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Everything posted by rcuthbert

  1. I had to take the minimalist approach lest the Mods pull the picture. (no pun intended)
  2. I guess employing experts, that understand how to prevent erosion, never occurred to the government. On the other hand, the experts may have concluded that the beach zone should not have been touched...
  3. Warrior Warrior is an American martial arts crime drama television series that premiered on April 5, 2019, on Cinemax. It is based on an original concept and treatment by Bruce Lee, and is executive-produced by his daughter, Shannon Lee, and film director Justin Lin. Genre:Action, Drama, Martial Arts https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5743796/episodes?season=1 Seasons 1 and 2, 720p x264...
  4. Agreed. Chimps wage war, and they punish those that behave differently than the majority. The 20th century demonstrated that when a human majority is bombarded with repetitive propaganda, it's intellect is overridden - and the slaughter begins.
  5. I had not considered the Chimp/Bonabo connection before reading your post. I find the fact that 98.8% of human DNA is identical to that of the Chimpanzee to be quite interesting, and supportive of your thesis.
  6. Wow! Brilliant sarcasm - combined with argumentum ad hominem! Your Grade 8 English instructors taught you some serious composition skills. (Think before you reply.)
  7. rcuthbert

    Flooding again

    "Always look on the bright side of life.."
  8. Young women create biological responses. It's fun to get them naked, and they can give me a son. Older Western women's thoughts and feelings have been shaped by the "Feminist Sociological perspective"; consequently, many men have left them for a younger un-indoctrinated girl. Probably, older Thai gals still prioritize maintaining their mans happiness - which is a good thing; however, they do little to stimulate my physical interest - no matter how hard they try. I love Thailand because it's devoid of Radical Feminists, and other Far Left ideologues - which makes me very happy.
  9. Good move Bro. An ominous warning that I shall definitely heed.
  10. Copy the iso to a usb, then extract the file with winrar. https://www.google.ca/search?q=extract+iso+with+winrar&source=hp&ei=pMIoYZHSOtXk5NoPl_GU0AE&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYSjQtbWt_KDHkE_IPvcbkV_vAHwTUrKp&oq=open+iso+with+winrar&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOgUIABCABDoICAAQgAQQsQM6BQguEIAEOhEILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAxCTAjoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJIDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQsQNQ6g9Yq21gq50BaABwAHgAgAH7DogBxoQBkgEJNS04LjUuNS4xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz
  11. "The Rolling Stones perform on the ‘Ed Sullivan Show’ on October 25, 1964 in New York City, New York. From L-R: Bill Wyman, Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts, Keith Richards."
  12. RIP. When I was "knee high to a grasshopper" in London, suddenly all the girls started screaming because the Stones made a surprise public appearance. Even my Mum was ecstatic.
  13. If I want to hear the truth about Covid vaccines - I listen to professors of virology. Their concern is that the current vaccines only "attack" one spike protein if the virus; consequently, mutations become more likely. What is needed are vaccines that attack more of the virus- thus making mutations less likely.
  14. Spend lots of cash, because "looks are not important."
  15. Went to a massage shop today. The gal put oil on both hands. I feel like she did not see the "real me" - I felt undervalued, and very uncomfortable; however, I soon forgave her...
  16. Any barber shops open in the Bukhow - 2nd road area? Thanks
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