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  1. Thong Lor pet hospital on the middle ring road east of Ruam Choke.
  2. Go back to your country to build up a retirement fund but you are over 50. What makes you think you can find employment at that age. And what is your nationality? How old is she? How is her health? That makes a difference in the suggestions you would get. I bet you are significantly older than she is so the likelihood she predeceases you is slim. If the only reason to marry is for YOU to have an inheritance, it doesn't sound the right reason. If you die first, what would she have to live on? Do you care? Too much info is missing.
  3. I would suggest making sure you talked to a knowledgeable banker at your US bank. I would think Thai baht transferred to the US under normal international transfer protocols would be exchanged into dollars at the international exchange rate. If you called a customer service number and just talked to who ever answered, I doubt you got the answer a banker who deals with international transfers on a daily basis would give you.
  4. Go to a bank and ask about a prepaid visa card. Open an account with 100,000 baht and get a card with 100,000 baht limit. Each time you use it, the level drops. Keep track of it on line. And transfer money when it gets to whatever level at which you start feeling uncomfortable. Want to buy airplane tickets for 300,000 baht, just pre-top up with 300,000 baht. Then use the card, buy the tickets, and you back to your 100,000 limit again.
  5. Are you saying Modest Drinker has an income of only 60,000 baht a month? My immediate reaction is that 60,000 baht a month will not let him live comfortable unless he is comfortable in a studio apartment, eats and drinks at home, and has no underlying medical condition. Toss in transportation, utilities, cell phone/internet........ Comfortable life Thai style but not western Of course with that small of an income, he will have to have the 800K in the bank for his visa.
  6. Can't answer or offer an opinion (or even guess) since the phrase is out of context.
  7. You post is titled: "3 location date backed by science" which is confusing. Something specific happened at a specific spot on these 3 specific dates and science proved it? I had to open the post to see what happened when. I was disappointed to see a video by some completely unknown man on what appears to be an unrelated subject. I did not open your post while feeing any need to change my way of thinking or rewire my brain, so I ignored the video, specially after reading the replies.. I expect there are many people like me who didn't watch the video but might have if you had led off with a good introduction that suggested why and how we would benefit from watching.
  8. Well, they provide such service to me when a registered package goes missing but shows delivered on the log. Maybe it is our personalities and our approach to post office workers that makes the difference?"
  10. Terriyaki Try going to the post office with someone that speaks Thai and ask the mailman that supposedly delivered your package to go with you in a car and show the two of you exactly where he delivered it.
  11. I am perplexed on why you don't just renew both passports.
  12. works in Chiangmai also
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