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Everything posted by Albaby

  1. Do you mean, like all the bloody cats that used to be around my joint?
  2. The poor will always be with us.🤷‍♂️
  3. Out where we farm, they are still known as abos or coons. If Bri comes to visit, we have castration knives, happy to help out.
  4. I've got a nice little fella that lives behind one of my monitors, comes out every day to say hello. No idea what he lives on. Oh, btw I've never heard any sound from him.
  5. The Trumpster is cleaning the Augean Stables. Of course there will be consequences. Can't make an omelette....
  6. PM2 0? Seems too good to be true.Must be one heluva purifier.
  7. https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a4/d3/99/a4d399b2e51f0dd839d372df8cac4673.jpg
  8. https://media.gettyimages.com/id/85503838/photo/sir-les-patterson.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=PJ-hHekanGoYBcJcxIDBZfDYiFAw8Qbn5Sixr53HZrg=
  9. No insurance, haven't got a paltry 15k in the bank, they need their heads examined, not good luck.
  10. It's 67 for the pension now, and asset tested
  11. Why should American taxpayers $$$s be used to keep foreign nationals fed and housed. Let nature take it's course.
  12. "They are clearly being coached in how to stay the right side of the law." So what's the problem?
  13. The police should be rounding up all off leash dogs and euthanising them all. The dogs are disease carrying blight on village life.
  14. Who on earth wants to save them? Let natural selection take care of the situation.
  15. The WHO called Australia racist for closing our borders to China at the star of covid.
  16. He had an AlQaeda training manual, and had been flagged 3 times to an online terrorist hotline.
  17. During the Hamas invasion of Israel by Islamic savages it is confirmed that they raped the dead bodies of the dead white girls they had murdered. When they took the bodies back to Gaza they were hailed as heroes. This guy will be a hero in prison to his fellow muslims.
  18. 106 here in San Sai and it's only January. Dry here, no rain for more than a month. Forests will go up soon.
  19. That conviction will be overturned on appeal. That'll really get you snowflakes wailing. Just take a moment to consider the future. 4 years of Trump followed by 8 years of Vance🥳🥳🥳Oh joy!
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