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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Four grams of Fentanyl? Definitely a drug Lord who would have destroyed miĺlions of lives with his evil cartel of 2 people. "8 grams of ketamine, 9 grams of crystal meth, 2 grams of ecstasy, 10 grams of cocaine and four grams of fentanyl."
  2. Why is the photo of 10 short pieces of dead wood, which are of no relevance, rather than the world record specimen.
  3. You need to get access to your meter reading. Not having that should be a 100% showstopper from moving in anywhere. No if's ands or but's
  4. Why the need for the media presence ? More photos taken than rice given out no doubt.
  5. Jomtien would be better known for Rainbow Trout.
  6. Most people at 80 have never fractured a bone in their life
  7. God created animals for human use. It is the only reason they exist and they should be used in whatever manner (includes being eaten) that humans see fit.
  8. You don't stop because you become old! You become old because you stop.
  9. When Bangkok sinks they will need all the empty Condos for the population.
  10. Never knew that. Good to hear. I suppose in an area that is Monsoonal followed by a lengthy dry (very very hot) spell, the proper distribution and storage of the water would have been a Priority for the survival for the population. "Necessity is the Mother of invention" as they say.
  11. When I saw the headline "Big Pom" and then the Golf cart with the security detail I thought it was an old photo of Howard the Police Volunteer exiting walking street in his cart with the other volunteers running alongside. I saw that many a night and always brought a smile to my face.
  12. It is illegal for Germany to deport and ban a fellow EU citizen from returning. But still they did it. Old habits die hard as they say
  13. Really ? https://anfenglish.com/news/germany-deports-spanish-activist-citing-a-link-with-the-kurds-56491
  14. I read the whole story. What part of what I wrote is incorrect per the full article?
  15. Whether malicious or a terrible accident, the schools care of a student and subsequent handling of the matter was appaling.
  16. They attacked the girl and hit her on the head with a helmet, but no mention of them attacking the boyfriend. Something fishy about this story.
  17. As long as some Bright Spark doesn't decide that it would be a good idea to test all tourists coming into the country.
  18. Editing someones post to deliberately mis-quote them is pathetic.
  19. "He'd grabbed an officer's gun while he was changing in the car park, started firing indiscriminately and fellow officers pumped him full of bullets in a judicial shooting. He had eight bullet wounds. Eight shell casings were recovered and taken into evidence." Something doesn't add up
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