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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @ozimoron What 'Sunni countries'? You keep saying this, no details. Hamas does not 'copy' Hezbollah tactics, but train together, share information and so on. For some odd reason you're trying hard to paint a misleading picture, not really sure why. What 'wedge'?
  2. @ozimoron Again, speaking confidently while not having a clue. Do tell, who are them allies of Hamas in the Sunni World? Or how do you explain Iran's and Hezbollah aid, connections and funding to Hamas over the years?
  3. Morch


    It was a really rough form crystal. So no....not into that.
  4. @ozimoron No, this is your low information commentary again. There are strong ties between the two. The enemy of my enemy and all that. Covered in detail all over these topics. Get a clue.
  5. @ozimoron This was addressed multiple times by now. I do not believe that you don't get it. Hamas violations (aka 'war crimes') are clear cut. Israel's violations (aka 'war crimes') need further substantiating. You jump right ahead to 'prosecution', trying to imply conditions are the same. They are not.
  6. @billd766 While beating the same drum regardless of facts is...? This is about Israel facing threats from multiple fronts, not about Israel seeking to start war on multiple fronts.
  7. Well, he doesn't seem to have a whole lot of respect for anyone but dictators.
  8. Iran’s Guard Corps: Hamas Oct. 7 attack was revenge for killing of Soleimani in 2020 https://www.timesofisrael.com/irans-guard-corps-hamas-oct-7-attack-was-revenge-for-killing-of-soleimani-in-2020/ I don't know whether it was or wasn't, but that's not a very careful remark. Considering Iran seems taken by surprise the morning of the attack (and subsequent comments basically amounting to 'good luck, you're on your own'), maybe just changing the narrative some. But either way - not doing themselves any favors.
  9. IMO, that's a product of the regime. Dictatorial, totalitarian, authoritative regimes are often somewhat paranoid - letting a bright general be in control of the armed forces might pose a risk. Alternatively, one can say that the prevailing mind set does not encourage standing out with 'new ideas', focus being on gratifying those above you (this exists in any system, but maybe more so under such conditions). Combat pilots are often a 'troublesome' segment in this regard.
  10. It depends how loss and victory are decided. If limiting things to military confrontations, then yeah - it's no an army to go against. If talking about wide geo-political issues, that's not entirely up to the army.
  11. Trouble with these machines that a rope and a tree just wouldn't do.
  12. @billd766 Do you bother reading articles before commenting? Seems like it's not a think for many on your 'team'. This is not about 'opening a war on 7 fronts' but being under attack from 7 fronts.
  13. Assumed as much, but never checked. Sounds reasonable, different crowds, different visas.
  14. @billd766 This is what comes out of imagining what people post and think rather than engaging with them. Most of what you posted above is plain over the top BS.
  15. @thaibeachlovers Sinwar doesn't seem to be in a hurry to end this either. Maybe he realizes that there will be a political (at the very least) price to pay.
  16. @thaibeachlovers That would be you alleging things (claiming AJ without links, as usual). Also nice to see the ease with which you slip into Hamas spokesperson mode. The fact is that there Hamas surrendering each day. When it comes down to it not everyone signs up for your heroic armchair general pronouncements. As for your last bit, sure - are there many countries standing in line to play host for terrorists?
  17. Mrs. Morch handles all the paperwork, copies, and even talk with the IM officers. I fill my details, sign where needed, post for the pics and generally being charming me. Most agents here deal with Myanmar workers and factories hiring them. Wouldn't be so trusting letting them hang on to my passport, information and so on. It's not a busy office, we rarely wait long, and the new location got a nice restaurant/coffee shop/garden nearby.
  18. @thaibeachlovers Why would there be a blockade if there was no Hamas? Hamas is the reason for the blockade. What will certainly be over is the major fighting and bombing we see now. When it suits your argument you whine about this endlessly. When the option to stop this is discussed, you make light of it. Disingenuous. What happens in the West Bank does not directly relate to what happens in the Gaza Strip. As for you 'screwing' fantasies, whatever turns you on, old man.
  19. That's just an alarmist headline. In effect, nothing really changed for weeks now. Every now and then someone miscalculates, goes out of line and then there's a reaction and things go back to the norm. Most of this talk is to signal opponents to keep within bounds or else. Pretty much standard issue stuff.
  20. How do you mean 'even'? There are more than one such human rights organizations in Israel, never mind local branches of international ones. Israelis having critical views of Israel is hardly news. Finding Palestinian counterparts who openly critic their leaderships - that's another matter.
  21. @thaibeachlovers Your usual waffle aside, nothing that you ever posted addresses how this ongoing conflict effects Palestinian society. Seems like for you they are all some sort of drones ready to pick up the fight and with little else to define them.
  22. Nonsense. And runs counter to the Palestinian narrative, even. Get your arguments in order.
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