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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Brit families don't pay.... they scab.
  2. More BS. A farang takes him/her self out on a sports/big bike in Pattaya.... it defo makes the news.
  3. Really, a young(ish) farang dies on a sportsbike weekly.... where did you glean this BS from ?
  4. Yeah damn exxy. What about the 300R @ Bt.151k ?
  5. Almost every week someone dies in Pattaya riding a 150cc scooter.... your point is ?
  6. The CBR250RR has 25nm @ 11000rpm. I would have though a 600 would be atleast double that.
  7. https://www.axa.co.th/en/axa-roadside-service
  8. Malaysia buit bike @ Bt.170K ? Honda Thaiiland website.. https://www.thaihonda.co.th/honda/motorcycle/sport/cbr250rr
  9. Ford own a couple, they use them for ferrying workers to and from home.
  10. and if you do not want to use the ID number of someone you know......
  11. What is the timeline for "sail through"?
  12. Wel spotted, its actually an A380.... Landing at Hong Kong !
  13. When did you lodge your application and how long will it take to be approved ?
  14. Throw up some pics, am thinking of similar for my gaff.
  15. You could ask day job company to add your other job to their work permit.
  16. I got one of these in the bedroom.. works great.
  17. What are you doing for sound ?
  18. struth... coulda atleast booked a bolt car so the corpse could sit on the back seat rather than riding pillion on the back of a grab scooter.
  19. Kiss food and drink goes good, fantastic menu and great prices.
  20. Am eyewitness said there was black ice on the road !
  21. Yeah they ship out a bit each month.
  22. They were pretty quick to release the details of how David Carradine died !
  23. what was the excessive speed witnessed ?
  24. They needs more than 2 fingers to smoke it.
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