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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. That's just a few words to say you don't understand economics.
  2. "Useful Idiots,on and near College Campuses need to be deradicalized" You're not near a college campus are you?
  3. So hardly any lefties then, on this forum even less. So why all the hatred spewed against noone?
  4. This is about Ukraine.
  5. That project was stupid to start with. They should have just improved the walkway around the lake.
  6. That's really all your thinking 'left bad', I'm good. What constitutes 'left' to you?
  7. Trump refused to guarantee security. Deflecting.
  8. Nothing at all to do with my post. You were lying, or 'misinterpreting' if you prefer, got called out so now you're deflecting as usual.
  9. Ah yes, that's why trump balked at a security guarantee.
  10. Any lithium there, as needed by musk? He needs an alternative source now Ukraine is off the table for the moment.
  11. Right, because that's what trump told you?
  12. Because the US is overspending? This overspend helps US defense contractors and the US military that can't find billions, or is it trillions, of dollars. Also don't forget the percentages between the countries are not comparable with the US including e.g. military pensions where others don't.
  13. So you're implying they shouldn't have introduced vida free entry since the numbers would have stayed the same.
  14. So you're implying they shouldn't have introduced vida free entry since the numbers would have stayed the same.
  15. Of course they're not talking about visa regulations. But local immigration officials have a lot of leeway with regards to extensions.
  16. Which clearly shows the issue. The first reaction was a very reasonable one, albeit provocative. Many reactions to the provocative part, little on the subject. I'll make an exception for riclag. I nearly always disagree with his posts and opinions, but he did answer the question. I'm not retired and like to stay abreast of the opinions of others, but am often amazed at the gullability of many posters here. I like to call out trolls, many of them these days.
  17. Would they come if they would have to buy a visa?
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