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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. Was this you? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://metro.co.uk/2020/11/21/man-jailed-for-having-sex-with-chickens-and-dog-in-greater-manchester-13632216/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiunou8jp34AhXGEcAKHSgQAgAQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2X2RJPsxpM5oDdN56TcK03
  2. Should it not also include the commonwealth? Don't the Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks and others still bend the knee to her.
  3. So, should it be these US soldiers that should be executed or their superiors ?
  4. Willy! what have I told you about thinking ? The next time you get thoughts like that, you need to ly down on the bed until they go away.
  5. I was watching a TV prog last night and a Virologist was speaking. He said the incidence in Central and Eastern Africa was on the rise and this was still being investigated. He also said one of the reasons it was rising in Europe is due to people no longer being vaccinated against smallpox. He said smallpox was eradicated and inocculation stopped in 1979. This vaccine also had 85% protection against Monkey pox. He also said that the disease is endemic in Africa as it transferred from small rodents to humans there rather than Monkeys. He said the biggest danger to Europe is if it transfers again from humans to small rodents like rats, squirrels or mice. If this happens it will become endemic in Europe.
  6. This is a true story and it happened to me, not a friend. About 15+ years ago 5 friends and I were returning from Thailand to Ireland via Heathrow. We had an overnight stay in a hotel near LHR due to a late flight. We had prebooked and paid for the hotel. We fancied a few pints in the residence bar, but I was the only one with cash (7 thousand Baht) and I also had a Credit Card that wasn't maxed. I asked at reception if they could change my Thai baht and the young lad in his early 20's on the night reception said yes after looking up whether it was a currency they could change. I handed him the 7K baht and he started to count it. He said to me 63K, is that ok? He was looking at the back of the notes and thought they were 9,000 baht notes. I said "No" turn them over, they are only 1K notes. The lad literally went white in the face when he realised his error and started thanking me profusely for telling him. Off we went to the hotel bar and we ordered a round. I attempted to pay with the cash I had exchanged but was told it would be better to charge to room and pay with CC. That was Ok and we ended up having 5 or 6 pints each before calling it a night. The thing is, the drinks were never charged to my room, so we had a free session.
  7. <deleted>, he was convicted in 2014. That means they already had him and let him get away.
  8. May 31st. Non Smoking Day. A day introduced by Non Smokers in a Non Smoking group for Smokers. Most smokers will probably smoke more that day. I probably would have, before I gave them up.
  9. They wouldn't lower themselves to go to the soi Buaokaew area. They tend to frequent the up market Walking street area.
  10. I disagree. I believe politicians in general are fair game if someone wants to verbally attack them in a constructive manner(relatively), but I believe family is off limits. If someone says vile things about their children, then a jail term is justified.
  11. How is it possible in any country that an 18yr old can buy military style weapons on their birthday, but cannot go for a few pints with family and friends.
  12. Before heading to the school, Ramon killed his grandmother with two military-style rifles he purchased on his birthday, Gutierrez said. “That was the first thing he did on his 18th birthday,” he said.
  13. If she does not go into Thailand on the UK passport, then she cannot leave Thailand on the UK passport.
  14. Pre pandemic return flights were €450 to €500, now most are showing €1,000+. Hopefully extra routes will bring prices down again.
  15. They should have thrown the "Book" at him. Locked him in the "Pen". That would put down a "Marker" for others to take "Note"of.
  16. I wonder if my Thai wife can avail of this when we return to Thailand on holiday?
  17. If they think the airlines will spend a fortune to develop their sites to charge 300bht to non Thai passport holders, except Government officials and work permit holders from certain countries etc etc, then they are barking mad.
  18. "The feisty snapper was taken to the local fishery office, which will then relocate the crocodile to a safer location."
  19. "Pattaya Police will wait for an autopsy before jumping to any conclusions about the cause of the man’s death. " They don't need an Autopsy, they just need to join Asean Now to have all incidents resolved by the foreign experts of everything.
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