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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The Unbiased Legal Expert Has Spoken. You declaring 'war crimes' doesn't make it so. You watching news that say 'war crimes' doesn't make is so either. SA's presentation is not, as I understand it, very strong from a legal point of view - but then I'm not into the sort of faux emotional nonsense many of you seem to enjoy. There is no 'genocide' other than in your mind and posts.
  2. Yes, because what your posts are about is not 'point scoring' at all.....and you're not an antisemite, obviously.
  3. Some of the regular authors of Haaretz are, indeed, anti-Zionists. Some labels themselves (or are labeled) as post-Zionists (the distinctions aren't that clear, by the way, and are often brought up and debated on the articles and comments). The particular author, though, is among the former. Expecting a halfway balanced column is a choice.
  4. He's a member of parliament, that comes with almost total immunity - it's not like he's risking his life or anything. As for being an attention seeker - it's like that, it's just the way it is. Basically he's the token Jewish representative on an otherwise Arab party. His predecessors in this 'seat' were actually politicians of some caliber. This one is more of an aggressive loudmouth, not up to their standards. And still, it just goes to show how not 'same same' things are. There is no equivalent on Hamas side, and not much even on the PA's turf. That this seems like some major news to you is amusing.
  5. I think there was this USA President who said something like 'Have a personality and carry a big wallet'.
  6. No, that's not what they show. On the Israeli side, the 'dissident' is a full pledged member of parliament. On the Hamas side.....meh. No one tortured the Israeli politician, his freedom is not under threat, nor is his well being (apart from when he gets into fights - he's a bit of a hothead attention seeker). Same same only in your mind. You don't seem to know a whole lot about this, just grabbing headlines when which seem fitting.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Funny how that 'bothers' you just on some topics.
  8. There are some that post such things for Mother Russia, and yet others who wallow in websites and online groups rife with such stuff. Guess that too much exposure will make true believers of some.
  9. Guess you missed out the gruesome details of the 7/10 attack. Or maybe you think mass rapes are a form of fighting for freedom.
  10. @thaibeachlovers Another nothing post. What is CNN saying that's new? How do you mean 'even'? Everything in this article was aired long ago.
  11. @thaibeachlovers No, that would be you posting misleading nonsense again. Israeli intelligence did have indications of a possible attack, failed to take them seriously or act upon them. The way you spin it, as if this was intentional or something - that's not what was published at all.
  12. That's your own nonsense opinion, which you do not bother supporting with anything. Also, Iran does not support all Palestinians in the manner which you allege. As far as I'm aware, the PA does not get funded by Iran, for example. That you are unable to see the Palestinians as actual people is your failing, not a fact.
  13. There is no direct proof that Iran was in on the specifics on the attack - not as per the date, nor the gruesome 'tactics' used. You want to claim otherwise, try and support it with something other that loaded questions. And no, I don't think Iran planned the whole thing for Hamas. There was, for sure, Iranian input and advice, but the core would be Hamas's planning.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Seems like your contrived narrative does not include Palestinian terrorism, rejectionism, calls for Israel's destruction, or even the recent Hamas 7/10 attack. All about Israel, is it?
  15. @thaibeachlovers Things being 'bad', and ignoring context altogether when commenting on them - that's a choice. 7/10 was 'bad' as well, and I don't see you commenting half as much about it. Wasn't aware your military service included active front-line duties in battle-zones resembling anything close to this. Seeing dead people in a hospital setting - that's not really the same thing.
  16. Pretty much everything included in this article was already discussed, mentioned, debated etc. on these topics long ago. And there were similar articles saying the same things posted as well. Not sure what's the added value here.
  17. @thaibeachlovers On more than one comment, you try to minimize Hamas's might, painting it as some under-equipped ragtag bunch of insurrectionists. When it suits, or when you don't pay attention out comes the glorification. As for your nonsense - no one thought Hamas would be a 'push over'. Quite the opposite. If anything more resistance was expected than what's on offer. Regarding casualties - a whole lot of the IDF death toll happened on the 7/10 attack - with many being non-combatant soldiers. The death toll since the fighting began is about 200, I think. Israel could have simply relied on an aerial bombing campaign, saving troops on the ground lives, but then you'd probably be here spewing criticism about 'cowardice', or whining about the increased Palestinian death toll.
  18. Most reports suggest Iran was not involved in the Hamas's decision to attack on 7/10, and their initial reactions seem to indicate they were surprised as well. That Iran funded, equipped and trained Hamas is another matter. Direct involvement and painting this as revenge for it's slain general - not so much. As for 'Arruri' - he was no Iranian, and no 'general' - but a Hamas leader. I don't think Iran has any intentions to specifically 'avenge' him. Hamas might try, Hezbollah as well (as it happened on their turf).
  19. Your own posts are an answer to that. You do not have a clear grasp on facts, or any relevant experience. Instead you rely on the interpretation of news items according to your own biased views - and think this to be adequate, reasonable and so on. As for whines about 'both sides' spare the nonsense - your posts are decidedly one-sided, the bulk of your vile rhetoric is saved for one of the sides alone. Why bother with the charade? Hamas's agenda and policy is nothing to do with peace, compromise or the like - why would you imply otherwise?
  20. @thaibeachlovers Got to love all them posts about 'up to the court to decide', then tossing about things as if their were decided facts. Same for the claims to balance, impartiality and so on - sure, all of this is about Israel Bad, nothing whatsoever to do with Hamas. Hamas's actions do not 'happen in a vacuum', but apparently for you and other's Israel's do.
  21. Decide if you're a windup merchant... ...or a liar.
  22. No, you do not 'agree'. You do not even understand what I posted, obviously, nor is your grasp of facts anywhere near firm enough to 'agree' or 'disagree'. The blockade of the Gaza Strip came after Hamas took control of the area, the war in Gaza happened after the Hamas attack on 7/10. You want to make it about 'Israeli forces', you'd have to at least get a clue about the timeline. As for your last comment - about as expected from an antisemite sick puppy.
  23. @ozimoron Yes, and? That's pretty much a standing comment from people replying to your own 'arguments'.
  24. You post links from sources you may consider legit, but which aren't acceptable on this forum. It's not a new thing with your posts.
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