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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Assuming it's Cybercrime not basic over the shoulder humint or a combination of both Perhaps scrap browser bases password storage and use a password manager like free pass OR Write your PW down by hand on paper annotated and abbrevated store draw...
  2. So I've heard but don't really understand....but it sounds cool
  3. Hhmnn...I didn't know the last bit.
  4. I've just used their SMS chat line via the app. As a precaution l leave my money in a deposit ac account separate from the current account/ card number same with NW At least Santander are on to your problem Thanks for warning
  5. Hhhmm. I'm not sure about that last statement.
  6. Thanks. I have a 16 digit number but I also have a 5 digit number too to access my app instead of finger print. I am trying to ascertain which number created the issue for you? 16 or 5. The latter would be incredibly easy to duplicate- the former must be unique as it's a card number. I stopped using Santander/ Abbey when they drive me to distraction so I opened anoint with Nationwide and kept my Santander account open with just one pound on deposit for years but now I have forgiven them and they are better
  7. The Muslims have the same taboo against tattoos Haram!
  8. Are talking about a 5 digit number or 16 digit number. I am with santander but only as my secondary bank . Also was it UK or Thai number they contacted you on?
  9. Perhaps the mods could advise if this in the appropriate forum.
  10. The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism https://bostonreview.net/articles/how-capitalism-not-a-few-bad-actors-destroyed-the-internet/
  11. Not many businesses rely on a drum kit. But joking apart, anybody with an ounce of drumming 'talent' could make do with a few oil drums and hollow containers. I have travelled all over Issan and like you, I know that drums are an intrinsic part of Thai culture- Good to know he's in contact with his roots.
  12. But they are just at the beginning of their 'salary life'. Because of the professional qualifications they have gained that 60k will probably double or even quadruple- 125 - 250.
  13. If I was I would say. No, I'm not envious and I'm not a car person. There's just something unsettling about the creation of entitlement, especially in such a poor country and giving a brand new car to child who has done nothing to earn it. I bought my first motor, Morris Minor ex GPO van for 30 quid and half an ounce of 'gold leb'. It's very nice to give the kid a car but perhaps second hand might be more appropriate.
  14. Actually Biden’s plan is really grotesque: manual workers are paying off the loans of wealthy doctors and lawyers. This is anti working class legislation.
  15. This is a blatant handout or bribe to the already wealthy middle class academic establishment. It’s a gift to Biden’s political base at a cost to the American taxpayers of 300 billion dollars.
  16. It's not an 'origin story'. It's recorded history. The 'cat' established the discipline necessary for running a smooth ship.
  17. I've never heard of buying a new car for a 19 year old boy. 19 years of being chauffeured- then bought a new car! Is it stating the obvious that he already sounds spoilt?
  18. Well by definition a testing laboratory will have testing equipment so basically any lab can test water.
  19. Is it secret?
  20. I don't buy into the myth of German efficiency as an international standard.
  21. Actually I was thinking about this issue given the news from Mexico about the kidnapping, torture and execution of student activists.
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