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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Poor, low IQ sheeple,drinking heavily. Throw a dispute into the mix and murder is not far..
  2. In Turkey, he will destroy his passport and join the caravans for Europe. His new name...Hassan Al Siddiqui..from Gaza. This being said, and taking into account that most ppl are dumbfux, he might board a plane to Dushanbe on his original pport 🤦‍♂️
  3. Old?🥳 Yes please! If I had a choice I would like to be 3000 years old. A living repository of all wisdom that's ever been. Cool stuff is cool forever and techno, facial tattoos and drug-augmented stupidity are never cool. There.
  4. KSR was cool back in the 90s Then around 2000 the 'party animals' came, with their garbage music. Been downhill ever since. Nothing to do with being young or old. Its good taste vs bad.
  5. My 2 cents.. 1.Most men are stupid. 2.Lazy....not much work needed to date a prostitute 3.Low self-esteem and self-worth 4. Degenerate lifestyle that only a prostitute will tolerate because she's of the same persuasion 5.Captain-save-a-hoe syndrome which originates in the damsel-in-distress syndrome Men are bound to want to 'save' a woman who they perceive to have fallen in hard times
  6. Rule #1 Don't make your life more complicated that it normally is. The less complicated (and minimalistic) the better. Don't buy sh!t. Cash is king. Don't trust anyone incl. family members esp. the ones not blood-related
  7. Plenty if humans out there in dire need of 20k. Oh..U forgot..you are a misanthrope. A street cat (or any cat) doesn't warrant 1000b in my world. Food and shelter is all they gonna get. Have a nice day.
  8. It would have fared better on the street? The mother is a street cat...she found refuge in my place (part time, at least)
  9. My 7 month cat has a serious case of the flu or something close to it. Laboured breathing, raspy sound from the lungs and some blood discharge from the mouth... Three days already and zero food or water. A visit to a vet would be the obvious step but I'm looking at a 1000 with multiple visits/injections As a farang ,obviously I'm a prime target for overcharging etc. Seasoned cat owners out there...u think the little guy can survive with no help or not? He has a strong constitution ,for what it's worth Btw...his mother has another litter nearby and will be dumped on me in a month or so..😁
  10. She got beat up .. I'm not disputing that. ..but I dispute the 'who started it part' If it started as a simple argument and she doused him with water... Guy goes off. I'm not applauding him btw.
  11. Double standards.. That's what it has to do with it. Let's see what the penalty will be for the driver.. (Don't hold your breath.)
  12. We only hear the Thai version of the incident. A Thai would never lie of course.🤦‍♂️
  13. North Korea (with cobras)
  14. In my books, everyone is stupid except a tiny minority of ppl. I have particular contempt for Academia.
  15. You have influence Neeranam? Influence is for Thais not us. Ok..let me rephrase this . Unless you are a (farang) billionaire or have married into the uppermost echelons of Thai society, forget about it. How many farangs have those credentials? A handful.
  16. Slap on the wrist, 10 baht fine..good to go. Oh I forgot..he's farang! To the gallows! Btw...this dumb#### must have known or at least suspecting his name would be on a list. Trying a different exit point other than Phuket might have been called for. I'm not saying it would have worked but at least he would have tried
  17. Avoid Thai males like the plague. Obviously, altercations are a serious NoNo The Thai just1ce system doesn't give a rat's a$$ for us. Is shtf, and it seems you will be taken to the cleaners, head for the airport. Thais would do it without hesitation Dont grow roots here.
  18. Maybe these dum@$$es saw something on tv abt overstaying foreigners or such.. It's always the most plausible explanation
  19. My personal opinion is that you need to go back to elementary school.😱 Stringing a sentence together seems an impossible feat for you. On the subject at hand.. I believe most ppl are dumb fux. Handing out guns to them (or drugs)? What could possibly go wrong. ..and what about oppressive govts, cry the ' liberty' crowd. Life on earth will suck for as long as this gig continues. Overthrowing corrupt govts just brings in the next batch of corrupt and hungry for loot, scoundrels.
  20. Any place that Thai males congregate that alcohol and women (and music) is present. Avoid.
  21. Another day, another hub.. In a country where hardly anybody speaks any (real) English. 🤦‍♂️
  22. Away from farangs and ..cough..cough Thais is the best course of action.
  23. More selective? Any more selective and they will be at N. Korea levels. 😱
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