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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. “friendly” and “plans” got nothing to do with it.

    ” a civil question”, er, no, wind up or incredibly naive or poor language.


    EMIGRATE means acquiring permanentl residence, work permission and nationality of the country you are relocating to....requires massive long preparation in your existing country .....but they are coming in next ten days......even an SPV or Visa Exemption case couldnt be completed in that time frame......plus dragging his dear old mum out here in all this.....

    frickin’ hilarious.......

    • Like 1
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  2. “ .......no protection at all” , er , no.

    last one million years of primate evolution have produced very strong natural human virus immunity UNLESS you have compromised that by being UNFIT; Obese,Diabetic, Cancerous,Smoker, Drug Addict, Bulemic,Respiratory;  nearly all Self Inflicted (or Very Old).


    Even then pre vax death rates were what 0.03% population mostly over 80’s walking dead ‘uns. With “ no protection” we would all be Dead right ?

    • Confused 1
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  3. “emigrating” to phuket.......meaning permanent residence..... or thai passport....

    with aged OAP mother.....DURING  A SURGING PANDEMIC !....unbelievable.....


    you ARE having a laugh, right? Lee Evans travel joke sketch perhaps......

    Or Forrest Gump strikes again “ are you stupid son or just plain crazy ?”


    certainly the funniest OP I’ve ever seen here..

    had me going there though ....with all the Darby & Joan Animal Club stuff....

    cue endless Mutley -type chesty laughter .......tears to my eyes...cheered me up no end, made my day, etc..... ......

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 2
  4. Never tell anyone in uk, except trusted close family, or uk embassy unless strictly necessary, about your overseas location, property, family, business or mobile phone number......do not vote by proxy in uk elections.


    operate all uk business as if you are living in uk, including all govt / bank document renewals, using uk mailing address, uk bank accounts & online transactions.


    vfs “local service” nonsense ( agents allowed .....to counter passport fraud... riiiight....I mean seriously ?), and retirement visa process, is used to reveal large numbers of uk citizens with overseas financial interests in particular countries. possibly for future pension cuts / freezes ( Australia already doing this) or tax demands or calls for govt. service.......


    no such concealment possible though if thai govt. decides to reveal your presence here to uk govt. using thai residence reg. records......



  5. “lockdown”: too late, Delta clearly everywhere worldwide now....

    isolate vulnerable only..

    cannot be “contained”or “suppressed”  only reduced to winter flu status by western vax & natural/ herd immunity.


    cities are hell in any lockdown,congested polluted plague pits / death traps in pandemic.......delightful.....Bangkok / Pattaya / Chiang Mai / Korat expat fanboys won’t move though.......  upcountry farmer types much safer....


  6. pointless comparing UK and Thailand.....for anything.....utterly different.

    ”defamation” charge by thai govt against BBC then...”your true report has harmed us”.

    ” nobody will come here now”.... er, thats been in place since April last year 

    bbc report about dramatic increase in deaths and restrictions here.


    total covid deaths over last 16 months have still only reached 2 normal months of moped road deaths, largely reduceable but nothing ever done.....


    60% Delta Death figure rapidly increasing towards 90% by Oct. before any effective western vax largely available.....

    regretable that Alpha still killing many hundreds of unvaxed thais due to Sinovac unavailable or denied .......


    Thais over 60 ARE being vaxed with AZ

    e.g. my lady’s mother at Main Bkk Bus Stn vax centre...no bkk city entry...... 


  7. interesting ; be careful you dont get reported to Immigration for “ working”.... this lifestyle appears a “throwback” to european farming communities some two hundred years ago, minimal mechanization, simple living, etc......

    appealing to many I imagine.... but not for those who come here to relax , laze about and “subcontract” difficult stuff (nearly everything in my case) !

  8. “developing” countries playing with submarines ......at sea

    THE most complex Military Equipment Ever......

    what could possibly go wrong ?.....

    well, zero military use (thailand has zero enemies) / sunken sub (unrecoverable) / 40 dead sailors / lost half billion usd ....

    oh THAT could go wrong, yes...

    but tea money velly good !

    and never mind our poor people on 2k baht mth.

    no need either to sell 80 billion baht bangkok land held by certain institution.

  9. yes tbl; considered Disease but ruled it out as an Extinction Level Event due to Medical Tech advancing so fast....not a fan of Zombie Apocalyse option... except as Entertainment !


    However you have prompted me to add Ocean Plastic / Chemical Polution..

    as an ELE Driver....if the oceans die....we die.....soylent green movie......

    • Like 1
  10. AI already here & will finish us soon...or jihadi suitcase nuke triggering WW3

    Every attempt to forecast 100 years ahead has been massivly wrong

    HG Wells closest when forecasting very precisely WW 2 start  & air wars

    Human Collective Insanity combined with Genius Inventions ; Fatal Combo.

    War, Religion, WMD, Irrationalty, AI, Globalism, Over Population, Climate Change, Water & Food Shortages, Power Madness, Massive Corruption, 

    Huge Wealth Disparities.How much longer can we last; <100 years for sure.



    • Like 2
  11. Newbie status I submit is gone after one or two solid years resident here.

    IF properly or fully invested here.


    Living like a hermit upcountry in a shack probably means you will always effectively be a newbie, with very narrow life experiences. 

    But someone who throws themself fully into a new life here from the start; 

    Property / Business/ Family/Schooling / Sports / Charity / Travel, etc.,will certainly be an Expert within a year or two.


    intelligence, actual & emotional, plays a large part in Knowledge / Culture Acquisition. Smart entrepreneur types after one year have learned exponentially fast & well. 


    Others after ten years appear to learned barely the minimum, like favourite bar or closest Seven or best route between cheap room and beach.Guys with outdated paper DL, driving illegal uninsured sidecars, with terrible health.


    Individual Quality matters, not Time Elapsed.......

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