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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What genocide? The one you push in your posts? That's not real.
  2. @ozimoron Pathetic. You support a whole lot of lies on these topic.
  3. @ozimoron No, it isn't. That's just you saying incoherent stuff.
  4. You nonsense deflections aside - why do you find it acceptable for UN workers (they are paid by the UN) to express such views?
  5. @ozimoron Oh, so you're branching from a Hamas apologist to a Hezbollah apologist? Lovely. Maybe consider that Lebanon (the country, the people) are in a bad shape already, and that a full blown war might see Hezbollah's fortunes change? Nah....better to praise them, why deal with facts.
  6. Any actual signs for this possible upcoming change?
  7. To continue a parallel discussion - there you go again. You conflate Netanyahu and his right-wing government with 'Israelis' as a whole, implying the latter is fully onboard with Netanyahu's positions and that it does not feel 'respect and gratitude' for the USA. Then you whine about people criticizing your comments.....
  8. @ozimoron More of your nonsense. How would Netanyahu be 'gone in a heartbeat'? By what process? As for an 'some kind of treaty' being signed 'the next day' - you're either fantasizing, or have no clue as to the complexity of the issues involved.
  9. I think he feels secure enough knowing it's unlikely to happen.
  10. I don't think current polls suggest that the right-wing elements will be spared the political culling. What does seem to be on the cards are shifts within the right-wing, with more support shifting to the more extreme elements. Not a bad thing, IMO, makes the lines between acceptable and not clearer.
  11. You do not. Or at least not much. It is not required. All that needs to be done is to take away their being a credible threat. This can be a lengthy, ongoing effort, but it's not impossible. There are past instances of such groups either being rendered less of a threat, or even beaten hard enough as to affect a change of agenda.
  12. There is no unified Israel point of view on this. Apart from the security considerations (which are legit), there are many Israelis which see things from a right-wing religious perspective - meaning it's an ideological issue, so not so easily dismissed or agreed upon. There are extremists on both sides, each holding on to it's own version of not coming to terms.
  13. I daresay most leaders dealing with Israel are well informed about it's domestic politics. Agree that many are influenced by media memes, this forum being no different.
  14. No. He's an opportunist. He's about Netanyahu. Ideology comes in distant second. The whole Supreme Court thing is a product of circumstances - namely his ongoing legal cases. It never featured very highly on his to-do list in the past, and it was not even a key element in the last election campaign. The ones leading the charge (and are more ideologically invested in it) use his predicament to push this through. As pointed out recently, the Israeli representative to the ICJ case is basically the man vilified as the root cause for the 'need to overhaul' the system. Netanyhu picked him knowing it would go down badly with his supporters (it did), because the immediate threat demanded it. Goes to show he's quite capable of shifting positions when it suits. Of course, it also offers the chance to lay it all on him if things go pear shaped. The current Israeli government certainly is right-wing. Some major elements can certainly be labeled as extreme, many are just useful idiots (mostly from Netanyahu's party), non entities, who just wait to see where the wind blows, and then shout as hard as they can. I think it matters which labels are used, as it gives incorrect insights as to decision, positions and stances of leaders.
  15. @ozimoron Weren't you just whining about attacking the messenger rather than addressing substance?
  16. @ozimoron Says a poster who puts multiple people on 'ignore' so he won't have to deal with their comments.
  17. You can claim whatever. What you post here, and the sources you choose to link and base your views on are decidedly of the one-sided variety. Seems like for you there are only black and white views, nothing in between. There's actually a whole range of views between, say, Peterson, and Finkelstein/Levy/Chomsky. What you do is dishonestly imply people objecting to your views hold extreme right wing positions - which is neither the case, nor is supported by past comments on these topics and others. You do not comment on Hamas. Yes. You do your best to ignore it. Minimize it. Normalize it. Toss in a one liner 'condemnation' when have to. That's about it. As far as you're concerned, seems like the only relevant party is Israel.
  18. Here are your words: I believe that would include rockets, arms, digging machinery, and all the rest. As for you taking pains not to mention Hamas, tunnels etc. - yeah, kinda noticed that..... You seem to declare your views being 'mainstream', rather than this being the case. Them again, you also claim Finkelstein and Levy aren't extreme, and that the latter is mainstream - bizarre, to say the least. I did not say anything about antisemitism - you dishonestly injected that as 'defense'. Well done.
  19. One reason that he does not want to let go of power is that the pace of the court proceedings would be significantly increased, and of course, less clout over judges, judiciary, witnesses - or control of media.
  20. Accepting Hamas is a problem does not imply discussions of what's next, what's to follow are to be avoided until such a time Hamas is defeated. This doesn't even have much to do with a two-state solution discussion, which is a broader issue. Currently, Netanyahu's refusal of setting clear goals for 'the day after' is making things more complicated for Israel and the IDF.
  21. @ozimoron Labeling Netanyahu as 'far-right' says more about the author than about Netanyahu's actual positions. Not too impressed with posters routinely posting links to opinion columns, yet having nothing significant of their own as comment or contribution.
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