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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Apparently during the fight he was winning, then he just gave up and got a beating. Typical Spurs.
  2. I suggest you re read mine 1st. Read what it says and don't jump to a preconcieved frame of mind that you have
  3. Just listening to a specialist (Prof) that works for the Health Service. He advised that between 1 and 5% of Covid patients are suffering from long Covid that has lasted in excess of a year. So it is not all about living or dying. There are many people with long terms affects that as yet are not fully understood.
  4. I have had Moderna x 3. Last one was back in Dec
  5. Is it ok if these foreign (Pimps) bar owners and managers expect these girls to go with skinny foreigners ?
  6. What happens when the scooter stops at traffic lights and there are 50+ scooters in close proximity. If none had masks Would you still say the statistical reality is "Almost Impossible" for catching Covid. Then multiply the possibility at every traffic light stop and consider the cross contamination with different scooter riders
  7. Get an android box. Go to https://firetvsticks.com/download_s Download Filmplus Go for adfree version Also check out many other apps available. A VPN is also a good idea.
  8. I love it on the Baht bus when a Thai rings the bell to get off. The bus goes again and within 5 to 10 seconds another Thai presses the bell to get off.
  9. We're in a Covid surge in Ireland. The main impact is people out of work. I had my 1st Antigen test ever yesterday and am positive. Sore throat started on Sat, almost gone today. I've been working from home since March 2020, so can carry on working at home.
  10. "For All Mankind" is a fantasic series. The 3rd season is currently in. I found it in the last month and caught up. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7772588/
  11. No, the US backed down and agreed to remove their weapons from Turkey. Then Russia responded in kind by removing theirs from Cuba. But back on topic. Use Tea bags multiple times. Wear only shorts and no tops outside. When at home walk around naked to save on laundry. Grow vegetables on the balcony or back garden and keep a pig. Take a slice of meat off the pigs back every day, this will eventually heal so you have an everlasting pig. Grow a beard to save on blades. Swim in the sea or complex pool to avoid paying for showers. Walk everywhere or get an old bicycle
  12. What are the odds on Walking Street being without Electricity from July until March ? "We have removed the old transformers as planned, we now await delivery of the new ones"
  13. Must be some new crazy weed crossed with Meth.
  14. She hadn't seen the dog for 2 years, then decided to bring it to China. Should have left it with whoever had been taking care of it.
  15. Whether 17 or 73, a hanging cable around the neck would have the same result. The cause of the accident was the negligence with the unsecured cable, not the age of the biker.
  16. Why don't people read the full article before talking out through their Ar*e.
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