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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Spam how? As for your article, did you notice who authored it? Yeah....exactly. Got to love how some of the membership feigning an interest can't be bothered by basics. Too funny.
  2. More nonsense. There was no bombing of the Gaza Strip on 6/10. All them dead Gazans and Israelis were alive. Something happened.....
  3. Said it on another post - the driving force is to 'put it in context', to 'understand' it, to normalize it. If it's just another attack in a chain of attacks it doesn't need to be addressed in a different manner. It's about changing the narrative.
  4. @ozimoron Sure, that's why you see massive bombings in the West Bank, refugee camps Lebanon and Syria, also Israel must be on the bring on invading Jordan (70% Palestinian population). As usual, you get excited, you put up some wide-brush nonsense statement, but not being the type to ever own up, you dig in.
  5. @ozimoron Try reading posts before misrepresenting what they say.
  6. @ozimoron Clearly maybe in your mind, which seems to be a very confusing place. As for the report - was discussed (as usual you do not read topics....). What was your point, exactly? That Israeli Intelligence Services got it wrong? That leaders got it wrong? Yeah, and?
  7. @ozimoron If one talks about the conflict, then earlier dates could be picked, no problem. These topics are about current events. You do not accept that premise, and try to make these discussions into something they weren't supposed to be. This ain't a history class. And even if it were, you'd be ill fit even as a teacher's-assistant.
  8. There a Prince tune called 'Darling Nikki'. Wish she's use it on her campaign.
  9. These topics are about current events, hence 'this war' applies to that. If it's about you objecting to Israel's existence just say so.
  10. I sense either a gambling line or a tv show opportunity.
  11. Like a whole lot of things in this country, 'legally' and 'officially' it's supposed to be handled differently. About doing anything to stop it - as a foreigner and guest in country, probably not much beyond setting a better example and spreading information around. Getting in local authorities faces, especially in rural areas, and without backing - that's a choice.
  12. Two sides of our plot are bordered by grass fields (not the good stuff, just for cows) which get flooded regularly. Accelerates the rotting process of all the branches, trunks, leaves and cuttings dropped there, and prevents soil erosion. Longer term, will go the OP's way.
  13. Guess it's a matter of quantity - we got all these, and I usually just spread them about the edge of the plot, never burned anything. Then again, it's a 2 rai plot, so manageable, different if larger or an orchard setting.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Unhinged. Try reading before posting. There was nothing said about going to war in the way you suggested, it was about Israel facing attacks from multiple fronts. As an aside, your 'Hezbollah would like that' comment is both wrong (which is obvious by Hezbollah keeping attacks pretty much in-line with what's 'acceptable'). And wrong - in the sense that your eagerness for the death and destruction which would follow is wrong. Of course, if that happens, you'll be wringing you hands and criticizing Israel regardless.
  15. @thaibeachlovers Either you're not aware of stuff because it's not on AJ, or you just ignore things. There were missile and drone attacks on Israel from Yemen. There was a drone attack just last night from Syria. Cyber attacks from Iran. Terrorist attacks (or intentions of, curtailed) on India, Europe, South America and Cyprus. Unite the people of the Middle East? Are you for real?
  16. @thaibeachlovers One can almost sense your anticipation. Sickening.
  17. @ozimoron You're just deflecting. Here is the relevant part from your previous post:
  18. "There have been too many wars of late that have been waged for unjustified reasons" Implying that 7/10 was 'unjustified reason' for war is a choice.
  19. Some, but not all. Bombs, for example, are not made in Israel. Other stuff as well. There was an article or two, don't recall if they were linked here, about plans afoot to address this long term, setting up production lines etc. One lesson from this war, I guess. They'll probably try to increase attack helicopter numbers too down the line (so fat the USA refuses to sell/transfer more).
  20. @billd766 You're offering criticism when Israel address attack and threats from other regional players. Citing escalation (nuclear, no less...) as a concern. You do not offer the same criticism with regard to the attacks themselves, though. Not much of a balanced, or even reasonable take. Some of these 'fronts' (countries) don't even share a border with Israel. Somehow you don't find much fault with their actions, less worries about the situation deteriorating due to their actions.
  21. @ozimoron The topic is contrived. This instance of the war? Hamas started it. These dead children? They were very much alive on 6/10. Hamas's choice. Not providing them with shelters, and treating them as 'necessary sacrifices'? Hamas policy. You talk about 'common understanding' and right off the bat expose your muddled take of such: (a) Hamas does not have rights to land. The Palestinians may. (b) There are no illegal Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip, where this is taking place. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with actual Hamas positions rather than making up your own version.
  22. Two weeks down the line he's bound to go on another Hamas Sunni vs. Iran Shia bit. Even this one isn't a first. Or a second.
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