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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. I remember the girl on Soi 7 Pattaya a number of years ago who had "TONKA" across her shoulders. The supposed tattoos in the article look like regular ink that will wash off.
  2. Yes, They are also more likely to go around kidnapping people as well.
  3. If she is really a Billionaires daughter, something tells me he will not be marrying her.
  4. What are the 650,000 points that he has amassed? Can they be cashed in for money or anything else of value?
  5. Was a "Pol Lt Col" first on the scene. Or was he the 1st on the scene to have his photo taken by the media ?
  6. I would suggest that you go to the offical UK gov website that deals with Passport applications. This will detail exactly what you need. People posting here can do so based on old infornation that may no longer be relevant.
  7. No doubt that somebody with the same mindset as you thought the same about a Halloween party in Korea.
  8. If the world only realised how important what you have to say is, it would be a wonderful place.
  9. If you can make do with 3 beers, then you should be able to make do with 0. 3 beers wouldn't even wet my throat.
  10. I told my Thai wife the history of Oiche Samhain a few years ago. Now she will not leave the house on night of Halloween.
  11. I bought a new Firestick 4K max International and recieved it yesterday. It is small with a cable that either connects to mains or USB for power. Mine is connected to USB, but some TV's may not be compatible, so also carry a plug that a USB connector can connect to. I use Tivimate as my IPTV player and set it up using a fake MAC, so you should be able to use it anywhere. I also installed my VPN and multiple Apks to watch free Movies and Series. So far I can do everything on it that I could do on an Android device
  12. With the World Cup on in Qatar next month I would expect that the flight prices via Qatar and other Middle East countries will be through the roof during that period. Significantly reducing tourist options in getting to Thailand.
  13. 24 hours, but they become less frequent in the eatly hours of the morning.
  14. LDOP
  15. Sgt Somchai of the Police Toll Booth Division.
  16. Liz Truss has resigned. Just saw speech on TV
  17. I've seen the Police pull 100's of Thai's on bikes and check under the seats for documentation. I've never ever seen a gun under there.
  18. Wasn't it an overdose of Gamma rays that turned Dr David Banner into The Incredible Hulk?
  19. Yes, that is what you should do. Just be careful when getting out of your yacht that you don't nettle yourself.
  20. Stay away from it until the power company cuts off the supply. More than likely the fire will put itself out, if not then water will do the job safely.
  21. Yeah, ye still bend the knee to the King of England.
  22. In Ireland my Thai wife would get a State widows pension for life (as long as she doesn't remarry or co-habit) if I die. It is taxable, but not means tested, so she could continue to work. She could also return to Thailand and have it paid direct to her bank. It is currently €213.50 per week for anyone under 66 and €253.30 per week for anyone over 66. I would also get it if she passed away.
  23. "Sunday School" I remember hearing about that on "The Little House on the Prairie" and "The Waltons" The very thought of it sent shivers down my spine.
  24. Probably a Baldie showing a Photo of Chewbacca and expecting miracles.
  25. "The root of most problems in Thailand will be eradicated in 30 days, Nov 8th" Wow Amazing Thailand
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