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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 6 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    You mean - how will it work in UK if they adopt the full Australian system?

    Boats are interceptred and passengers arrested and taken to off-shore processing.

    Their 'rights' under UN convention are on hold pending assesment of their claims - they also have reduced rights of appeal etc.

    Takes many years to be processed and even if determined to be a refuge they can be sent to another 'safe' country.

    Reduces the benefit for illegal immigrants to pay people smugglars - and reduces deaths lost at sea when boats collapse.

    Thanks for the correction but that's not what I meant. I meant what I said, not what you imagined.

    • Sad 1
  2. 11 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    That's like asking how the Paris 2024 Olympics are going. The Rwanda plan hasn't started yet. 


    The Rwanda plan is intended to deter migrants from paying thousands of pounds to people smugglers in order to make dangerous sea crossings. If there is a chance they might be flown off to Rwanda upon arrival, they won't risk paying the people smugglers or risk their lives crossing the Channel. 


    The threat of being sent to Rwanda is non existent at the moment because human rights lawyers stopped the flights. Legislation will soon be passed that prevents those lawyers from doing the same again. Only then will we be able to find out 'how the Rwanda plan is working out'. 



    2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Where is "here"? Assuming it's Britain, they don't have it in operation yet, so how can it be working or not?


    IMO it's insane to allow thousands of people that arrive illegally without any cultural affinity to or any qualifications needed in the country they invade to remain, and expect no fundamental problems to eventuate.


    Britain should remove themselves from the UN charter that makes them liable to give illegals support. As long as they do so, the illegals will still keep coming.

    So you think it's working well. Ok.



    • Agree 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Not at all. I think free and widely available birth control is a great idea. I never said a total ban on abortion was the way to go. But you seemed to ignore that most industrialized nations do put time based restriction on abortion, which generally match what Trump said was his policy. Generally 10 to 14 weeks across western Europe (with exceptions, but generally). 


    No need for the hysteria and hyperbole though. What happens in developing countries has zero to do with policy in the US. Let them make up their own minds.  As to the value of the baby vs the mother, that has been covered. I think abortion should be permitted if the life of the mother is in danger. Period. 


    Now, time to lay YOUR cards on the table. What restrictions, if any, should there be? Please try to be specific without using euphemisms or dodges. 

    "No need for the hysteria and hyperbole though. What happens in developing countries has zero to do with policy in the US. "

    Then maybe don't use 'What happens in developing countries' as an argument for your case. 

  4. 5 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Off shore processing worked in Australia - reduced the number of illegal immigrants a lot. Current lefwing mobin Govt are looking to pull the rules back, but they realise it would be political suicide in Australia to allow unfetted illegal immigration.  The right wing PM Hoaward won few elections in the past, mainly based on this subject - 'stopping the boats'. 

    So how is it working here according to this thread?

  5. 14 minutes ago, pagallim said:

    About a week ago, made an appointment for 1 p.m. today for my annual Marriage extension.   Chose that time as it allowed for the required visit to the bank for the necessary bank book update and letter, copies to be made etc.   Email confirmation from Immigration at the time, and in fact a reminder email yesterday of the booking.   So, duly arrived just before 1 p.m., had the paperwork checked by the volunteer (I'm pretty meticulous in making the required copies that are necessary, so confident this will be a short in and out.   Wrong.   Apparently there were a few couples who the previous day had not had the correct documents, and they came back again.   My 1 p.m. appointment was a waste of time, as the people from yesterday were given priority, and my appointment was out of the metaphorical window.


      So, not acually seen until 3 p.m., documents checked (15 minutes, all correct), then a 30 minute wait for my passport to be returned with the usual 'Under Consideration' stamp.    To cap it all, we are now halfway home in the car, with the traffic quite heavy, when my wife gets a phone call from Immigration asking us to return as they had forgotten to take a photo of us together in Immigration.   Absolute crap service, and the last time that I will made an appointment.   Ater 5 p.m. by the time we got home.

    Thanks. So still possible to make an appointment for an extension renewal.

  6. 2 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    If it's a fraud bond, it will be rejected. They have now 10 more days to put something together that isn't.

    He won't. I think he's not able, and he needs to get the bond rejected to have another complaint/ talking point. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Of course it's shady and all of Trump's property should be seized immediately, and he needs to be incarcerated until the state gets their money!


    They need to start another case to punish the company that posed the bond, and any considering posting a bond for Trump. These people, and anyone that tries to help Trump needs to be crushed and disallowed from doing business in New York. 


    Another twenty felony charges should be brought against Trump for attempting to use a shady bondsman. 


    Meanwhile, criminal illegal aliens that commit violent crimes get released on their own recognizance, nice. 



    Anything on the bond?

    • Haha 1
  8. So we have a bond issued by a subsidiary of an insurance company. Neither the company not the subsidiary are licensed to issue bonds in NY. The subsidiary doesn't have the liquidity nor the solvability to pay the bond if required. On the bond it states that if it has to be paid the defendant, Donald J Trump, will do so. The owner of the company is the major share holder in Axos Bank, the bank that refinanced Trump's and Kushner's real estate when Deutsche bank pulled out 


    Anyone think this is not shady?

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  9. Better check the dates, today closed for Chakri day, next week for Songkran.

    I thought the appointment system had been cancelled? Last time I could make an appointment but when I showed they said 'no, we don't do that anymore'. Maybe similar for you.

    • Agree 1
  10. 46 minutes ago, quake said:


    Bitterness. what a laugh. go have that extra cup of coffee.


    No,  just recognizing the blatant xenophobia that is around more than usual.

    in the Phuket area.




    Nonsense. You missed the posts about the Thai complaining they are singled out. Your information is one sided.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, quake said:


    I don't

    They are all ass holes.

    But they needed to single out the finish guy for the news headline. yawn, :coffee1:

    It's just all part of the, get the evil falang time.

    we are now experiencing. :bah:





    In English language sites, yes. Read the Thai sites and you'll see information on the Thai apprehended.

    • Haha 2
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