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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Because the lack of law enforcement is the issue, not sure why you ignore this and nonsensically ramble on..... <deleted> seat belts on motorbikes, your are clearly delusional.
  2. Am not trying to justify anything, just stating facts, sorry they do not gel with what ever is happening in your head.
  3. Sidecarts are not legal and you will find it against the law to carry a child in your arms whilst operating a motorbike. You misguided pot stirring should be angled more towards why aren't existing laws policed.
  4. How many external door handles does your 2006 pickup have ?
  5. and yet the kitchen was inside and served customers seated inside. Go figure !!
  6. I have friends back home with licensed restaurants that after 9pm have live bands play. they are restaurants not night clubs.
  7. At Mountain B they had a menu and you could order a meal that was cooked in the onsite kitchen to be served at your table.
  8. as a night club. It was a licenced restaurant though. Grey area though... when does a licenced restaurant with a live band become a nightclub though ?
  9. You know for fact it did not have a liquor licence ? many restaurants have them.
  10. The place was registered as a restaurant, had on onsite kitchen that cooked and sold food. Nothing illegal there. The part where it puts on a live band and becomes a night club on the other hand not so legal, in saying that what additional licence does a restaurant need for live entertainment ?
  11. Your pickup is a dual cab or extra cab ? You have posted it does not have green letter number plates so that indicates (to me) it is dual cab.... Surprises me it does not have rear seat belts.
  12. Most likely did conform to regulations and standards...... As the restaurant it was intended to be.
  13. "Almost attempted suicide". Does that mean they thought about or failed in doing so ?
  14. Ralf001

    Eye Test.

    Sorry not Pattaya but in BKK. Praram 9 Hospital Lasik Centre, went as recommended by a friend. Fantastic service and a through exam that is free, They told me my eyes are not bad enough for surgery and recommended a monovision contact lens. Not saying this is for you but for the service they provide (free) I was impressed at their honesty.... I went there looking for Lasik and they could have easily taken advantage. https://www.praram9.com/en/medical-center/lasik-center/
  15. 1 person per seat with belt. not a hard concept.... do you ask the same stupid questions in your home country ?
  16. None in mine either, thats why the road tax is paid on a two seat vehicle.
  17. I guess a G-String is technically under wear.
  18. Extra Cab pickup with green numberplates that only carries two people ? https://aseannow.com/topic/469614-what-are-those-green-numbered-number-plates-with-normal-white-background/
  19. Its illegal to be in public without underwear on.
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