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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. some valuable “friends” you have then.....

    you will have to use one for the “apply from UK” method to work

    uk.gov website is clear & functional.

    you will need to carefully work through it.

    read & comply the Form & Guidelines....

    did all this recently for friend here.

    passport renewal not simple but fairly easy if you focus hard ! 

    UK Passports high value to fraudsters. process requires concentration....


    once you identify as living here to Passport Help assume you have lost the “apply from UK” option.

    dont do it, they cannot help you at all, will simply refer you to website

    you are not special , there are no short cuts or “other ways”......


    all applicants must ultimately follow fully the uk.gov website process

    surely some Brit here can help as “application partner” ?


  2. Thailand Core Content & Structure appears Unchanged.

    Ignore non- thailand forums or anything of no interest.


    Complaining about archiving 10 year OP, “broadening horizon” & site name change seems petty & silly......... 

    this forum appears operated as a for- profit business, simply being re- focused / expanded for increased advertising revenue, I suppose......

  3. Fascinating and Inpirational , thanks guys.

    Appears I am extremely fortunate in this regard having determined to see this out, in my Phuket Seaview Family Property, since March last year.

    Waiting for next foreign project, hopefully by October......


    1. Spending time with my wonderful thai lady & young growing son.

    2. Diet Changes; plant - based, lost 10% body weight., great energy/ mood.

    3. HIIT Gym ( 1 minute away) & HIIT Swimming (Common 17 mtr Home Pool).

    4. Sleeping & Relaxing Well & Long. Gym = Spin Bike & Core Body Weights.

    5. Daily Mail, BBC, TVF, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Kindle, True Sat., Nat Geo.

    6, News,Opinions, Novels, Articles, Politics, History, Sports, Geography, Sci- Fi.

    7, Tech Stock & Crypto Trading.

    8. Networking for Next Overseas Project.

    9. Coffee Shop/Beach/Gym/Restaurant/ Rest- Family / Swim/ Ipad ; daily.

    10. Online Plant Sales Business ( observer/ my lady’s).

    11. Home Schooling Son (observer/ my lady actually....)

    12. Home Extention / Improvement / Refurnishing ( my lady design & build control)....Completed

    13. Driving Bike Around Island ( Friends/ Beach / Restaurants / Cinema).

    14. Developing & Maintaining Quality Local Expat Relationships.

    15. Avoiding all a***hole Expats(Neighbours, Bars) & Other Trouble.

    16. Reviewing & Improving My Residential / Family Status. (17). Completed

    17. Legal Property Review ( Lease & Intl. Rental) /Yellow & Blue/ National ID/ Wills/Visa/ Insurances / Family Health/ Blue Book/ Vehicle Owner Books All Updated & Filed.

    18. Car & Bike Maintenance & Improvements.

  4. Nothing has really changed in the 17 years I have been here on and off.

    if you wanted western warm democracy,should have gone to Med/Carib. !

    civilian govt was so bad here the army simply had to step in to avoid chaos.

    my thai lady insulates me from most thai bs ( builders, utilities, mechanics, municipal, shopping, schools). Dealing with Imm. & DLT & Insurances here ok.

    we have a son and live in / rent out my lovely property in Phuket

    which wont sell of course.......

    I still work overseas but have not left Phuket since March 2020

    but leave to live where ? Malaysia looks best for me, or Portugal perhaps.....

    but practically, as local house owner & family man, at 65, Phuket remains the best option for living & retirement. nowhere else would be better.....

    better the devil you know... ?

    • Like 2
  5. everybody must assess their local vax circumstances, their own risk / preferences and act.

    flying back home JUST to get vaxed appears irrational to me.....increasing your exposure & death risk hundred fold with long haul air travel........thailand perfect to simply lie low....exercise, healthy diet, relax, sunshine, sleep, isolated, all boosts immune system to increase survival chances.......

    although at 77, virulent Delta surge probably panicked him into (wrong) emotional decision...


    I booked AZ 1st jab , at 1st attempt, immediately phuket.win website opened for non- WP foreigners.

    just waiting now for seemingly imminent govt. AZ 2nd jab.....


