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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. snp pushed the “generational” indyref vote 

    ”generation” common definition is 25 years so circa 2040 ?

    Gove pushing for Scottish Tory Votes with his “ settled will” 3rd ref bs.....

    shetlands & orkneys want Crown Dependency status not snp socialism

    now been two scotty indyrefs in my lifetime. enough. I’m half Scots btw....

    revoke the stupid Devolved UK Parliaments by Bliar.

    govern UK from Westminster again.

    anybody now seeking to break up my country like the power-mad regional governor Sturgeon and her 1.3 million snp votes ( from possible 4. 3 mill ?) should be facing potential Treason Charges & UK Aid Cuts ..........raise your own taxes if you vote snp & independence.........

    and resurrect your own dead language if you hate the English so much....


    rookiescotnat: your funny “question” already answered in my post .......

    you know, the “ people prefer to rule themselves” bit ?

  2. VPN = 100% Anonymity. Use always in Unfree countries.

    Ideaology Irrelevant. Power is the End not the Means for all Dictators.

    After Snowdens insights, VPN should be an Internet Personal Standard.

    ...... everywhere......

    Yes, VPN can be (temporarily) blocked by those named efficient dictatorships, but no other tyrants bothers much.... too expensive.....

    nobody ever seized power by Internet....they care ONLY to Keep Power.

    although Internet does well expose govt. propaganda nonsense.


    When working in China six years ago, Govt. typically managed to block my VPN every three days for one day before my VPN re- routed / re- started at source.

    Zero Western Internet there without VPN. Nightmare Orwellian country.

    No doubt the 40,00 CCP Cyber Operators are constantly battling the ever improving western VPNs.....


    Freedom of Speech / Press etc should really be Decriminalized & Absolute, except perhaps for REALLY Extreme Horrific Physically Violent Stuff like Child Abuse, Genocide, Mutilations, Serious Crime Orgs.


    “ Hate Crimes” is just a Silly & Inadequate phrase for such an important human right.....leads to pathetic “ offended victim” syndrome and Police “ thought crime” Cautions when no actual crime committed / charged. 


    But you cant fix stupid.....if emotional people do not adopt rational data sourcing, accept who speaks  first - loudest- often and choose to believe illogical nonsense or obvious total liars like CCP RF NK Iran CNN plus USA / EU Dimocrats, then they cannot be changed......

    .(explain 80 mill Biden Voters ?.) .....

    every word from those sources can be assumed a LIE .........

    unless properly corroborated from reliable western real expert sources ....











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  3. CDC should be completely reliable & scientific like FDA but alas have been somewhat exposed by backtracking statements under political pressure. When you read their linked mask study they say very little about efficacy of basic cloth masks , just that specialist masks are effective to varying degrees, well, yes, they are but my subject was the 7/11 type masks being shown by detailed full studies( not done by CDC)  to have no benefit over no mask.

  4. simplification of facts required, without the prevalent “stories” & other emotional bs, like “fit & healthy” ( er, no) people dying & tearjerker tales.


    fully western vaxed, with or without critical conditions= “gold standard”; 

    = completely safe from dying & hospital, from all covid 

    = 3/4 safe from infections/ symptoms, from all covid


    failure to provide their own population, in their own country, the above protection std.= govt. fault,mitigated only by production / supply limits.


    non-western vax has limited reliable scientific data but appears very effective, except for Delta. 

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  5. with a fresh plant - based fish diet nobody should “need” any vitamin supplements.if however you eat mainly processed western food you would need the full range of vitamin & mineral supplements as I did following special medical test here uears back showing such deficits across the board from blasted western diet lacking proper nutrition.

    but so easy to avoid such food here......and maintain proper gym / swim fitness....

  6. thank goodness I have never rented here.....just include deposit in total cost......consider it gone....unless you rent only in quality complex managed by developer with standard corporate rental contract =fair.


    would never entertain long term individual (quirky/ grasping) landlords, 


    btw its a Buyers Market = No Deposit & Rock Bottom Rates or Walk Away..... OP shows poor judgement / soft touch I’m afraid......particularly as Property Contents here clearly have Zero Value.......so yes clearly it is a Dump.......so why ..... ?




