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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 7 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Absolutely. Putin funded Trumps first campaign, generated pro-Trump disinformation on the internet and infiltrated the DNC and Hillary's server to make sure he was elected.


    Then, in an attempt to ruin Biden in the second election Putin planted the phony Hunted laptops that exposed (falsely) how corrupt the Biden family really is, but fortunately the FBI working with corporate media and big tech was able to quash the story, effectively saving the free world.


    After Trump lost, Putin colluded with Trump, far-right extremist groups and Christion nationalist groups to fund an armed insurrection and overthrow the United States government and install Trump as a dictator. Fortunately, the well-planned attempt was brilliantly defeated, and the insurrection failed.


    Currently, Putin is bribing judges and paying Trump's legal bills and posting his bonds. 


    If Putin and Trump have their way, Trump will be reelected, be installed as a dictator and it will be the end of democracy. Trump will publicly join forces with Putin, and they will take over all of Europe and the world. Putin will control every military in the world, and Trump's name will be on every hotel. 

    The start of your post was very much correct.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/4/2024 at 2:21 PM, uncletiger said:


    You misunderstand Trump's purpose, as well as MAGA supporters.  He is being elected to do one job and one job only: bring down the deep state and all its corrupt structures. Nobody cares about his personality, what he says, or if he has offended people in the past. This is why I laugh at people who cry about "he's a criminal!" And what's your point? Why does that matter now? Like the French revolution when they cut off the heads of the monarchy, he is only there to be a wrecking ball, destroying everything corrupt so that we can start the healing and rebuilding process in 2028.  Trump has promised to return America to the American people, and that is the sole reason he is popular.  If he doesn't do this...if he doesn't bring down the entire diseased temple this time...everyone will turn on him, and quickly.


    What you call a "free and open democracy" hasn't existed for generations. We are controlled by a mafia like structure known by many different names. We don't even have honest voting, and haven't had it for a long time. America is at war, and Trump is coming back to end the war. But you can rest assured it is a short term project. 2028 is going to be all about healing and rebuilding again.

    So the corrupt one has to exterminate corruption.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Maitdjai said:

    After the rants of  “farang-shower-experts”, nothing more, as predictable. The campaign was prepared after the beach stairways, and is taking its momentum. Like I said in another thread,
    the Thaliandbans working down their task list. High season is finished, tourists are mostly gone, plenty of time to investigate the long stayers.
    They want package tourists, in fenced 5* resorts. Hauled around in VIP buses, directly from the airport, and straight back to the airport.
    Staying 2/3 weeks, spending 5000 US, or more. After that, bye, bye, cu again next year, with a wai, and a smile.
    Long stayers are the thorn in the side.
    With some luck, it's cooling down, like so many other campaigns, and crackdowns.

    My point is, that I really would like to know, how many of all those screaming, and stupid “kick them out, ban them, jail them” parrots (in whatever case), here their “Good Guy” sanctuary
    are involved in dodgy companies, land deeds, and other circumvented loophole arrangements.
    “Schadenfreude” isn't funny any more, when the targets include yourself.

    They want legal longstayers. The crackdown is aimed at illegality in case you didn't notice.


    And yes, I like it that illegality is clamped down on. I was checked, all legal. Am I allowed to post on here?

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Trying to explain why its acceptable to mass murder 1200 innocent people is pretty much trying to justify it .

       Don't even try to explain to me why they killed babies , whatever you say , I will still think that's wrong to do that .

      Explaining why innocent babies were murdered  , well, I don't think there can be any explanation 

    But that's not what's being done 

    I said 'explaining', you changed that into 'explain why it is acceptable '. Not the same, dishonest posting from you.

    • Confused 1
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  5. 8 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       It is regarded as being Anti Semitic to compare Israel to Nazis , you do seem to regularly compare Israel to Nazis and then deny being anti Semitic .

       Criticising  Israel for wanting to ban A.J is an acceptable  opinion , Comparing Israel to Nazis is anti Semitic .

    Why dont you just criticise Israel without making Nazi comparisons all the time ?



    Regarded antisemitic by some, considered acceptable by others.

    • Confused 1
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  6. 14 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    If they are standing in my constituency I think I will be voting for the genuine Monster Raving Loony Party candidate. It might be hard to find the real one with all the other Loonies up for election, but from what I have seen lately in parliament the MRLP certainly would fit in well with the current mob running the country.


    Sadly David, Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Pinner died in 1999.


    IMHO he would have made a better PM, than the last few the UK has had.



    Not a fan of the policies, but I don't think sunak is doing a bad job. He is simply in an impossible position due to his fellow conservatives.

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  7. 1 hour ago, illisdean said:

    It's all nonsense and blatant overt democratic led lawfare persecution designed to bankrupt and prevent Trump from running and being reelected, and IT"S FAILING.....lol.. And the outrageous civil award is a violation of the 8th amendment and will get beatdown (award and ruling/award) at the appellate level. Won't matter much though since Trump Media & Technology Group has a market value of $9.4 billion now, Trump, who owns 58% of the newly public company, now has a stake valued at $5.2 billion — at least on paper. Not bad for sure and he didn't have to share classified information to earn his billions unlike corrupt & traitorous Biden who shared classified information to sell his book.


    Trump Media & Tech Group

    So I presume he has paid the bail?

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/31/2024 at 4:46 PM, Nick Carter icp said:


       Stating that the October 7 th terror attack didn't happened in a  vacuum, is indeed justifying the attacks .

       You are giving reasons for the attacks, which is justifying them :

     Like " I am not justifying the Oct 7 the attacks, but the attacks happened because blah blah blah"

    Although you state you aren't justifying the attacks you do actually try to justify the attacks 

    Explaining and justifying are only synonyms in the eyes of 'the Israeli defenders no matter what'.

    • Confused 3
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  9. 34 minutes ago, illisdean said:

    Won't matter, the entire country now knows how corrupt Biden is now and that he's too mentally challenged to face espionage charges for willfully retaining and sharing classified information. Interesting times ahead as Trump continues to surge in the polls and Biden dodders, fumbles and mumbles incoherently in his gaga land of gaffe exceptionalism which he is highly renowned for as well as creating the worst humanitarian and national security crisis in American history after he dismantled the hugely effective Trump border/immigration policies. Don't need impeachment, watching Biden decompose daily, 24/7 inch by inch is truly entertaining as he continues to humiliate himself and doing his level best to trash democracy in America. Trump will fix Biden's mess and maybe even toss him and other into prison for espionage this time around. 

    So as per the topic, has he come up with the bond already?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Moonlover said:


    Not if he was drunk they won't. And a Russian driving at high speed at 3am. What are the odds?

    In western countries I would tend to agree with you. Here not so much. Also depends on the insurance. Was it a rental car and was it legally rented with the proper insurance?

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