Temp import ?.
not that hard, look at car racing in Thailand, many of the group 1 stuff is here on temp imports..helped by support races in Singapore and Sepang using that as the must leave country point, then renew paperwork and come back.
And like the Ranger, Thailand wont get the the all bling specs either.
Thailand Ranger misses out on a lot more stuff than the V6 compared to what is delivered to Aus.
ok let me re-phrase.
Thailand will not be getting the V6 in 2023.
Talking with sales and marketing people I know that work at both Thailand facilities, V6 diesel in Thailand has never been planned.
There could be any number of reasons as to why he lost control..... but the pro's like yourself claim "he has no brain" and "he did not read the road"..........
As usual you pro's base your <deleted> dribbling on zero fact.
Policeman Opens Bolt App on phone and orders a Bolt.
Bolt arrives.
Policeman asks for taxi credentials.
Bolt drive unable to show.
Policeman arrests Bolt driver.
Just like taking candy off a kiddie.
Work commute 1000km a week.
1 tank would last 1.5 days. 1 Tank approx Bt3000 to fill.
Fuel cost Bt.10,000......... 30% less than my previous post (I was using Vpower 95 price not normal 95 price)
if it is a liveable wage for someone on day shift surely it too would be a liveable wage for someone on night shift..... so why the need for the 50% night allowance increase... sounds like a greedy money grab.
So my only traffic crimes are speeding and they are all on the 7 motorway via speed camera's.
Never have I seen a pick that is clear enough to ID me (heavily tinted windscreen, can barely even tell there is a driver).
If I refuse to pay citing I was not driving.. how do they put the fines and points on me ?