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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. It may be just that. I see stuff like that and just laugh, but its very evident someone can't.
  2. Why you so offended by a joke. Grow up, get a life. Ps I forgot.
  3. Come on, it was yellow pill today, not the green one.
  4. Looks like a slight sense of humor failure.
  5. Just more stupid nonsense for the police and government to hide behind. They both care nothing about the way there citizens or themselves, behave on the roads, A total failure.
  6. Chinese to the left. Any dirty Falang to the right. Thank you for your cooperation.
  7. It's ok, but not so good for some of the Falang ladies renewing there extensions.
  8. Well for the news paper ( the sun ), sure 100% But for the story, maybe a nasty thing has gone down, in the land of frowns.
  9. Not always for all banks. Some will consolidate all transactions and just show a new balance, if you don't up date your pass book all the time. K bank did this to me. think it was about 11 months could be more, with out an update. ( many, many transactions ) went in to branch at lotus Jomtien, as knew I would need a new passbook as it was near full, lady just updated it to current balance, on one line. Not a problem, as I don't use this bank for immigration money.
  10. Kids are just pension funds, to most Thais. One dies just make a new one. One day they may care. Ps, 3 in my area last year. all in the Mekong river. very sad.
  11. Yes possible, open face crash helmet, face first into electric pole, at speed . jaw, nose, skull damage, nasty business. Not saying this was the case. just possible.
  12. I think its very important to keep a very close eye on your bank accounts. and make sure you access your accounts on a regular basis. just to show its not dormant. But saying that i have no fear of the banks in Thailand. 25 years of accounts, 5 at present, with 3 different banks , never had an issue. Just watch out for ,wives, girlfriends, boyfriend's, family members. Or the very outside chance, of naughty bank staff.
  13. What a disgusting pig. Many bad guys hide in temples with an orange robe on.
  14. Reckon 90% of the cases are, Wives, Girlfriends, Boyfriends. or other family members.
  15. Well done for not giving them the 15k. Shame you run out of time, think you may well, have had a surprise if you had gone back, we will never know now. So you can't guarantee anything. Thank you for the lecture.
  16. Yes it does. Go to jail then. and still pay the fine latter Ps they always have money for gas/derv, food, new phone and booze, the true poor Thai, does not have a motor vehicle. BTW, whats your fix for the situation on the roads I'm not just talking about drunk driving.?
  17. +1, That's the way, aha, aha. I like it, aha, aha.
  18. Thailand's Taxi boys taking the Piste. Nothing new. Thailand needs more of this sort of press coverage. Blow your foot off, a little bit more, boys.
  19. +1. But the Thai's, need to want, to change. They don't. they just don't care on, so many issues. I think the only thing that can change them, with there attitude to driving and riding on the roads. is to smash them, so hard in the pocket, it becomes, a real must, to behave on the roads, as they just can't afford, not to. Money number one in Thailand.
  20. What, Gargle with your own urine in the mornings, and be Bisexual. Nah, I will pass on that. But up to you.
  21. You forgot, crash all red lights, also drive up the carriageway the wrong way.
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