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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You're obviously not aware of what the South African move amounts to (hint - much less than you hope for, on a good day), the timeline (final ruling can take years), or which body does what (prosecution such as you fantasize about is for the ICC to carry out, not the ICJ). UN 'peace keeping' forces? And how would these deal with Hamas? How well are they doing in Southern Lebanon? What good did they do in Syria?
  2. What 'genocide'? As for your 'I suppose' - what is this based on? Your last part is just the usual vile nonsense. Apparently not an issue that they were taken hostage, even.
  3. Like many ideologies, Zionism is in practice multi-faceted. I don't think you could seriously claim that the version of Zionism upheld by them illegal settlers in the West Bank, and the political powers representing or supporting them is 'peaceful'. Making blanket comments is easy.
  4. @thaibeachlovers Verify how? With whom? The same Ministry of Health controlled by Hamas? Your beloved AJ got reporters in the Gaza Strip, does any of them do any 'verification' such as you suggest?
  5. @thaibeachlovers Don't recall you ever expressing such issues when the insults were coming from 'your' side.
  6. Posters engaged in an orchestrated and aggressive smear campaign against Israel whine about about orchestrated and aggressive smear campaigns. True story.
  7. @ozimoron You keep making these nonsense posts, over and over again - maybe you really don't get it, maybe you're too immersed in the Hamas narrative, maybe you hope repetition will make it stick. I don't know, I don't really care. You do not get to call what are war crimes, and as there is/was no official investigation regarding such, all you have to offer are opinions and hot air. That you try to present these as decided facts is dishonest. That you do so despite being shown that this is incorrect, is despicable. You have not provided any support. Complaints, including by South Africa, are not 'it', and even South Africa's complain was not decided yet. Moreover, it will not be decided for years to come, even if the court does issue some injunction. You know all this, and still spew the propaganda. Chomsky does not decide what's a war crime and what's not. I challenge to to prove he is.
  8. These would be total casualties, including Hamas men. You insist on lumping them all together as civilians. Since this was discussed numerous times, including in comments to your posts - I guess you're bent on misrepresenting things, rather than discussing facts. The total may be accurate, but the figures released by Hamas do not differentiate between civilians and combatants until the fighting is over. What you say is meaningless. People get killed in wars, civilians too. That doesn't turn each and every war into a genocide, and this one is no exception. Other than in your mind and posts, that is.
  9. No, it's just casting votes on the UNGA. Actions would be cutting off relations, sanctions, boycotts and so on. Since most UNGA votes are declarative, non-binding and do not carry any real censure, they are just way to 'do something' without doing anything much.
  10. That would be you framing things to fit you argument. There is no such basic tenet that says more-civilian-than-combatant-casulaties-is-genocide. As opposed to your nonsense claims, most wars in this day and age still see civilian casualties, especially when fighting takes place in densely populated urban settings - again, something you made up. In Ukraine, the territory involved is much much larger, civilians have the options to remove themselves from battle zones - but you knew all that when you posted. As for you citing Israeli 'policy' - that's again a figment of your imagination, there is no such policy. Israel was not even bombing the Gaza Strip on 6/10. And got to love the logic - starts with 'of course the genocide hasn't happened yet', and as froth levels rise, ends with 'it is attempted genocide'. Get a grip.
  11. @thaibeachlovers In essence, you're alright with this so long as it fits your politics. But if it's allowed now, what's to stop the Houthis from doing the same whenever they have issues (real or otherwise) with whichever country?
  12. Most of these comments were made by right-wing politicians who are not actually in a position to control the war effort. This was addressed both on this forum and on Israel's reply to the South Africa's complaint. That you should repeat it like it was fact, and without context - is not surprising. Your issues with the West are well known, to take your words on anything related as serious is a choice.
  13. I think it will prevent Hamas from repeating the same thing, yes. Of course, if given the chance, Hamas will come up with another way to mass kill Israelis - but I think it will take a long time, and will be harder to execute. Then, there's the question of what will be Israel's response if there's another such attempt. Given that the Hamas already declared it will try this again, the monies that will be spent on Gaza reconstruction are destined to go down the drain. The point was made often on these topics - completely eradicating Hamas is just words. Diminishing the threat it represents? More doable. In that regard, the current war effort by Israel is not quite 'there' yet, but advancing. With regard to the Houthis, it's the same thing, really. You give them what they demand now, and they're sure to come up with other demands in the future, holding maritime commerce hostage whenever it suits.
  14. @ozimoron Unless you missed it, there are no direct negotiations by sides. It's always been this way. As for your standing nonsense - proposals by Egypt are not Hamas negotiating. What was your point?
  15. @ozimoron Well, you're not posting in good faith either. Because you keep addressing one side, while ignoring the other. This is not how negotiations work. This might come as a shock to you, but sides opening positions are not always where negotiations end. Hamas got strong demands, Israel got strong demands - you seem totally focused on one set, ignoring the other.
  16. @ozimoron Other than Hamas not being into the sort of negotiations you imply. And hostages still being held. And Hamas agenda not being about peace. What you wish for is appeasement and surrender - to Hamas, to the Houthis.
  17. @ozimoron So now you try to spin things as if this too is Israel's doing? Hamas attacked Israel, not the other way around. That was what 7/10 was about. The Houthis are holding maritime traffic ransom for their political agenda. You seem to be ok with both, so long as you can blame Israel.
  18. @ozimoron More nonsense. Is Hamas open to any meaningful 'peaceful resolution'? And what would prevent the Houthis from pulling up the same trick next time they (or Iran) want something? As for 'they said so' - seems like you're very trusting when you choose to be.
  19. Oh, you're doing that I-will-tell-you-what-you-actually-meant bit? 'Clearly' maybe in your mind. The way I see it, you're just looking for any bit you can twist, just to score a point - whether things were actually said or not, that's a minor consideration for you. That's how you role, and that's why there are less and less posters who engage with you. Allow me to dismiss your nonsense about there being only one consideration relevant for Saudi Arabia's position. That you tend to over simplify these things to suit whichever current argument you're pushing is nothing new. All of your argumentative stance stems from the fact that you don't actually pay attention to what people actually post, but rather engage in some imaginary points that you seem to think they should have posted. I clearly said that there are no good solutions - how is this different from from your last bit of waffle? And yet again - you dodge. You do not address the futile nature of the 'solution' the author puts forth. Nor does this silliness address the fact that appeasing the Houthis once might very well lead to them repeating this trick whenever they want something.
  20. CIA homes in on Hamas leadership, U.S. officials say https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/cia-homes-in-on-hamas-leadership-u-s-officials-say/
  21. You are making things up again, as usual - 'didn't seem to have a clue'? Only in your delusional mind. It was even mentioned earlier on another topic. I provided other considerations. That you insist on framing things as black and white, either/or - this is your thing, stop projecting your deficiencies on my posts. She had no 'conclusion'. It's a nothing article. And you are still dodging the point made. As for your last bit - try reading posts made earlier, you'll find the same comments were already made.
  22. The information is mostly common knowledge. One could get the same from Wikipedia. Your concept of 'challenge' seems to be tied to your black and white view of things. Pointing out that there are other motivations, rather than a single explanation is something different. The bottom line of the nonsense article you linked was that the 'solution' was the USA finding a way to end the Hamas-Israel war, then resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and then, maybe, tackle the issues with the Houthis. All this was packaged under 'diplomacy'. A bit of a tall order there, and of course, nothing to stop the Houthis from doing the same again, on whatever pretext. You can continue to ignore that, deflect, push some new 'issues' or whatever.
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