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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Tiger: based on your post, I would probably have become diabetic type 2 if I had stayed working in Milan, pubs, restaurants, no exercise much,  38in bloated waist, eating western meats pasta desserts alcohol etc. i had become borderline pre diabetic end 2019. Been in Thailand since March 2020.


    The tropical living has enabled research time and resultant complete Dr. Berg Diet / Exercise / Sleep / Relax lifestyle change. Daily Fast Fin Swims. Gym Bike / Weight sessions. Plant Based Diet. Lost 10 kg. now 35-36 in waist. Then gained more muscle in gym / pool. no junk food.; no alcohol. low carb. never smoked or taken drugs.Sizzler Salad Bar three times weekly !  One Meal a Day, etc.


    Disaster Averted I believe.

    • Like 1
  2. Agree Chomper. But what civilized measures would then have stopped the sick & dying unvaxxed from overwhelming our hospitals. Unless they were all confined ( walled off) in restricted unvaxxed living areas ( maybe red covid unvaxxed spots already like Manchester, Bradford and Leeds) with their own ( limited) hospitals to take their chances without dragging down the rest of us, largely non covid sick / injured needing hospital.

  3. find myself agreeing BOTH with Chomper and 2009.

    2009 nails the natural correct selfish reason to vaxx ….Personal Survival.

    Let Others ( Strangers after all) Worry About Others.

    Chomper nails correctly the collective responsibilty aspect, which for me, is less important. I would kill an unlimited number of strangers to save my young son. But let us pass Laws to enact collective protection against the unvaxxed.

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    • Haha 1
  4. re. “proper planning” approach, for OP and other tasks, I  was getting nowhere with that method finding a replacement pool cleaner service for our great but suffering Swimming Pool… 

    obvious plan recommendations, internet search, formal enquiries etc. all failed.


    realised had to do something different. jumped on bike and headed down nearest main road near coast , known for water services, for manual recce search. first place I found…. Bingo. that would have worked in OP case too….especially as those places are common & standard.

  5. “Why would anybody take meds, if they do not need it? “ 


    Because they believe in the non- existent “preventative medicine” concept pushed, to generate income, by pharma and doctors, contrary to all proper study findings, and choose to ignore the major side effects of even aspirin (stomach ulcers, blood thinning, unstoppable bleeding, death) let alone statins, opioids, etc. Blood is a certain consistency by Nature. Dont Interfere.


    Human Body has evolved over 15 million years.Barring Killer Diseases getting past our immune system ( if not vaxxed / protected / treated) or Pain Killers after Surgery / Infection, if we do basic body maint. body will self- regulate without outside drugs, i.e. Plant based Diet, HIIT Exercise, Deep Sleep, Relaxation, Plentiful Water.


    ” What The Health” Netflix Doc. showed how even this program in moderation reversed Obesity, Low Energy, etc with people able to completely dump their daily 20 prescribed often addictive meds.

    ” The Game Changer” doc. shows not needing any ( cancer- generating) Red Meat, only Plants, Fish.


    I have had “high chlorestorol” all my life. Born with it. Body makes it all. Statins Prescribed & Refused.

    Yet at 65 I was judged several years ago after MRI / CAT routine medical as having no Cancer Indications and “practically zero”risk of heart attack or stroke. scans showed all clear, just minor age related arterial deposits.


    Above Health routine. Never hospitalized. No flu and colds (last eight years). Never Smoked. No Drugs. Minimal Alcohol. Not rocket science. Take Care Of & Trust Your Body.

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  6. can only comment on provided info. no shared kids mentioned in OP. thats kind of relevant. normally thai men abandon their kids having left their mother. this ex could be levering the kids for attempted financial gain. extent of “contact” review required by current husband. and why the hell she forwarded to him this daft assumed scam request.

  7. btw there should be NO such contact and NO such wife forwarding action.

    in what other ways are they “contacting” each other……

    these actions alone for me would be grounds for immediate Separation & Divorce.

    let alone the clear scam conspiracy by wife…..and insult to intelligence…..


  8. jd: certainly my observations concerned uneducated peasant type middle aged and older Chinese, in large groups, yes the younger educated types encountered at work or outside were extremely well behaved but these are basically broke living in dormitories not travelling overseas, except as students. that Young American attitude you describe is downright weird. back in the 80’s my young american peers were similarly civilized to brits and euros.

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