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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Quote "Yes I think you are a bit confused.Sanan isn't a government official and can meet who he likes.Secondly this isn't the first meeting by neutral parties with Thaksin, for example the respected Bangkok Mayor Sukhumbhand "

    Bangkok has a governor...and as him being respected is still to be judged

  2. MP Sa-nguan Phongmanee claimed ...

    Does he have any suggestion of evidence, or is it good enough to be just be able to "claim" it to get an investigation into it?

    Parlimentary Privelige...it occurs in most countries that have the Westminster style of government...

    I note the PTP and the redshirts have been extremely busy doing great deeds for those affected by the floods etc...read "not" :bah:

  3. God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

    Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????

    Nope....am not from UK....just appreciate the point that when there is strife in the world the US is usually there with first with help....I could go on forever...BTW I am not American either

    Well, i heard a Montenegrin citizen gave at least 5 million Baht and that was few days ago. :whistling:

    A minute fraction of what he stole from Thailand :whistling:

  4. God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

    Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????

    Nope....am not from UK....just appreciate the point that when there is strife in the world the US is usually there with first with help....I could go on forever...BTW I am not American either

  5. The main Central Department Store has a good range but oh so expensive...but buying quality is the way to go....I have 3 knives that have been passed down the family that are over 80 years old ....still fantastic to work with

  6. They should not be sent back there. That would likely mean death. What is Thailand's policy dealing with North Korean refugees? Are they sending any back?

    Hopefully they won't ask them to swim back.

    If I remember, there have been some stories of them getting refugee status and South Korea takes them.

    That has been the "norm" the last few years....off to Sth Korea

  7. ""Don't believe the rumour that I will allow 50 [Pheu Thai] MPs to join the government. I definitely won't do that," he was reported saying"

    Can someone please explain this to me? If 50 PTT candidates are elected (highly unlikely), a convicted criminal hiding off-shore won't allow them to join the govt. He won't allow them to try for a majority? What should they do, defect to the Democrats?

    You beat me to it. I'm also wondering about this prime example of democracy in action.

    Democracy....for heavens sake man...dont you know Takki has no idea what that means

    No offense, but may be you should read up on sarcasm, or maybe even irony.

    It was some of each....I thought a constant poster like you could sort the wheat from the chaff

  8. ""Don't believe the rumour that I will allow 50 [Pheu Thai] MPs to join the government. I definitely won't do that," he was reported saying"

    Can someone please explain this to me? If 50 PTT candidates are elected (highly unlikely), a convicted criminal hiding off-shore won't allow them to join the govt. He won't allow them to try for a majority? What should they do, defect to the Democrats?

    You beat me to it. I'm also wondering about this prime example of democracy in action.

    Democracy....for heavens sake man...dont you know Takki has no idea what that means

  9. A friend had this problem with a group of kids loitering in a Sala across the street from his house (drinking beer, smoking, congregating late, the type of shit a young-en would do away from the parents)

    Any way his Thai neighbors put a solution the the problem before he did.

    they ran an electrical wire out to the Sala and installed a light. Suddenly they were not so incognito anymore and chose to move on to some where else.

    Maybe this will work for you??

    good luck.

    Thats the best and cheapest solution

  10. I renewed my five year bike licence this year, and my five year car licence last year. On both occasions I needed a Medical Certificate. I also needed one when I did the previous five year renewals and my intial one year licences. Nothing new for us then.

    Same same everywhere, but some Doctors just charge more depending on locality. (But I must say they are not charging extra fees for the Farang on Samui, Gov't charge only, at this stage.

    It was actually abolished about 5 years ago but like a lot of things it was not passed down the chain to respective offices...I renewed license Sept 2005 and then Sept 2010 and did not require it

  11. The difference being that 28 or 48 baht in those days bought an awful lot more in real terms than it does today.

    You have to remember that you now have a lot more "pounds quids or baht" than you had in those days...just think salaries from those days

  12. Still the rain season here in Phuket during October...in fact it is usually one of the wettest months of the year....you may get 5 days with nothing but rain or u might get really good weather...just the way the cookie crumbles

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