    I would NOT be messed around. first attempt success or forget these flawed websites.

    fall back would have been to go to vax centre, without appt, get out my small violin, produce my Pink Card / Yellow Housebook/ Age/ “Condition” (101kg !) and secure vax by pleaded concession.

    btw I’ve seen that work. there was flexibility to allow two such cases each day .......

    all negotiable here of course. used my status to arrange an earlier faster appt for next day.


    actually used above strategy by visit to BPH private hospital to get (Oct) Moderna Option.

    all jab slots gone in first ten minutes from BPH website opening by SMS.so probably too fast for me !

    had not acted on SMS as relying on promised AZ 2nd jab & unsure about mixing vax......

    new info four days later prompted BPH visit......


    general rule: relying totally on 3rd world govts. or embassies for any health needs is pretty naive.........

    great if or when they do (eventually) help,but you’re an adult & they are not your nanny/ mummy.......

    • Like 1
  6. our 7 year old loved moving to his new bedroom 3 years ago and has never once returned to sleep with his educated thai mum. if the man & woman have different schedules, and you have the extra bedroom, makes perfect sense to sleep separately, physical interaction unaffected really. 

     often staying up late & getting up late whereas my lady / son the reverse. would not allow my kid to sleep with his mum after 3-4 years old. his mum agreed & designed in fact the expansion of our downstairs apartment for larger lounge/ larger master bedroom / 2nd bedroom added. our house above was typically on daily let to intl tourists pre- covid. so now typically I will sleep / relax there.

    • Like 1
  7. Clearly most expats do not have much subject “respect”.

    But the Good far outweighs the Bad. That is why we stay.

    Separate the Good & Bad. They cannot be “ reconciled”. Don’t Ever Try.....


    Respect, for me, is my inward private thoughts on something or someone.

    Courtesy is being outwardly polite, also considered “respectful”, when dealing daily with an unrespected but highly enjoyable setting.


    Difficult & Unnecessary for rational, enlightened, fair, educated, democratic westerners to inwardly respect any polar opposite non-western society......

    Easy or Easier to always extend daily Courtesy, when living in such place,with many benefits not found at home, providing such expat lifestyle is maximally separated from prevailing society, governance & life.


    Never Discuss Country Politics in Public or with Strangers / Natives.

    Good Fair Native Builder here ( Rare) should be Respected.


    In short, Respect: Rarely; Courtesy : Always.


  8. I am referencing US FDA final trial figures, and other western research, giving near or actual 100% protection from death or hospital case. for all western vax, for all variants. 


    Better Odds anyway than “ probably” (>51%) or “ quite likely” (%?).......


    I’m really just throwing this post out there as an “absolute” for other data 

    to qualify or moderate this critical simple understanding......if we DO have this 100% Protection ( at astronomically small risk),  this should remove all vax fears and hasten western vax completions, which hastens herd immunity. 


    The irrational vax fear in civilized countries like USA and France is quite shocking.........

    • Like 1
  9. China “wise” ? No. Evil murderous regime holding Chinese people in contempt. Inevitable Fall Soon.

    Oldest Continous Advanced Civilization but many times humilated by more competemt Invaders.

    No  older than advanced Indo-European culture. invented nothing since gunpowder and paper 700 years ago . stagnated last 500 years. moving forward technologically & economically DESPITE CCP shackles , by emulating western Capitalism last fifty years. No idea about Quality.

    Politics , Hierachy, Survival, Fear & Face driving & compelling all.

    zero independent democratic institutions. zero human rights. zero meaningful freedoms.

    using citizens as robotic docile economic / military “cannon fodder” under “ 1984” absolute control.

    militarily useless except human waves & and copied nukes.....cant even properly build & operate aircraft carriers or submarines or anything really, anywhere near western standards.....


    for “wise” Chinese look only to Taiwan which CCP cannot STAND as their democratic economic success insults CCP & exposes CCP LIES / Brutality every day.

    • Sad 1
  10. putin fanboy bots out in force here....

    and no, russians are not taking it in significant numbers at all.

    questionable vax from evil murderous regime with usual fake political data

    dismissed by objective western scientific institutes.......

    ” approved by 60 (<deleted>hole) countries”.... so what ? hardly a proper recommendation is it ? none of them being advanced democracies ......


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