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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. peter; I did write that I WILL pass on the Property Blue Book (with my thai family names) to new buyer.

    Yes, I also wrote that I will keep MY hard won Yellow Book (as War Bounty or Souvenir)

    Dont recognize your translated YB form and dont need it. 

    My educated thai lady and other thais have read my YB and all independently confirm I am there in thai with Name / Address / “ Owner of Property” .( three separate fields)

    YB always been quite useless except for pink ID issue & renewed driving licence without Imm. COR ........


    you DID say that all,municipal are different......and my YB is only four months old...maybe the first of a new type...... have compared my bb and my yb......IDENTICAL in every form respect apart from book colour & form no 13 or 14 & name- related content.....middle top of page 2 is clear field,after a left hand number,for Resident or Owner status. my thai lady & son are Resident in BB ....with their thai id names in thai.... with bb page 18 blank.

    my self as Owner in YB page 2 top middle...my passport name in thai top left page 2.....with yb page 18 completed, annotated and signed by myself....

    i did read the yb link somebody sent.....already had seen that seven months ago ..of limited use & unclear in places......reminded me though of the possible “ exchange” of bb for yb with thai and farang names combined..... forget that ...... ! 

    that really is it mate for me......thanks again for playing......



  2. Labour started the final decline in 1971 by pulling out of all Gulf / Eastern Oil Rich Regions, mostly empty before British Oil Exploration, and creating false “countries” like Kuwait and UAE and Brunei.

    If we have kept hold of those we would have been a massive superpower, ten times richer than USA, combined with our energy amd creativity, no country on earth could ever reduce or threaten us again....but lets throw that all,away to give a few stone age nomads and fat arsed sheikhs “self determination” with untold riches they had no clue how to discover and extract themselves so they can later fund radical,Islam which we could have smashed at birth......

    • Like 1
  3. IK Brunel and his son were.... English.

    His Father was French but settled in England 30 years before IK Brunel born ..... ha !


    the south african “concentration camps” were intended only to separate the boer women from the boer men to avoid demolishing enemy boer villages, a limited act to cut successful boer supply lines.

    probably some mistreatment & lack of food perhaps inevitable but they were not Nazi- style Extermination Camps.


    Indian Famine (like Irish Famine) examined in fine detail but never proven to be Genocide

    (unlike European Jews and Armenians)

    just incompetence & insufficient care I think. you know India was run by like just 200 British Civil Servants right ,like one for every two million Indians......negligent certainly, intentional , no.....


    UK Benefit of course, no Empire was a Charity, but a proven shared benefit to many subjects, over time.....


    • Like 1
  4. right so we, the put-upon English, are again forced, by the illogical prejudiced anti- english hater herd, to deal with the large elephant in the room.......so here goes....


    many uneducated irrational non-english hate england for strong emotional and factual reasons, usually involving jealousy, insecurity, inadequacy, inferiority, history, facts, fear and awe that such a physically small country, often surrounded by capable enemies, sometimes within our own islands,  could be so utterly dominant on the modern world stage between say 1700 to 1950, in terms of empire, language, trade, wealth, industry, military, inventions, science, medicine, sport, literature, mining, democracy and civilization. oh yes & 1st to abolish slavery using lethal force.


    certainly the French Elites can never forgive the English, or themselves, for allowing England to (partly) liberate France during WW2 and for losing to the English in Canada and India.


    and to top it all off, how can the English be so damned reasonable & restrained & sharing & inclusive about it all.....you know, like unifying India with common language/ institutions / railways/ civil service, like the ungrateful useless moaning Devolved ( broke again) UK Regional Parliaments supported / carried by England....incredible isnt it ?


    England in those times never equalled since Rome for reach and power ....... Steam Engines, Railways, Industrialization, Steam Ships, Architecture, Steel Bridges, Aircraft,Submarines, Machine Gun, Tanks, TV, Radio, Computers, Jet Engines, Production Machines, Nuclear Research, Vaccines, Banking / Finance, WWW; with some of these marvels developed in parallel with Germany or USA.

    USA being created by..... yes, England.


    Oh but you will say that this was the UK, including Scotland, Wales, Ireland, not only England.....

    and I will say, possibly, in proportion perhaps to population , they certainly benefited but can you PROVE what they CONTRIBUTED, being broke, apart from valuable proportional services/labour ?


