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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Another day, another brainf@rt.
  2. That's why they leg it after an accident 😨
  3. Err...It would be simpler to tell his daughter to continue playing with dolls. Btw...I hope the OP has very deep pockets Driving has become gnarly af in this country.
  4. Maybe the family can sue the feckers. This being said,the rescue workers should know the hospital policy and choose a govt hospital as a first choice. I believe the refusal is standard procedure for all private hospitals here
  5. It was windy af in the last couple if days here on the Songkla coast. Biggest waves so far this year Satun is less affected though
  6. Boat travelling at max speed? Nah...Thais never do that.
  7. I've noticed it for many other items over the years. Dumb as rocks. 🤡
  8. MG showed no interest She did the rounds at the second hand dealerships and they were offering 400k 😱😱 I understand she paid 1.2 mil new.😵‍💫 A heck of a depreciation for barely 2 yrs. Buyer beware.
  9. Hi An old lady I know is trying to sell the car in the description above.. 8000 kms....18 months old...original owner Immaculate condition Anybody can suggest a sale value? I will post in the cars for sale forum but have no idea abt pricing. Thanks
  10. They are ceramic alright but traditionally have contained (powdered?) asbestos The practice is banned in the West now but not here.
  11. I know there has been only a 'voluntary' ban of asbestos in Thailand That is, companies are free to use it in their products or not. Anybody knows what's the current status re: floor tiles?
  12. Crackdown on drunk, heartbroken Germans. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
  13. Well..it wouldn't hurt if he let the world know.. They deserve all the bad publicity they can get.
  14. You should go out more often.
  15. 'English' and 'Thailand' should never be mentioned in the same sentence unless the word 'abysmal' is present also..
  16. Yeah...desperation for another drunken night or some frivolous purchase. Stop idolizing the poor. 99% are dumfux .. but wait....I have an even darker theory. Most Thais love slavery/serfdom In this case, debt-slavery. I owe, therefore I am. Once they manage to pay off one debt, they will take on a new one 🤦‍♂️
  17. Borrowing money from a loan shark. If this isn't the biggest 'tell' for stupidity ,I wonder what is..
  18. Zuck is taking a sensible precaution. Doomsday bunkers have been around since the 50s. (Cold war etc) If shtf, he hopes to sit out the worst of the fallout for a few weeks/months. After that he will probably hightail it somewhere in the southern hemisphere . In case Hawaii is not hit, he will continue life in the property. Contrary to what many ppl believe, nuclear 'holocaust' won't be the end of the world Over 90% of the nukes will hit the northern hemisphere.. that's where the belligerents are. Wind patterns and other factors will keep most of the fallout within the N.Hemisphere
  19. True..but you can turn back at no cost and say gbye to this rigmarole. I hear ,a neatly folded 500b item in the pport, can perform wonders. As others have said..if you have abused the visa system,avoid coming in by plane.
  20. What happens if the family refuses to pay the hospital? Are they gonna put him in hospital jail? What does Thai law says? I bet he was taken there against his will (or unconscious), like many others.. I despise private health-scare. Socialist af on this one. 😁
  21. They keep falling in the English proficiency rankings too. Year after year. They are fast rising in the obesity charts though...😱
  22. Funny thing is they actually believe it 😱😱😱😱 Abandon all hope.
  23. Did you 'fish' her in a bar? How abt the previous 2? Asking because you mentioned Nana. 😵‍💫
  24. The true soul of Thailand in display again. Any more excuses by the diehards? I've been saying for years, that tourism in Thailand happened against the wishes of the elites/govt. It was a private ,organic thing that developed gradually between farangs and enterprising Thais. (Hoteliers, prostitutes etc) In due course they will revert into a N. Korea style regime.
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