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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. come ON guys....once again a worthy significant subject highjacked by trivial posts about beer buying and sundry bickering. expats know well the 300/ 500 baht min. day rate system here so no point debating that. major wealth distribution problem / solution raised....but not commented..... I despair here...

    lets then perhaps have a most worthless comment competition OP......

  2. finally a subject that really matters. amidst all the covid piffle.

    add then a further 1.5 million during 2021 so far, and counting.......

    wealth distribution here is also officially the worst in the world, which takes some doing, with 1% owning 70% wealth. bangkok land value alone totalling over USD 80 billion is held by a certain institution..... a national disgrace.... those funds alone could permanently eradicate all poverty here and improve infrastucture and institutions no end.......

    • Thanks 1
  3. off topic but one member referenced no open govt. schools.

    surely quite insufficient for moneyed expats to rely on govt schooling which even thais recognize as <deleted> poor.most intl schools better but crazy expensive ( bad value). serious home schooling required at young ageI suggest. we do for my kid.......worthy of a separate OP or transfer to some Schools OP ? apologies Moderators.....

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  4. of course we all enjoy fantasy, strictly as Entertainment though.

    Temporarily suspending or escaping Reality sometimes, being necessary to enjoy such films & books and also perhaps for good mental health.


    big sci fi & fantasy fan, hoping some of the positive stuff might one day become fact, but always returning to separate it from known science and other facts.


    many aspects of “spirituality” , including meditation, “enlightenment” , ghosts and near- death experiences have already been analyzed and proven scientifically as human biological neural functions. if many why not all ?


    all are free to “believe” what they will of course..my 1st post sentence in fact.

    just dont ask rational people to consider or deal in bs too though......


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  5. “happen” ? obviously nothing will happen if no confirmed system appt !

    unless pink card / over 60 / listed condition, when you might have got vaxed by simply turning up to plead your case......

    looks like they ran out of AZ for now

    AZ was the only vax offered to all non- WP farangs under initial phuket.win scheme vax appts. 25-30 June 

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  6. Herd Immunity (Proper Defintion) is Proven Scientific Fact. Beliefs Irrelevant.

    “certain” vax ? say it; USA/ UK developed / made / approved vax only......

    Selecting a tiny group of fit military types , for biased negative false alarmist “analysis”, is not remotely scientific / relevant for any general population.

    Western Vax did (Alpha)or will soon (Delta) prevent virtually all Deaths & Hospital Cases. Period.

    Asymptomatic Immortality Unavailable as yet.

    Human Collective Insanity will be an ever -present “virus” unfortunately.


  7. been very well served (by thailand stds....) with vax in Phuket.

    my position : 65 perfect health ( medically certified) ... OA Visa ....will not be messed around or stress. western vax only. one failed reg. attempt and thats it for me on that website, otherwise you enter unlimited circular bs.

    my record: Intervac - my single attempt failed so Im done.people saying site constantly down, etc......Work Permit Expats done easily with Sinovac under earlier separate (complex) reg. procedure......

    phuket.win - single reg. attempt worked, vaxed 1st jab with AZ three days later, however, SMS QR Appt Confirmation vanished from phone next day but still went & got jabbed as vax centre allowed two special cases each day. pink card / over 60/ over 100kg situation enabled & overode the “ missing” appt QR.....

    waiting now for an eight week 2nd jab sms......

    there are no “walk in” govt hospital vax reg. or jabs here

    YB / ID Irrelevant for initial reg/appt.....but required outside Phuket I read here.....useful however to negotiate better service once at vax centre......

    so should not need the PHA Moderna 3 mths away min.) or Donated Pfizer

    4-5 mths away min.)


  8. cant think of any reason to come to somewhere like phuket and then stay somewhere like phuket town.....which btw is as dead as disco......along with the entire island.....better to stay (five star) in Karon for the fantastic deserted beach...... hire car for travel to phuket old town (great coffee shops, museum, architecture) and phuket town Central Mall ( restaurants, cinema, discount shopping)....

