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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Longer operating hours = more chance for the owners to incinerate their patrons !!
  2. The recently added 300b insurance only covers for the first 30days in country. Kim has been here for 4 years.
  3. Sirikit Hospital where she was accepted and waiting inline for treatment would have been significantly cheaper than Bangkok Pattaya !!
  4. She was accepted by the hospital and in line for treatment. Her friend chose to move her to a very expensive private hospital.
  5. not really a principle that happens though so there is little for me to agree with.
  6. Were in my posts have I said it is ok for a private hospital voluntarily let someone die ?
  7. Which private hospital allows a person requiring treatment to die in their carpark ?
  8. got a link to this... In Thaliand. FWIW, BKK PTY hospital is a ways away from the incident and this lady ended up there in the back of her friends car whom chose an expensive private hospital.
  9. Private hospitals exist for one reason and one reason alone and it is not to provide charity health care.
  10. And who should publish the alert ? Is this something done in other countries ?
  11. it is if they wish to ignore the concept of businesses making money.
  12. The number one purpose of a privately owned business is to make money. Strange concept lost on many butthurt people.
  13. Had a stroke, wife drove me to a private hospital. spent 5 hours laying on a bed with zero medical attention until my health insurance guaranteed payment... then spent 6 days in ICU and a further 2 weeks in a private room.... at a cost of 2 million baht to my insurance company. Had I gone to the government hospital I am registered at (I have social security card) the cost would have been significantly less but would have had to come from my pocket and assume the care to reflect cost.
  14. Private hospitals care about their bottom line...... End off.
  15. Yeah, utterly disgusting for a business to want to make money. I assume the owners of Mountain B were also in the game to make money. Now that I think about my employer also likes to make money. Making money = disgusting..... what a world we live in !!
  16. Medicare in Australia only covers people from countries that they have an RHCA with. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/overseas-visitors-and-healthcare https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/before-you-go/health/reciprocal-health
  17. Errr what ? Parrot Fish eat the algae off coral and in-turn the coral thrives.
  18. Yes Jacko likes to skirt around the fact it has 2 doors and two seats, Ive asked numerous times instead rambling on about some sort of cushion in the rear as though it is a legal seat. Anyone not sure how many people their car/pickup is legal to seat.... look at your insurance papers, seating capacity is specified.... another good tell tale is how many door handles it has... obviously this does not apply to 2 door coupe cars.
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