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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. For those replying. I do not care about the health check up records and Iam not going to persue.
  2. Iam not on any diet by choice now. I simply cannot eat, food tastes terrible and I struggle to eat a mouthful.
  3. 3 months now.
  4. 10 million baht deposit.... great deal !!
  5. 8/12 months ago started on the OMAD diet eating lunch only with the intent to lose weight. I have lost weight, A large chunk infact. However that hearty lunch time meal has now withered to basically nothing. Food tastes terrible (especially anything savoury), If I can struggle down a mouthful I have done well. Had my yearly check up done 2 months ago (Samitivej Sriracha) , Docs says everything in working order and OK, unfortunately the Hospital for what ever reason would not give me a copy of the results so result is void. Twice now I have been to see a general doctor at Bangkok Pattaya for other matters, I have brought up this subject as well but both times the Doc has just it is a vitamin defiency. I need a Doc or specialist that is willing to look past "vitamin defiency" as Iam becoming malnourished and need to sort this. Any idea's ?
  6. Cares that deeply he want hers to tell her employer bare faced lies to get of going. nice husband.
  7. Which model Maz 2 Diesel is sold with manual in Thailand ?
  8. But then they will both be killed, what will he do then ?
  9. in next weeks news. Foreigner deported for divining lottery numbers.... A Thai only profession.
  10. public transport from your front door to her office front door ?
  11. have managed to fingerbang my way through a lot of the female office staff on these type of trips.. alcohol is great !!!
  12. How does she commute to and from work ?
  13. You prolly should read up on the Thai Labour Laws.
  14. 25 day month is generous. Thai labour law pegs a working week as 6 days.
  15. You have been dribbling nonsensical <deleted>, time to put the bottle away and climb off that bar stool.
  16. Because newbie is my guess doing the "look at me look at me, I know how to say a Thai word arent I clever" routine.
  17. Not often, Thai's here speak english.
  18. 1.Nope, no soup kitchens where I live. 2. you the one whinging abut hazmat suits and what not when travelling during lockdown... don't like the rules don't travel..... surely even a moron understands this. 3. Interprovincial travel ?.... I had no issue with during the so called lock down. 4. Are you saying the weak bussinesses would still be operating lockdown or no lockdown....... wow next level window licking right there. 5. figured you had no proof of suicide rates..... people like you that spout the rubbish never do. 6. Why would Thai's consider a TV the same as a bible ? 7. Why... it is not something that concerns me. Your post was inaccurate and utter nonsense....... again.
  19. 1. What soup kitchens ? 2. Don't like the rules, don't travel. 3. was great with no tourists congesting the place.... although my little seaside getaway I enjoy greatly was not affected by the covids as they rely 100% domestic tourism.... and they was plenty. 4. most of the gone bussinesses were <deleted> anyways and would have closed lockdown or not. 5. got a link to official number before/during/after lockdown ? 6. what is a TV ? 7. what is an SHA hotel ?
  20. And yet Dan Andrews got voted back in.... Victorians have short memories ?
  21. Yeah I change mine every 5 yrs maximum for economic reasons. Couple tyres cost chump change compared to the financial burden a tire blowout could cause.... Whilst Iam confident I can stop my vehicle in such an event I doubt my missus can..... I'd be devastated if she had a blow out on the 36 taking the kids to school due to me milking the tire life to save a few pennies.
  22. yeah the start to go hard and crack after about 5 yrs. I never keep mine longer.... high speed tire explosions are not fun.
  23. nothing to do with sitting in a rented place. For me the lockdown down brought less traffic congestion which resulted in any trip I need to do such a pleasurable drive. From my daily work commute to a quick run over to foodland.
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