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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. I hope they come as independent travellers not massive tour groups
  2. Spontaneous Manchester Murder in Altrincham Cheshire. The fearsome face of English suburbs Tyson Fury Champion Boxer cousin stabbed in Manchester https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/tyson-fury-calls-action-knife-crime-after-cousin-stabbed-death-2022-08-21/
  3. Dreadful violence- nonstop- random knifing, acid attacks, rape, shooting. This is England and why I live in Thailand
  4. Kids Shot dead in Liverpool- yet more murder in UK More gun violence and murder of innocent England simply not safe anymore? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11137225/Innocent-victims-Liverpools-gun-wars-Rhys-Jones-Ashley-Dale.html
  5. Shisha Killer car crash 120mph https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11137767/Driver-crashed-Park-Royal-tracks-jewellery-shop-manager-leg-amputated.html
  6. This is nothing compared to car carnage yesterday in the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11137767/Driver-crashed-Park-Royal-tracks-jewellery-shop-manager-leg-amputated.html
  7. 'Put them down'...Do you mean destroy them? That sounds like a nazi idea to me. The AFD are a popular party who get lots of votes. They opposed Merkel and her One Million Syrian immigrant policy. They came to attention and got support after the rape and assaults on new years Eve.. When the liberal elite undermine working people and destroy their culture Trump, Brexit, Afd will thrive in a democracy. The liberal elite will see democracy die and their opponents 'put down' rather than yield power.
  8. More brilliant Anti woke comedy
  9. Forget Phuket- Stay in Bangkok- or lock yourself in 5 star hotel room in Bangkok. But. I've never heard of somebody trying to avoid 'hustle and bustle' in a city! Bangkok is a brilliant city, full of interesting sights.. You could try a posh hotel on the river front
  10. "never seen a Thai driver who cares about other road users either!!" That comment is an exaggeration- Just your own anti racism..Or you have seen very few Thai drivers! The majority are polite and care about themselves, their families, passengers and other people. AND when you are a passenger? With whom do you drive? Do you let them drive dangerously My drivers are very good, very safe and polite.
  11. Isn't this the technology VOIP technology being recommended on another thread recently to help with SMS messages from banks
  12. Most phones block numbers not in your address book
  13. My mor prom app didn't get updated but my yellow book did
  14. So you got it cheaper before?
  15. Just a driving 'raj'. She's probably a sweeties most of the time
  16. Very unlikely- the real story was probably omitted I bet
  17. It's rude, inappropriate personal behaviour using racist stereo types
  18. I wasn't referring to a rapist misogynistic, patriarch but the failed feminist HRC.
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