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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers You do not 'agree' with what I posted, you simply hijack it to broadcast and push your own narrative. As opposed to your nonsense, Netanyahu most certainly does not feel 'invincible', but the other way around. He's politically weak, compromised and for that - cannot allow discussion of what's next, who's responsible, or anything which relates to possible political shifts in Israel. What he does is play for time, hoping for circumstances to change, and holding on to power as long as possible. I don't think that this is about assessment 'blind' support (that'd be your bias interjecting) but about political calculations - public opinion and it being an election year in the USA. Obviously, you'll dodge the Trump references, as you're a Trump supporter. Also, this comment makes your 'ignore' claims an obvious lie. So once again, more cowardice and inability to discuss things, rather than some principled position. You're a joke.
  2. As far as I'm aware, Finkelstein spent a few months in the West Bank, many years ago. Part of this or that NGO effort. Don't recall any reference of him ever setting foot in the Gaza Strip, certainly not for a prolonged period of time, but could be wrong. Claiming 'expertise' on these grounds seem flimsy, at best. Also, I don't think he's fluent in Arabic - I know for a fact Levy does not have command of the language.
  3. According to your nonsense views, Israel controlled all them rockets and arms which made their way into the Gaza Strip. Israel is also, apparently, responsible for Hamas digging up all them tunnels. Next thing you'll charge Israel with responsibility for 7/10.....
  4. I'm referencing what you post on this forum, and how people react to you on here - obviously.
  5. Do you understand that this situation is a result of Hamas actions? Agenda? That it was not always like that? I get it you try to minimize Hamas's role in thing, normalize it, make Israel the sole responsible party - but some measure of reality must prevail. You seem to believe just sources confirming your already biased views.
  6. Spin it as much as you like there is no Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip. There is nothing resembling the situation in the West Bank. What interested parties with vested interests say is neither interesting nor relevant. De-facto, Hamas is the ruler of the Gaza Strip. You want to dance around that? Go right ahead. Hamas never had any real power? How do you explain Hamas remaining in power all them years? How do you account for all them thousands of rockets? Or for that matter, them miles upon miles of tunnels dug under the Gaza Strip? No power? So what was 7/10? Try selling this nonsense to someone else. Israel does not 'control' birth records. It cannot do as it likes with them. What it does have the power to do is verify what the PA claims, and not approve certain things when they are not in line with agreements. Because, like it or not - these measures were put in place by power of agreement. That you would paint it as sinister is obvious, since you seem to disregard anything that's a security consideration on Israel's part. By the way, Gisha is yet another pro-Palestinian left-wing organization, so expecting anything balanced on their publications is a choice. You seem to get all your information from such, hence your warped views. Recently heard they are considering a change of brand, following 7/10 (Gisha means 'access' in Hebrew). Here's another tidbit - https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/by361xqs6 Your nonsense about Egypt is astounding. Egypt can choose whom it lets in, provide temporary travel document, permits and what not. You'd have to be pretty clueless not to know Egypt got it's own issues with Hamas, and not wishing a host of Palestinian refugees setting up residence in country. Most of them restrictions you cite, were not in place prior to Hamas taking over the Gaza Strip. Maybe re-think if any of it had, maybe, something to do with Hamas's agenda and actions? Only someone way out there would not describe Finkelstein as anything but extreme. You seem to fit the bill. As for Levy being 'mainstream' - no, he's not. You're just showcasing your ignorance there. His views are certainly not mainstream. Not considered 'extreme or far-left'? ON what planet? He regularly abuses Israel's left for not being left enough. Praising 'Haaretz' won't change the fact that it's been a very left-leaning publications for decades. Again - you seem to rely on a set of sources which pander to your views, them assume they are balanced, well accepted and 'mainstream'. That's not the case.
  7. @ozimoron This is just you and your over the top comments, again. Netanyahu, like most politicians, says a lot of things. Mostly stuff in the service of his political fortunes. That you read some deep, coherent, extreme ideology into it shows how little you actually know. His main focus was never the Palestinians (or for that matter, Israel), Netanyahu is about Netanyahu. As for Israel not wanting a Palestinian State - well, the Palestinians took that path long ago, and I don't recall you condemning or even criticizing them for decades lost to this rejectionist position. As for identifying Netanyahu's views with 'Israel's' - that's one of them things you regularly do. Not much into accuracy, more about the rants - that's your posting style. The usual 'war criminal' bit is, again, something you toss about - not a fact. Again, not something you routinely use when referencing Hamas leadership, and obviously, not so 'disgusted' by the use of 'river-to-the-sea' when applied by Palestinians and their supporters.
