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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Tell that to the parents because that is how they describe her.
  2. It is but with more complex relationships- its really very good. I recommend it highly
  3. Now that really is genuine cheating- nothing like that happens in Thailand. 20 thousand baht!!! People on this forum complain about 20 baht
  4. Of coursw we need to know about feelings but emotions show and don't need talking about. Talking about feelings is idiocy and narcissism or manipulation. Look at the current generation of a lister hypocrites talking about feelings- just as a form of self promotion. I would go so far as to say talking about feelings herald the death of a relationship. Talking about feelings is quite different from having feelings and emotions. Women sulk to gets stuff- infantile regression- men rage to get stuff it infantile regression. What's to talk about?
  5. Soft men, often young believe emotional incontinence is strength but its not. Most Thai women are stronger than most western men. A real man wouldn't talk about needing his wife to talk about her feelings- he would be relieved she was quiet about them
  6. Nothing wrong with being an Alpha male...better than a whinger
  7. I hate Virginia- get a cheap sim here Or visit their website and get no help from there
  8. I was there in 90....it was getting busy then. Now its just too over developed. Mass tourist ribbon development Nice wierd music in the video
  9. 'A woman for babies, a boy for sex but for true love - a ****. Old bedoun saying
  10. How do you know? When was the last time a Thai racer lost a finger on this piece of road And if it were true it would not be newsworthy? Do you believe Arabs should not be reported? Anyone who has lived in Kuwait or Saudi knows they are the most dangerous places in the road to drive. But they are policed in the middle east. Giving them alcohol and a powerful bike is like giving a child a loaded gun.
  11. Stand up to them! Shout! Bang your fist on a table! Bargain hard- WHATEVER PRICE THEY OFFER JUST get really angry - learn to swear in Thai! That helps. You won't get ripped off- you won't get a condo but you won't get ripped off!
  12. Yes there are a group of Thai bashers on this forum who see negativity everywhere in Thailand. The best thing to do is challenge them politely and report them. The constant libel and slander is tiresome and new members think its normal. I get challenged because I don't hate thais!
  13. But it must only your bank atm not any cards free atm
  14. The plot gets thicker as the involvement of the feared Salford Mob, who used to run the Hacienda club may have ripped off an elite Liverpool mob for 30K Charlie. Even the Albanian Mafia leave the scouse mafia alone - the most savage gangs operating in europe don't come from the Balkans they come from the North of England. This terrible story has a long way to run and the deaths and repercussions could go for decades.
  15. THOUS SHALL NOT GRASS- THE FIRST COMMANMENT IN LIVERPOOL BUT it looks like the scouse cops have cracked the code of the people of Liverpool in the shocking baby murder case https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/25/olivia-pratt-korbel-liverpool-girl-merseyside-police-joseph-nee-associate
  16. My thought entirely
  17. I am a night owl. I haven't been to sleep before the early hours for decades I usually leave my house about 10 30 pm . I'm 68. Chang Mai is full of the worst dull farang and tourist. Even at a wine fair stall the police would not let use drink.its the worst overated city in Thailand- 100% tourist zone and sad Thai opresses by police and army. Hanoi is more fun but even more woke backpackers
  18. The people of Britain did not know it was legal to pump raw sewage into the seas and lakes. Is it legal in Europe? Is it legal in Thailand. Is it legal in America? This is not a troll topic unless the BBC, The Guardian The Mail and other institutions are Trolls.
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/25/uk-sewage-in-channel-waters-unacc This is not a troll topic
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