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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers Rich, coming from someone who seems to have trouble to refrain negatively commenting on Biden, whether he's mentioned or not.
  2. @Brickleberry Hamas supplied figures do not differentiate between civilians and combatants.
  3. I guess you know what M means. Must be one of them personal definitions of yours. What I posted was accurate, though. Even if you don't like it or agree with it.
  4. Seriously. Considering you just demonstrated you can't even recall or admit what you posted a few hours ago, that 'never said' bit is laughable. You don't need details. You don't need facts. You have your 'opinions' - and that's what counts. Gotcha. You denying the existence of facts is a feature of your posts. That it's total BS, or that a whole lot of the facts are not disputed, doesn't seem to get through to you. You do not know who the leaders are. You do not know which parties are involved. You most certainly do not know their ideologies. This got nothing to do with 'suppositions'. This is about facts. Them facts you deny. Your are not 'neutral', nor are you 'honest'.
  5. You have certainly said you were aware of things, claimed to have a good grasp of details, facts, reality when it comes to matters at hand. You want to quibble about 'informed'? Go right ahead. You don't know the names of leaders. You don't know what parties are involved. You do not know their ideologies. You do not know who said what. A whole lot of things you don't know. Somehow doesn't give you pause before posting.
  6. That's got nothing to do with what you posted, and my reply.
  7. Even Israeli sources claim only a third (or so) of this figure pertains to 'terrorists'.
  8. And you hold yourself to be an 'informed' poster. He's Israel's minister of defense. When it suits, you quote him. When it doesn't, you don't know who he is. Why would you believe Hamas's officials, then? Who are they? Thought so.
  9. @Brickleberry Hamas's ideology actually holds that every Israeli male of military service age is a combatant, regardless of whether they are or not.
  10. What Palestinian 'hostages'? Where they taken with the intent of leveraging their release? Are they all civilians? War crimes? Says who? A Hamas cheerleader? You were not supportive of Israel at the start. Why lie? Your posts are on record. You're not even pro-Palestinian, so much as pro-Hamas. And the new on-loop lie about breaking all ceasefires (whatever this means)? No support offered, just a propaganda meme. Palestinians do no wrong, says poster. You couldn't post on topic if your life were on the line.
  11. This is just proof of your lack of comprehension of things. There is no such 'plan' let alone 'proof' of. Other than in your mind, that is. Probably the West Bank soon? Where does this come from? Anything to support it? You're just making up stuff as you go along.
  12. Yawn. Seriously. You must be joking. Can you cite many such comments directed at Hamas? Not ones in which this is brought up in conjunction with Israel's actions? Can you cite many such from Arab countries supposedly supporting the Palestinians?
  13. Yeah, it's quite obvious you're not big on the paying-attention department.
  14. So...you're just going to gloss over them lies regarding what you posted about Israelis' intentions? Claiming it wants to kill all the Palestinians etc? Of these 30,000...how many are Hamas men? As for the hostage exchange tactics - yes, I'm aware that this was you 'recommendation'. It's been clear from the start. That's exactly the reason it's being criticized. What is it that you don't get about it? So you claim the Palestinians are led by Hamas on one post, now you do do not disagree with the opposite - which is it? As for Netanyahu and his government do not lead all the Israelis - I've no idea what you mean by that. Netanyahu leads an elected government, and there's a whole lot of public resistance to said government and it's policies. It's how things are in countries supporting a democratic system. The difference would be that on the Palestinian side, there were not elections held for over a decade, so the question of either leadership (Hamas vs. PA/Fatah) legitimacy is questionable. And no, Hamas is not 'in charge' of things in the West Bank, nor really in the Gaza Strip, as of now. If you don't know what you're talking about - why post? You can go on with your personal nonsense definitions of Zionism. Beyond your closed mind, they do not mean a whole lot. Many Israelis define themselves as Zionist, but vote for Centrist/Left wing parties, or are pro-peace, and support a two-state solution. You claiming otherwise and citing dictionary items which do not even make your point is beyond ridiculous.
  15. I get that you treat things as facts, regardless of them being proven to be such or not. Or, alternatively, that you cease on anything which might be painted as 'proof' regardless of whether it's been proven or not. I don't know that Netnayahu actually made the comment you allege, could have missed it. Unlike many of you, I'm pretty consistent in my take on Netanyahu - as in not putting a whole lot of stock in what he says. No idea what you wanted with that picture, or how it supports your argument. No idea why you bring Russia/Ukraine into this, either. You have not actually demonstrated much of your claims. Just a lot of bluster.
  16. You are being disingenuous, at best. Trump's administration already stopped funding once. And reservations regarding UNRWA's failings, actions, attitudes were expressed numerous times by other governments as well. I don't think you're unaware of these. You can go on about 'speculative'. Given the reasons for said countries not playing a larger role, or not working through UNRWA my comment is solid enough, whereas you got nothing on offer. You can say 'poorly', doesn't make it so. Didn't think much of your 'comments' either. Your analogy was irrelevant. Your 'explanation' as well. Highly paid officials bringing up higher costs of underlings meager salaries is not a sign of leadership, but of a disconnect. I think you're over doing the 'you think?' act.
  17. The point is that if one assumes UNRWA being 'infiltrated' (to quote the Israeli official mentioned in the article linked) by Hamas, then it could be used as a platform for Hamas revival. Also, given UNRWA's past record on playing along with terrorist organizations, spreading hate speech and so on - there are obvious benefits for an overhaul/replacement.
  18. I wasn't comparing things to the West Bank. You were. And some of the measures discussed, like having a port in Gaza, or even an airport - never mind more work options in Israel/Egypt would improve things for Palestinians in general. I think your description of events and actions is flawed, and biased. Same goes for description of economic conditions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. As usual, you're injecting your views into the exchange, masked as 'you think?' bits. Low. Expected.
  19. The topic itself is about such reservations. Similar issues came up in the past. I understand that you now imagine I should ignore anything but the article you linked, but that's not obligatory. My suggestion was that you go and read the OP - as in the first post on this topic. That they were not seriously pressured is not speculative. That such a pressure plus changes in the political situation (as in Hamas out of the picture, PA reformed) is rather probable. You can 'point out' whatever you like. Your comments were already addressed. I don't recognize the validity of the analogy. I'm not interested in your analogies. My comment was about 'lead by example'.
  20. The first part of your post have nothing to do with the topic at hand, or even my comment. No idea what you wanted with that. Also, whether you like to acknowledge it or not, the political schism among the Palestinians is not Israel's doing (even if Netanyahu used and leveraged it). It is not true that Israel broke 'every single ceasefire'. That's just you blabbering. There were ceasefires with Hamas, for example, which did not include any conditions regarding settlements etc. Why you post such nonsense is beyond me. Hamas is not interested in 'international law', and its agenda does not end with Israel leaving the occupied territories. Hamas's agenda is about Israel being destroyed, dismantled, and a Palestinian State replacing it. Again, more nonsense from you. Noam Chomsky is not actually an expert on these things. Not his field of expertise by a long shot. And evidently, you cannot make your case by yourself....
  21. That's not even true. The 'fake news' label was originally used to describe Trump, and pro-Trump propaganda. Trump & Co. simply started using it in response, regardless of what was said/presented.
  22. Some Arab countries donate funds/aid directly rather than going through UNRWA etc. For some it's about issues with the PA, for others issues with Hamas, and some don't contribute at all. It's rather complicated, and involves endless bickering among parties involved. The bottom line is that they could do better. For example, all that Qatari money going to civilian projects rather than to Hamas projects.
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