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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Yes, and? Plus, what does it have to do with your previous bogus comments?
  2. Fatwas are a dime a dozen. Basically, any religious Muslim leader can issue one, although they usually come from some organization (council, university, and such). There are a whole lot of fatwas around, how much traction they get is more to do with the issue involved and the stature of the issuing body. The same, by the way, applies for Jews, especially with regard to Orthodox Jews and the more political right-wing ones.
  3. You keep whining about being called this or that. As far as I recall, you weren't called (or at least, not nearly as often as you make the claim) an antisemite and so on. Seems like it's more of an excuse to say whatever.
  4. Jumping the gun. There was a case brought forth by South Africa. That's where it stands.
  5. Hamas's notion of a 'free Palestine' means that there is no Israel. As in that 'free Palestine' replacing it. You want to argue about positions, you need to have a clue. You don't.
  6. And was this always so? Or were these measures taken after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip? You make it sound as if these measures have no context, no reason. I think you know better.
  7. What are you on about? All those settlements that were attacked on 7/10 were in Israel, not in the Gaza Strip. There are no Israeli settlements within the Gaza Strip since 2005. The land these settlements are on is Israeli territory. If you wish to call it 'occupied', then your issues are with Israel's existence - and that puts you way out there.
  8. @thaibeachlovers Says a poster routinely making predictions about the future.....
  9. I think it's actually an interesting proposition. Would like to know if the cloned @thaibeachlovers will put the original on 'ignore'.
  10. I feel cheated - was expecting pictures of cute puppies. Visa requirements being what they are, guess most foreigners could afford some shirts. But for a whole lot of locals, it's maybe a more valuable gift. We give stuff to the lady who picks up plastic/cardboard etc., to the proper garbage collectors, to eh Myanmar workers passing to/from the market (mostly fruit), and so on. Sometimes just leave it (in an orderly fashion) outside the gate - usually disappears within a couple of hours. Many temples have some arrangements where stuff can be donated to/through them.
  11. Kinda doubt Pakistan contemplates anything on this level. It will take a major escalation and threat to national security to even come near to that.
  12. This is not 'wrong', this is you showcasing your ignorance again. The original lines were laid out in the 1947 Partition Plan. Nowadays, most references are to the 1967 lines. There is no mystery about any of it. The status quo is nothing to do with not knowing where the lines are. As for your other bit of misinformation - the Hamas forces were followed by mobs of ordinary Gazans, these carried out looting, murders, rapes and all the rest just as well. This is not an opinion - but well documented facts. There is no genocide other than in your mind and posts.
  13. The two-state thing goes back to 1947. One side refused it, one accepted. Guess which one got a state nowadays.
  14. So nothing on topic, or even on the daft link you posted - just the usual pointless trolling.
  15. That's a nonsense, low quality article. For starters, it claims That number actually refers to total casualties, including Hamas men. Then it there's this one: What 'hospitals' were bombed? As for Not really. As far as I'm aware he never set foot in Gaza, does not have command of the language. He does hate Israel, Zionism and the rest, so right up your alley, of course. Goes to show how deep you need to dig to find something to back up (well, try and fail) your warped views.
  16. The PA's policy is about a two-state solution. Or else it wouldn't be around. Adopting this policy is what made its creation possible.
  17. More of your fact free nonsense. Israel was not even founded 80 years ago. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip - 57 years ago (and before that, Egyptian and Jordanian occupation). Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip on 2005.
  18. @ozimoron In your haste to copy/paste another pointless reference, you forgot the link. Looks like your own contribution, although had doubts given the style.
  19. I vote for 'The Poster Formerly Known As 247174_1469958125'.
  20. @ozimoron Links to all the comments made were provided numerous times on these topics. You treat each time they are re-mentioned as a new beginning. Maybe you're trolling, maybe you got issues.
  21. Sir Bill Cash. I checked. That's a real name, a real person. No wonder they're doing so bad.
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