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Posts posted by Pattaya46

  1. - Tous les seconds jeudi du mois a la reunion mensuelle du Club[/size]

    That means "every second Thursday of the month", so next meeting should be in 2 weeks, 12 of March, maybe a bit late?

    To the OP, there are many French places in Pattaya. Don't know in which area you are, but you could look for a bar with a "bleu-white-red" flag and I am sure someone would be happy to help and tell you what these letters mean. Could cost you just a drink wink.png

  2. Timer is reset each time you enter the country.

    I would say this is not 100% true... sad.png

    A guy in my condo thought that it was not worth making his 90-days report has he will flying back to his country 5 days latter, still in the authorised period to report. He left, ok. He came back, airport, ok. But 3 months latter for what he thought was his following 90-days, he was told that he was late on reporting from before his travel and got a fine... sad.png

    So I would say the timer is reset only if you are 100% clear about your reports.

  3. A filter only works if there's no by-pass.

    Any agent will get you a retirement extension without funds -- just pay the fee.

    The filter was the idea behind the rules for those who made the law.

    The fact some Immigration Officers may "implement the law differently" is another problem sad.png

    BTW I know well about this problem. From my previous message on this page :

    // in practice any "Visa Office" in Pattaya will tell you that for 12 or 15'000 baht they will get you this extension.

    • Like 1
  4. I just really don't believe that so many farangs kill themselves over there

    and it is always after a fight or argument with the thai girl friend.

    You just ignore that the argument came from the serious financial problem he had

    and that he just learned that his house in Ireland was repossessed ! sad.png

    A very destabilizing news and seems enough to me to think about "suicide"...

  5. Because 65k a month is beyond what many guys have. Simple as that.

    My wife gets by on 10k a month and she isn't starving so why does Mr.

    Foreigner need 65k a month?

    Can't you understand this "65K" if a kind of selection/filter ?

    Thailand just doesn't want to be invaded by "poor people" from Western countries

    who would prefer to live in the sun than in the Britain rain & cold.

    • Like 1
  6. And since the 800K baht on deposit method is fairly straight forward to verify, I will assume that they are less than honest on the 65k/month part they are affirming at their embassy

    Most of them can't do that. Yes American just have to lie to their Embassy to get a Retirement Extension, but most other people have to prove to their Embassy that they really have the revenues they declare.

    I think its about 40-45k a month so i often wonder how they get the 800k in the bank..i guess they have it ?

    Sad to say, but even if officially it's more controlled (with by example obligation to go to Bangkok for the first extension) in practice any "Visa Office" in Pattaya will tell you that for 12 or 15'000 baht they will get you this extension. (no doc, no embassy or bank letter, and no trip to Bangkok required)...

  7. Invaluable ? What do you use your Yellow Book for ?

    It not even accepted as proof of address for a Thai Driving License now...

    Yes it is where I live, also for buying cars pickups bikes tractors in my name, getting hospital treatment at thai rates, registering phones buying new phones, worth its weight in gold, and very very useful when renewing visa extensions, getting all utility bills in my name etc etc.

    You are very lucky then, but this is the Pattaya forum

    and in Pattaya the Yellow Book (often?) is not accepted for that.

  8. you need a yellow book, invaluable, would not be without mine.

    Invaluable ? What do you use your Yellow Book for ?

    It not even accepted as proof of address for a Thai Driving License now...

  9. // It you wanted it to be laid an top of your existing tiles, you would need to screw 50 x 25mm battens @ 400mm centers max. Flooring should be tongued and grooved, plus "Secret Nailed" //

    Hi. I don't know how it's made here in Thailand, but in Europe it's frequent - when you want to lay a wooden floor over a plain strong surface as a tiled one - to just glue the wood on the tiles. No need of battens and a lower high for the floor.

  10. Hi. As far as I know you will not get your name registered in the Condo Blue Book at Pattaya if you are a farang.

    I saw someone who got his name handwritten on the first page, but not even a stamp on it,

    so I could do the same (write my name on my book) with probably the same result: an useless document. sad.png

  11. [a falling object including a bullet will be no faster than a small stone - a nutt - a bolt - an egg , they reach maximum velocity after about 200 feet unless they are propelled or fired and a falling bullet is no different

    More or less. We are not in space and a dense (metal) bullet will fall slightly faster than a nut or an egg. Just Google it: Falling speed of bullets in the 30-70 m/s range. People already have died from bullets falling from the sky...

    Edit: I saw you edited your answer. Yes of course I agree with "terminal velocity", but problem is this velocity still is fast enough to kill.

  12. come on - you can never be sure lol

    // a bullet fired into the air will lose its energy and fall with no more force than if it was dropped from a few hundred feet, this bullet in order for it to penetrate the roof as shown in the picture was fired down from a nearby higher building as a deliberate act or stupidity

    As you said: you can't be sure !

    Yes a falling bullet is "not that fast", about 5 to 10 times less than when it is fired, but still can fall at 40 m/s for a hand weapon bullet! 150 km/h is far than enough for a bullet to go through the thin roof & ceiling of many Thai houses.

    At 40 m/s only, a bullet very probably will bounce on a human body, but it can still be fatal if you are unlucky to receive it on a weak place (eyes, ears, ...)

  13. And I personally would not like my address, etc details to be viewable by every Tom, Dick and Harry of a hacker on an insecure http-prefixed website. Will definitely stick to snail mail for 90-day reporting until or unless a secure online facility is provided.

    Hi. This 90-days registration site is more than likely connected to the Immigration database (at least in reading and for non-Imm visa owners). If someone manage to hack this site, he very probably will have access to details of all people who could use this site (including yourself), not to only those who used it.

    BTW a "https" does not really make a website safer than a "http" one. It just makes the "transfer" safer, so the line between your home to the website server. There are many very unsafe websites using https... sad.png

    • Like 1
  14. Are Immigration being paid by Microsoft for this site to be only accessible with the IE browser?

    Did you try ?

    Seems to work perfectly with FireFox (35) and Chrome (40), on top of IE (11)

    I went as far as the full form, but didn't try to submit it of course.

    You can use it only in the period [15 days, 7 days] before your due date.

    I will try in 2 weeks wink.png

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