    So there are the outline historical FACTS.....any “perceived” arrogance changes no facts here...

    obvious national & cultural superiority .....by any objective measures.....real positive accomplishments ......a massive force for good.... a shining beacon of progress & enlightenment.......unlike any other colonial power......


    unless you sincerely believe that all cultures and peoples are “equal” in the english achievement, and further deluded that this was, miraculously, a “shared and common”  accomplishment across the world ........clear now .....so feel free to carry on hating the unparalled English success story ......

    and that you too are not English.......even though, like Rome, we are in self-imposed terminal decline due to socialism since 1950......


    oh and spare me your hurt “feelings”.....what can you objectively Prove or Disprove here ? 

    • Haha 1
  5. interesting how extreme USA seems in terms of guns, politics, weather, earthquakes,floods, freakin tornados, minus 40 deg winters.... massive snow falls....but how conservative & unchanging the people are who live in those places which seem completely unsuitable for human habitation. Alaska <deleted> ?


    I grew up in Wimbledon London England. Good state grammar ( high) school.

    2 ins snowfall was extreme weather for us......the constant f***g rain we hardly noticed......

    Had American kids from Diplomat / Business Parents. Most of my class have never moved away from a ten mile radius.....SW London / Surrey is very nice....maybe equal to upstate New York.

    They are all I suppose accidental millionaires from sitting in their house for forty years....

    unlike me giving the uk house to family 20 yearsvago and ending up semi-retired in phuket......

    One class mate was bassist for Pretenders / Simple Minds.

    One guy was the schoolrock band drummer who committed suicide over shame his son was on trialfor murder....just walked in front of the 6am train....

    I became an Oil Gas Purchasing Manager, worked all over the world.

    Mobilized to Iraq from Houston 2004. 75% Americans needed a passport having never left their county much less their state..... incredible. they caught two guys wanted for murder by the FBI...trying to sneak out the country to work in Iraq...... sorry,too long already.....

  6. best to separately evaluate & select Phone & 4G SIM ( AIS ok) / Home WIFI (3BB good)/ Sat TV ( True Expensive but v.Good for Live Sports). 3BB always doing deals so negotiate at shop......local sat v services are 999 channels of c**p. Expat Sat TV Providers can supply Full UK TV ( no names given).

    • Thanks 1
  7. Thai PHA Moderna Delivery and Govt AZ 2nd jab are Three Months Away.....maybe.

    Sinovac appears possibly near useless against predominant Delta strain.....AZ effective though.

    No Visible Acceleration Here ......

    • Like 1
  8. couldnt care less what politicians say about any medical issues

    like asking your barber for investment tips......

    incredible how Macron anti British nonsense stopped almost all of France taking AZ !

    how st****d are these voters ?

    read reliable expert source ( FDA / UK) summary test reports & decide

    so if no western institute data for non- western covid vax dont take them

    similarly do not fly airlines banned by US FAA.... or those that crash regionally .....and so on



  9. what driver profiles and vehicles types are NOT Dangerous here....? worst worldwide road deaths here.

    fatalistic philosophy & proper (defensive) driving training are rarely compatible (eg. here,Egypt, Saudi)

    for me the worst here are the silver “road rat” minibuses and the sidecar contraptions.......


    i despair when I see expats riding illegal sidecars with kids & business equipment.......even dive shops

    any insurance null and void......

  10. TRyan : my last “civilized” post directed at member asking for “definition” of “civilized country”.

    Not directly about the covid situation here although it is clearly connected (disregard 3rd world stats.).

    this is not the UK is it in terms of trusted institutions, crisis experience, vax contracts, graft , efficiency, etc. ? people can decide from analyzing the facts about national governance, into which category any given country falls......

  11. you are all seemingly stuck in the Foreigner Freehold Condo bubble ......with YB in BuyRentSell Pkg.

    and not processing my clear factual english language posts......

    if I dont declare I possess a YB, I will not be passing it on......

    i am Foreigner Leaseholder categorized as “Owner of Property” in thai language in YB

    my property came with a BLUE book which I am legally compelled to pass on to any new buyer

    I got the Yellow Book MYSELF. Its NOT part of the past or future Legal Property Buy/ Sale Pkg. 