  8. If 'lost generation' refers to the death toll, then yes. Otherwise, it's not as if there were that many great options, avenues for bettering oneself, freedom of expression and so on under Hamas rule.
  9. Both are fringe, extreme left, anti-Zionists. Why would you imagine that their views are not biased?
  10. Most people call it a war. You want to argue otherwise, that's up to you. Gaza has not been under Israeli occupation since 2005. Wars are not necessarily fought between two nations, plenty of wars nowadays between state and non-state players. Israel controls Gaza's birth records? Where did you come up with this nonsense? Israel did leave the Gaza Strip. All them restrictions - they are a product of Hamas agenda and policy, which you insist on ignoring. In case you missed it, the Gaza Strip borders Egypt as well - and Egypt maintains it's own set of restrictions as to what and who goes in and out. Gideon Levy and Norman Finkelstein are fringe, extreme left, and anti-Zionist. If you get your 'views' from them, it's no wonder they are so warped. Neither is a 'world famous expert' the way you present it. Not very good prison guards considering the 'inmates' manages to stockpile thousands of rockets, dig hundreds of miles of tunnels, and carry out a major surprise attack, killing over a 1000 people and kidnapping more than 200. Any other nonsense yo need clarifying?
  11. @thaibeachlovers That would be your interpretation, and given your bias and limited sources of information - not to be taken seriously. Israel did not refuse a ceasefire - it refused Hamas's terms for such. That difference. Maybe things are different on Planet AJ, but in reality, Hamas broke the previous understandings reached. Somehow, in your world, Hamas is not responsible for this war. All the death and destruction? For you it's nothing to do with them. Nothing they did provoked it, nothing that they can do will stop it. None so blind etc. A two-state solution does not imply Israel withdraws from the West Bank overnight. It's going to be a lengthy process - if and when. Your contrived fantasies have little to do with facts.
  12. @thaibeachlovers That might very well be true. 100+ days of fighting, only one hostage rescued in a special ops action. Former IDF chief and current War Cabinet member says there will be no Entebbe style victory either. But what Hamas wants, and what you seem to support (because, as said numerous times, I don't believe you give a hoot about the hostages) is a non-starter. There are no guarantees Hamas will comply, no information on hostages, no assurances a similar attack will not occur. What Hamas wants is a victory ignoring what it did, and what blows Gaza suffered. There could be some middle way, maybe. But at this point, neither side seems to be willing to budge - and from their respective positions, rightly so. Appeasement will not work with these guys. I get it you're into that.
  13. Will there be a two-state solution with the current Israeli right-wing government in place?
  14. Netanyahu does what he always does - put himself first. Even willing to risk a crisis with Israel's #1 backer and sponsor. As if putting national security at risk through his past Hamas policy wasn't enough. Maybe he's banking on things dragging on, and then maybe Trump wins the USA elections, and new avenues to nonsense opening. But I think it's mostly short term thinking - if he says yes, his coalition might collapse, and this means elections from a very unfavorable position, and with his court cases hanging over his head. Notably, I'm sure he'll keep asking the USA to support the war regardless of his refusal to play ball (again, banking on Biden not cutting off lines of supply on election year). There's this band (I think they're still around), Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. He ought to audition.
  15. Nope. Even the IDF says that the government refusing to discuss 'the day after' negatively effects the war effort. The sole reason Netanyahu is averse to discussing this is that it carries implications toward his own political future.
  16. That would be you fantasizing. Look around the Middle East. Find one country in which there's peaceful co-existence between communities, equal rights, transparency, and the rest. Short version, there is none. Longer version, countries that tried this are nowadays almost failed states. It's all very well to toss slogans about, but helps to know what you're talking about. There is no one, and I mean no one, who envisages this one-state taking off without any issues. You can whine all you want about Israel's right wing government, Israel's policies and so on. What's missing from your tirade is any mention of the other side, which I guess you're not overly familiar with. Get a clue, then post again.
  17. For almost any model of car, there's a local (Thai) social media group, or 'fan club'. I'll be surprised if there isn't one for this as well. People on these are nutters for details, it's a good place to ask. Our car mechanic got one, I'll try to remember asking him about when in town.
  18. Reasonable? Nope. For starters, how will they get there? Borders are closed, maritime blockade in place, tunnels probably more under scrutiny. This isn't the same as with people coming from Africa, refugees already in Turkey and making their way to Europe etc. I don't see either Egypt or Israel opening up the borders for such movement post-war - not unless it's an organized effort with destination accepting refugees and so on.
  19. @billd766 Wars are often fought outside of countries' borders. I'm sure you thought you had a clever point.
  20. I guess you thought you meant something, don't know what it might be. And, as usual, nothing to do with the post replied to.
  21. This guy keeps looking weirder with each photo posted. Something not right about him.
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