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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. So he cannot use a supplied facility that he is paying for ?
  2. This miserable old codger whom if not a condo owner is a renter........... where should he charge his EV if not at his condo building ?
  3. You spelt Chump wrong !!
  4. Obviously you are not enjoying yourself if this thread is to go by.
  5. You can, infact MG provide a charger adaptor to do so.
  6. Either way time in the cells will happen so waiting a few hours for my PP to be delivered will mean diddly squat in the grand scheme of being in deep kaka with the PoPo.
  7. If involved in something quite serious, I reckon a passport would be the last thing on my mind !!
  8. I did use my passport as ID for the bank accounts, only because I opened them before I had a driver licence. Am not sure what the banks currently require though.
  9. link to the law that states passport please.
  10. The legal requirement is to carry ID. My driver licence is ID. My passport is kept safe in a very secure safe.
  11. I'd have to call the work HR manager and ask him to get it from the safe and bring to me. in 20yrs I've been asked twice for passport.... both times driver licence was accepted.
  12. Do they ask for ID or for actual passport ? Would have thought a Thai driver licence that has passport number would suffice.
  13. Did chuckle at his spindly little chicken legs............ so typical of these gym junkie meat heads.
  14. Last TM30 I did I was lazing beside the pool enjoying a cold beer............. lodging the TM30 took seconds.
  15. didn't they get made illegal a few years back..... current registered bikes ok but no new allowed.
  16. Who drives through BKK to get to Pattaya ? Swampy is on the Pattaya side of BKK outskirts !!
  17. no problem at all for me.... only imbecile knuckle draggers use the imperial system.
  18. A problem that did not stop me passing Uni with 6.8 GPA nor impeded me to complete my Bachelor of Engineering degree.
  19. my tape measures do not have inches on them... so yes, for me to measure in inches is impossible.
  20. So this is a United States of Whatever issue that some are attempting to force down the throats of others.
  21. The concept is based around walking or riding a bicycle. not driving a car. https://www.15minutecity.com/about
  22. Ahhh, just realised this 15 min city concept is walk or ride a bike 15 mins................ not drive a car of motorbike. They can punch that right up their sphincter.
  23. Not to mention the suspension in a drag car is typically not suited to street usage..... then we start talking about pinion angles to get those rear tyres to bite the track.
  24. Is there any proof to validate the claim ? did LOL @ the claim it is the first production vehicle to run the 1/4 mile in under 9 seconds. Rimac ran 8.588 in the Nevera back in 2021. Pinnafarini ran 8.55 in the Battista a couple of months ago. Then we have the Lambo Huracan and Nissan R35 who both run high in the 8's over the 1/4. Wonder what else in the article is utter <deleted> ?
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