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  9. yes I had missed that....

    uk gov statement “ if unable ....” should read “if unable or unwilling.....”

    ”unable” requires no proof, like a doctor letter, so is pure bs, voiding the entire “anti fraud” bogus reason for VFS “local service”......

    unable people would be sick or injured, maybe 1% applicants,

    the unwilling however ( inc. any fraudsters) ......99%.....


    • Like 1
  10. in phuket there was zero interest in my Yellow Book at the vax centre.

    why a uniform govt. foreigner vax reg. process should be adding YB elsewhere is irrational or obstructive but not unexpected......

    only passport detail required for non- work permit registration on phuket.win

    pink card / 60+ WAS useful to negotiate a better service at the vax centre.

    I asked for and got : an early next day 8am appt. to avoid TVF posted four hour completion (took 1.5 hours) & free hospital cert.(no next day hospital collection).


    re. YB,you took the (prolonged) embassy appt when postal service available.

    if embassy trust EMS with passports thats good enough for me.

    travelling from phuket to plague city after waiting three months for an appt. would have been a dealbreaker.

    yes, the pure YB bureacracy is tolerable with patience. 

    your document list if complete was in fact very short compared to mine at my notorious tessaban here.....add in my case thai witnesses, police fingerprinting, criminal record check, Imm COR......

    you also perpetuate the “its always easy” myth....for you and others maybe...

    you omit the potential municipal supplemental hell process.......

    i had to steel myself to tolerate intrusive rude personal & utterly irrelevant municipal questions about my UK Family/ Divorce from the vindictive jealous old harridan in charge ....


    My lady mentioned my UK Family in thai before I could stop her.

    Would have said None/ All Dead / Next Question .... knowing what would follow..... she was then grilled on “why arent you married to him” again in thai so I didnt know what was going on as my lady stayed visibly calm or I would have walked at once and formally complained to the mayor.


    With hindsight I would not have started the YB / ID card process as there was and is zero significant material benefit ( vax reg. apart).

    just the considerable psych. benefit of feeling more invested/settled here....


  11. then i stand corrected. a complete unrelated stranger can submit & collect a uk passport. makes a mockery of having a mandatory “local service agent” (VFS) for passport renewals from thailand for the official “anti- fraud” reason. Makes no sense not have direct postal / online applications from here .......VFS adding zero value/delay/ inconvenience..except checking app? 


    • Like 1
  12. yet more irrelevant personal stories and hearsay.......

    so dont check facts at source then....

    carry being mentally deficient, reading bs here & wasting time.....

    and you’ll never get a govt. vax........never mind PHA Moderna coming soon....


    I too have a Pink Card and “found it useful” in negotiating a better govt. vax service when I turned up for my digital appt....played the card for over 60/ over 100kg/ pink ID.BUT its Not Necessary. A successful govt. website passport vax reg/ appt. IS Necessary.


    Cue more stories about going to govt. hospitals instead of websites to register or get a walk in vax done ...and expecting govt. hospitals to register expats for govt.vax without a Govt. Pink Card.....seriously ? 


    Then more bs here implying it is quick & easy to get a Yellow Book.

    And only “lazy” expats dont have one......

    My YB took 12 wks of nasty bureacratic hell..many districts refuse to issue YB.

    But I read here that its “routine” and “no problem” for some, like a visa extn or DL, if true you are fortunate indeed to live within such a cooperative area, having perhaps high expat condo turnover in large cities/ tourist towns.



  13. Exactly, carefully follow UK Gov Passport Application Process, before VFS.

    This includes Declaring all valid passports (but not providing copy).

    VFS Visit completes the process where they validate & forward application.

    Did all that helping a friend here recently.


    Should not use Agent...... contrary to UK GOV rules.

    Incredible that VFS allow that.


    Thai Passport is a one hour walk in process with old passport and ID.

    My Lady recently completed this for herself.

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