  7. if you are fully western vaxed it’s (almost) impossible to die from it, even with underlying conditions.never read about any such case,even w/Delta.

    has anyone ? sad story here but if true she was not fully western vaxed. many UK msm stories about “fit & healthy” young adults dying in UK but from the photos/ details they are all clearly obese. asthmatic, steroid- juiced, smokers, cancerous, etc......

    • Haha 1
  8. Declaration of all valid passports is required in one dedicated passport application form section. Producing originals or copies of passports not being replaced : NOT REQUESTED on UK Gov. form. Somply complete Form......


    Simply point out this form section to VfS.

    VFS are not to be adding to UK Gov. process.

    so VFS have no right asking..... typical thai bureacrat mindset of asking for extra unnnecessary docs.....which potentially lead to more invalid requests...... ask for Supervisor and threaten to report them to UK Gov if they insist.......

    • Confused 2
  9. articfox: I imply nothing, stating facts.....you said “stupid” not I ......

    thais “ well-informed” & “rational”......? seriously......

    mostly leaving school at 14 ..educated barely to western primary level.

    been here how long.....get out much......?

    you make the strongest covid anti- vax case (still very weak) with details unknown to the general population, stressing the infinitisimal unknown risk of taking a not “fully approved” vax.

    selectively factual ; borderline anti- vax bs......


    vax trial / use time ? irrelevant.you are not I suppose an epidemiologist ?

    comparing covid vax with other vax developed under 1960s technology & techniques & non- AI computing power  ? also irrelevant.

    vax “type” ? irrelevant. works or not ? 

    Does it offer proven western trial near total death / hospital protection against Delta ? Yes or No....... AZ = Yes 100%; US Vax = Yes 96% 

    And FDA ”authorized”  is still, well....... “FDA authorized”.


    FDA Phase 3 AZ trials dragging on nearly a year now with so far 100% protection against death & hospitalization outcome.

    Suppose US-made vax trials having similar result..

    Chances of trials finish finding something significantly bad now ? Zero.

    Need to wait upon FDA “rubber stamp” for non- US vax as “ final” ?: Zero

    Like arguing over age of Earth as 4.77 or 4.78 billion years.......

    Death Risk by Not Taking Western Vax Now: 10-20 times ?



  10. Just the facts please, without the emotional bs prevalent here.


    Reuters today reports 18.15 million jabs completed in Thailand.

    Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed). At current rate of 250k daily jabs, 30 Sept will see 23% double jabbed thai population. Sinovac must be 99% of that but thats another issue. Sinovac certainly effective & lots better than nothing......


    Pfizer & further AZ will be jabbed extensively by 30 Sept, starting with elderly, sick, health workers I suppose. Yes, govt. vax scheme has been very slow, poorly supplied, corrupt & incompetent ( by western standards) but is clearly substantially improving in face of Delta Threat & Higher Deaths.


    Govt. also not responsible for millions of superstitious emotional frightened Thais who have not or will not vax (vax supply situation aside).

    Fact they get their newborn kids vaccinated for all sorts seems not to matter.......


    My terrified ladys Mother >60 had to dragged to Bang Sue by her other daughter even for AZ which is generally trusted by thais. Daughter got free- jabbed with AZ too as elderly family “escort” !


    Also many irrational, anti - vax expats here & there, who should know better,refusingto get any jab & disbelieving of even reputable western scientific data sources.........like US FDA & UK & EU State Medical Agencies.


  11. Phuket Immigration has a Drive Thru window for 90 Day Reporting ( and two other routine things, new TM 30 perhaps ?)which is a reliable ten second process every time (I am told).
    Little Used but always Open from my observations going to that Imm. office. Requires your Visa / Extn issued from there I suppose.


    Yes you must “ go there”, in your or friend/ family vehicle if you are not mobile or sick, but no waiting much and no covid risk or inconvenience from waiting in crowded offices.


    If you prefer not to go to Imm. and Online not working, or your stamp not from local Imm., Agent will do it for you for 500 baht.

  12. they had to try Sandbox when they did & they did, poorly, but attempted it....

    these above figures are the factual outcome so far on the program basis...

    it was of course always going have a very modest result.......

    lessons undoubtedly learned for better Oct high season program

    pessimists talking “ failure” are completely missing the point of Sandbox......



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