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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Yeah wow... 58. congrats
  2. I find they age real well.... tidy as feck infact... until they reach 40. Then they look like their 55/60/65 yr old mum.
  3. Where did you interact with them and what industry was it ?
  4. Its ironic given he comes across as a spineless chap..
  5. Exactly, I was in this exact same position, heavily sedated in ICU on a ventilator... the cost was basically the same. due to my private health deciding to not cover, my bill at that hospital (affiliate of Bangkok Pattaya) was paid out and I was moved to another hospital (private) that was covered by my social security... the final bill that was paid was of similar cost per night in ICU there.
  6. Majority of long termers would be an older demographic and will potentially require a lot of expensive health care at some stage. The government would have to be crazy to expose the SSF to that kind of risk.
  7. I have 6".... but it smells like a foot.
  8. so he stooged her on a short time paying only 600 for her performance.... now she's butthurt and wants to publicly slander the guy.
  9. How do they cremate someone in a river ?
  10. Seeing as though there is a Brit involved... I wonder how long till a gofundme is started ?
  11. Dark Tea - 95 Yuan. Yellow Tea - 157 Yuan.
  12. Put up a pic so I know what to look out for. BTW... there is feck all bars in soi 4.
  13. Correct, it does cost that in a private hospital. Ive have an invoice to confirm.
  14. Ive never seen a blood sucking hyena. What do they look like? What drugs do you consume to see them ?
  15. ICU, Heavily Sedated, Ventilator, cost me 140k a day in 2023. Jomtien hospital (part of the BDMS group).
  16. and you really think I give two <deleted> what you do and do not mind ?
  17. Yeah thats bout the going rate for ventilator in ICU. cost me 280k in 2023 for 2 days.... Pneumonia both lungs.
  18. Hahahahah saw the thread title... came to read and see if gofundme is mentioned. ding ding ding, we have a winner !
  19. GeorgieBoi likes to walk the train tracks in Manilla........... self pleasuring whilst naked.
  20. amusingly, nobody cares what you think either!
  21. Yeah british humor.... has always been utter pish to me.
  22. Really ? 1 can Bt.30.00... inc some rice and that dinner for a family of 4.
  23. had to google that... I'll pass on British humor thanks.
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