    New Buyer can go through the s***t I went through themselves if they want THEIR Owner YB.....

    Now that really is IT guys, thanks for playing......


    • Confused 2
  12. conditionally agree with swiss; conditions being:-

    often impossible or very difficult to get the Pink ID because of the mandatory prestep of getting the Yellow Book ( Foreigner House Reg. Book or Tabian Baan) from your Tessaban ( Municipal).

    govt. increasing the passport -only phuket.win AZ vax reg/ appt process to pink ID for non- phuket...

    given the calibre of expats in pattaya I doubt 1 / 100 has it.....yeah I know, you’re all freakin A listers....

    I used it successfully at the phuket AZ vax centre to negotiate a better service (wont detail here)


    so forgive the swiss here.....like me he sounds very squared away with little time for those less organized and probably like me went through bureaucratic hell to get the YB / ID  

    ( it can be or feel like an elite military selection where they try to outwit you or get you to quit....

    so can go to your head if you “pass”j ...... 

    plus he has guided you well here and you are STILL bitchin & moanin thus proving his very point ......


    you might get YB / ID in one day....... if you believe the bs here....

    or it might take ( my case) 12 wks...... or municipal might just refuse


    get down your tessaban with a thai translator and find out

    or reg/ wait for private hospital vax or go home and get it

  13. Every team cheats. Rules Encourage Cheating. Cheating considered Smart & Professional by all.

    Denmark losing SF & England losing today were the right results.

    England Too Defensive with Wrong 3-4-5 Penalty Takers.

    Italy Allowed to be Too Good / Clever.

    Well Done Both Teams.

    Southgate Tactically Naive ....Again.

    Bluffed It against Germany & Denmark...... not today......

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  14. it very much is MY “Owner” YB.

    aint no Occupant either according to Tessaban & YB.

    Resultant Pink Card I do accept as Govt.Property.....

    BUT Possession being 9/10 ths of the law .......

    Aint nobody else getting my YB, thats locked away in my safe.... permanently

    especially as my delightful tessaban threatened to “delete your ( theres that personal YB reference again) tabien baan data on our computer without bringing them original valid COR (forever)”

    of course with the actual paper book in my hands that aint happening.....that was four months ago.

    so assuming they have carried out their illegal threat, that YB is certainly mine now ......for good

    a deleted YB is no good to anyone right ?

    wrong, its good for me as the created YB / ID alien reg.no. cannot be deleted except by Interior Ministry who issued my Pink ID Card which has no expiry date either ( just like my YB), handy that.....


    so now Ive explained all and got some good other info back.

    done here now

  15. jack; yeah it does.....clearly I am the Owner in this tale right ?

    have you actually read your YB fully?

    “Owner” in thai is in my YB against my thai YB name.

    Owner in my case means Lessee ( Property Lease “Owner”)

    Other YB option is Resident in thai; should be same YB options for FF Condos ?

  16. peter, no contradiction. i clearly said I would not be declaringor handing over my YB to anyone,

    after the hell I went through getting it.......

    i further said “let them get their own”....... 99% will give up at my tough tessaban before even finding out one already issued and then  “lost” no doubt....

  17. interesting peter and all well received.....

    you are talking Foreigner Freehold Condo YB I believe which come originally with Empty YB right ?

    and tessaban used to that set up and cooperative on new tenants.....

    n/ a in my case; off plan pool villa with blue book only.....

    your dead easy YB process is light years from my nightmare 12 wk YB process.....

    so yes, as explained, YB very personal indeed to me........and will never be repeated......that IS MY YB !


  18. interesting peter. Foreigner Freehold Condo gets an empty YB I suppose.... makes sense....

    and you went through the YB process four times in different tessaban ? incredible and ...why ?

    my YB / ID was an intrusive bureacratic hell over 12 weeks....never again........

    my YB already checked by thai person.....its all in thai.......my name and Owner status etc. all there



  19. digbeth; surely clear my YB case involves only me, myself and I.

    YB multiple foreigners would be for those declaring & surrendering YB to new Owners

    or for foreign families, again my post clearly indicates this is not applicable.....

    also posted clearly that I would not be repeating the YB / ID process .....

    do try to keep up.....


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