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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Would take less than 5 mins for him to check the flight prices for the revised dates and see if there is a $500 difference, which there likely is. If there is not.... an email asking why the extra $500 flight charge would be a resonable course of action.
  2. Wamos and Virgin fly the Sydney>Manilla leg. Wamos is cheaper than Virgin. For example.....
  3. Sydney to Manilla legs. Wamos Air or Virgin ?
  4. 10cm is huge ! glad to hear it was benign. Mine was 8cm and malignant, removed before it spread.
  5. Min wage earners do not earn enough to need to pay taxes..... Raise wages or change the tax free threshold.
  6. there are numerous threads on these taxes.... did none of them answer your question ?
  7. as I thought.. 65k a month spend is not an accurate claim.
  8. Do they really spend that much ? I average 5k a month.
  9. Yeah right.... so guess then because what you guarantee is baseless.
  10. Agreed. Have a friend with a chipped/modded turbo Civic..... it goes real good.
  11. Yeah... most your posts are derived from you guessing.
  12. Such a burden.... sorry to hear you have to take care your pets.
  13. My employer files my tax return. Funny to see you now guess "what the TRD" do !
  14. The image posted by onemorefarang is an NXT360..... it aint a soft skin.
  15. They just like to whinge about what they feel is not ok in their own little bubble. The vision impairment is tunnel, magnified by their own self pity and butthurt.... likely from spending too much time in their mom's basement in some cold arse country !

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