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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Offer debt relief so the dummies can start borrowing again (beyond their means) 🥳🥳
  2. Thais will test everything to the extreme. A pickup designed for say .one tonne load, will be loaded 10. Then they will race down the road at max speed. Preferably drunk. On a wet asphalt. Did I forget something? 😵‍💫
  3. Where do you get your statistics from? I get them from the street. Way more reliable.. Xenophobic? Fook yes. It happens when you realize how stupid most ppl are. ..and the Japanese are among the stupidest sheeple I ever encountered. There.
  4. Demographic implosion in Japan starting to show? Xenophobic old farts tend not to travel. Also...Japan has been on a 30 year downward spiral, economically speaking.
  5. Range is the only issue but a HUGE one . I spent 99% of my time locally. Once a year I travel 1000s of kms by road to distant places. Some ppl do it way more often. EVs cannot handle this. Either I need 2 cars or an ICE one. Btw...I don't buy the environment argument for EVs but that's for another thread
  6. Cars are financial sinkholes imo. The moment you step out the showroom, you take a 10-20 percent devaluation. Devaluation continues apace until it drops to almost 0. Now.. regarding the topic. It's clear, gooberments are full on behind EVs. Translation...good luck fighting it. On the technical side of things, ICE engines win clearly. (Range, autonomy) ..but like I said, it's a political decision at the end of the day.
  7. No...I bring my pport just in case. ...and because I have it at hand, I don't bother with the DL. It would be foolhardy to show up with just a DL.
  8. Trains to the provinces not urban ones
  9. They even require one to board a train now.
  10. Wtf are they smoking? I don't ever remember been allowed to check in without showing my passport
  11. That's the problem with popular islands. Eventually they become gridlocked.
  12. Sure it is...🤡🤡
  13. Monitor away..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  14. He will pay.....tomollo. Tomollo..tomollo.
  15. Meanwhile 1000s of prostitutes (or not) take farangs to the cleaners by embezzling their money/properties. I wonder what the penalties are for this. Also..I never believe wholesale what Thai women say. Lying is the national sport here. I wonder what is Tom's side if the story.
  16. ..and how do you motivate the teachers? They are already overpaid imo. Most are dumb as rocks. You can't remedy that.
  17. You are trying to make some kind of joke but failed. Don't quit your day-job What? This is your day-job? 😱
  18. I haven't met any nor have I heard of any. Btw..having a university degree doesn't mean much in my world. Hope this answers your question 😁
  19. Idiocracy strikes again. She'd probably was glued to her phone as usual
  20. In Thailand, you are NOT the prize. The culture is so xenophobic at heart, despite the skin-deep 'friendliness'. They teach them at school that khon Thai is the dog's b0ll0cks. Never been colonized etc etc. I never saw any real preference for farangs here unless they target your money. Real preference would be if rich women would go for poor farangs. They never do. In recent years I have been targeting a demographic close to my age (50-60) You cannot imagine how delusional these old hags are. They still expect you to be the provider even if they have money. 😂 When I point that I could get a 30 yr old if I was prepared to 'provide', they go crazy.
  21. I got to see that. Unless they are over-50s. The women that is.
  22. I bet she doesn't even know how to do it. Most under-30s cannot even boil water.
  23. I could imagine feminists applauding it as it 'empowers' women or such drivel ,but when men do it ,they screech like harpies. 🤡
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