections, other religious business (when needed) conducted elsewhere. Never properly stopped at the village shrine either. Nobody cares.
  11. Not my opinion. Your words. You're a cheerleader for Hamas in recent posts, if there was any doubt about it earlier. What 'normal garbage' would that be? Something you made up? You seem to be ok with Hamas rejecting the offer and the carnage continues - with Gazans paying the price. Israel is not the one who broke the previous hostage release agreement. Hamas did. I get it you don't have much beyond silly comebacks, but still... How am I a 'keyboard warrior'? Did you notice many posts in which I call for more destruction? More deaths? Posts in which I celebrate atrocities? You're just doing that childish 'you too' bit without any basis. Your notion that it's all about international PR is something which you say. You do not back it up with anything, your do not 'do' context of other stuff, you're just pushing some talking point you picked up somewhere. Some of the reasons for this were actually discussed even on this forum - ignorance is a choice.
  12. You have a very foggy grasp of things. Starting from your use of 'Zionists'. The rest of the nonsense follows.
  13. You've also opined that Hamas should hold on to the hostages so long as Israel does not accept its demands. This options comes with continued fighting, and more dead Palestinians.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Oh, it's not a 'serious offer', but Hamas's offer is? Like who wouldn't trust Hamas, eh?
  15. Basically, you care about Hamas winning. You do not care about the hostages. You do not care about the Gazan civilians dying. It's about point scoring for you.
  16. @ozimoron Got to love how you pretend to have some insight as to what Palestinians want, how they feel about things, what they'd prefer.....in reality, you do not actually know anything about that. You just make up stuff to fit your agenda.
  17. You're cherry picking. There were times of relative peace, there were times of.....not: 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine Life under Ottoman rule was nothing as idyllic as you paint. You don't know much, do you?
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