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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Why I mentioned in a previous post he comes and goes with his other passport(s). Some people (not you BKK Brian) find it difficult to see past their own hard-on when it comes to K.Boss.
  2. There are pictures. Just not in the media.
  3. Dual citizenship. Khun Boss first went to Dubai and spent time with Thaksin. Think about.
  4. And nobody outside of the Asean Now forum really give a toss about him either. Its only grumpy old men here getting their panties in a twist.
  5. same way he flys in and out when he pleases... on his non Thai passport.
  6. My last job I was made redundant and received 10 months severance, it was taxed.
  7. Doubt he the son of Red Bull....Fairly hard for a company to fall pregnant and pump out children
  8. I'll tell K.Boss you are happy I confirmed.
  9. Iam talking about the ones I see pulling vehicles over. and yes I have proof.... however I could not be bothered to post up my dash cam footage cause Iam sure posters will scream <deleted> and call me a liar.
  10. Do I have proveable facts, no. So no need for me to elborate on how I know as you would simply call me a liar.
  11. There is highway patrol, I see them daily with vehicles pulled over on my commute to and from work up and down the 7 motorway. What you should have posted is there is not enough highway patrol.
  12. The way Red Bull do things is pretty reckless and ruthless at times.
  13. Plenty of "normal women" live in Pattaya.
  14. My wife and I share the same (live in) girlfriend... Not sure I'd be wanting to add more to the household though but will ask the wire !!
  15. Thats what he should have done... but like all bull<deleted>ters... they get all defensive when called out.
  16. Figured you were lying... your answer proves it. The rest of your bragging is just made up <deleted>.
  17. FMD can live in cooked meat ?
  18. Can a moderator confirm this bob smith persona is actually in Thailand ?
  19. Cost depends on how much technology is glued to the screen. But a google of Everest windscreen show they are $760 in Australia so about Bt19,000... Your qoute is within reason I reckon. Does your insurance company not provide one free screen per year ?
  20. How do they figure murder charge ?... Get ya self a belly full of beer jump in the car and go kill an innocent..... That charge is reckless driving causing death.
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